Chapter 88 Unaccustomed

With Huang Xing's forgiveness, Xie Donglai let go of his hanging heart. He said gratefully, "Young Master Lu is magnanimous, and Xie Donglai will keep it in his heart. I have offended you a lot before, so I will punish myself three cups first."

After finishing speaking, Xie Donglai raised his glass and drank it down in one gulp, and then drank two more.

After Xie Donglai finished drinking, Huang Xing also toasted to Ling Tianqi's group of friends and said with a smile, "It's a pleasure meeting you all."

Then he smiled and blamed Ling Tianqi, "Young Master Ling didn't help introduce these friends."

Ling Tianqi felt very honored that Huang Xing gave him such face.

He happily introduced the friends in his small circle to Huang Xing one by one.

His circle is basically the younger generation of families in Huaibei and Dongchuan.

After seeing Huang Xing's invincible strength, everyone was in awe of him, and greeted him cautiously.

Huang Xing didn't put on a condescending appearance, but chatted and laughed with them very amiably.

But everyone was still nervous and apprehensive, carefully flattering him with a smile.

This made Huang Xing feel uncomfortable.

"It's extremely cold at high places."

Huang Chen thought with a sigh in his heart.

He walked so fast that he left everyone behind.

These people were ashamed of themselves in front of him, and even Ling Tianqi was not as good as he was in KTV that night in front of him, and seemed a little unfamiliar.

Perhaps only by being friends with a peerless evildoer like Xiao Qingchen, can we get along with him on an equal footing.

Lu Xiaoke dragged Xu Shasha around to taste the buffet delicacies. Others knew that this was Huang Xing's sister and friend, and they all showed great kindness and compliments to them.

Lu Xiaoke really experienced the treatment of a little princess.

Xu Shasha was once again shocked by Huang Xing's power.

Lu Xiaoke's beauty and identity quickly attracted the attention of many single men.

They thought they were handsome and handsome, and deliberately approached Lu Xiaoke to strike up a conversation, and each of them acted gracefully, hoping to win her favor.

But obviously, their allure is not as great as those delicacies, Lu Xiaoke dealt with it casually, and then put his mind on the delicacies.

Seeing that Lu Xiaoke had no intention of talking to them, those sons didn't dare to stalk her to make her unhappy, so they could only happily give up first, and were ready to find another chance.

Halfway through the birthday party, younger generations from other ancient martial arts families began to come in groups to toast Huang Xing and Ji Ran, flattering and expressing their respect.

Huang Xing calmly dealt with them one by one.

After drinking for three rounds, Huang Xing bid farewell to everyone, and left the birthday party with the three girls.

Because he felt a little boring.

After sending the three girls home, Huang Xing was inexplicably agitated, so he drove the Maserati out alone to relax.

The master was lonely, he suddenly felt a little lonely.

Huang Xing took out his mobile phone and called Xiao Qingchen, wanting to ask her out for a chat.

It's not that he has any thoughts of a man and a woman towards Xiao Qingchen, but because he is also a martial arts master, he feels that only she can understand his loneliness at this time.

Xiao Qingchen also has a mobile phone. For her, this is only a tool to communicate with the teacher, and she doesn't usually use the mobile phone.

She didn't attend Qin Guanlan's birthday party at night because she didn't like that kind of lively occasion.

When Huang Xing called her, Xiao Qingchen was taking a bath.

She took a medicated bath, and a peerless evildoer of the ancient martial arts sect like her had taken a medicated bath to improve her physique since she was a child.

The medicinal materials in this bucket of medicine bath are worth at least tens of thousands of yuan, and they need to be soaked for an hour every day.

This is still the most basic item, and one can imagine how much resources Jianzong spent cultivating such a peerless evildoer like her.

When Xiao Qingchen heard the ringing of the phone, she frowned slightly. Only a few elders in the sect knew her phone number, and she would only call Elder Gu first if she had anything to do.

With a little tiptoe, she flew out of the water, grabbed the bath towel hanging at the side with her bare hands and wrapped it around her body.

She took the phone on the table, and it showed that it was Huang Xing's call.

Only then did I remember that I had exchanged phone calls with Huang Xing today, so that I could continue to discuss with him after I recovered from my injury.

The gunshot wound left on her shoulder blade has healed, and tender flesh has begun to grow, like a delicate flower bone.

This is the powerful physique she cultivated in medicinal baths all the year round, coupled with Jianzong's unique golden sore medicine, it only takes half a day for the wound to heal, and in a few days even the scar will disappear without leaving any traces.

"It's so late, why did Brother Lu call me?"

Xiao Qingchen answered the phone suspiciously.

Huang Xing: Miss Xiao, if I bother you, do you have time to come out and talk?
Xiao Qingchen: Brother Lu, why are you looking for Qingchen?

Huang Chen: Huang Chen has doubts in his heart, and wants to ask Miss Xiao to answer one or two questions.

Xiao Qingchen: Alright, where will I meet Brother Lu?

Huang Chen: Does Miss Xiao live in Qin's Villa?
Xiao Qingchen: Yes.

Huang Chen: Then I'll go directly to pick up Miss Xiao.

Xiao Qingchen: Qingchen is waiting for Brother Lu at the gate of the villa.

Huang Xing hung up the phone, and then drove the Maserati towards Qin's Villa at high speed.

When arriving at Qin's house, Xiao Qingchen was already waiting at the door, and Lu Chen said apologetically, "I kept Miss Xiao waiting for a long time, please get in the car."

Xiao Qingchen sat in the passenger seat of the Maserati and asked, "I don't know what doubts Brother Lu has?"

Huang Xing started his Maserati, and said with a smile, "Miss Xiao, since we are all born in the secular world, we shouldn't be as polite as in the world of martial arts, just chat casually, I call you Miss Xiao, you call me Either Huang Xing or Young Master Lu is fine."

Xiao Qingchen had no objection and nodded.

Huang Chen raised his eyebrows and said, "Actually, I have already figured out the doubts I want to ask you to answer on the way here."

"Congratulations Lu... Young Master Lu." Xiao Qingchen originally wanted to call Brother Lu, but immediately changed it to Young Master Lu.

In her opinion, the doubts that Huang Xing said must be about the problems in martial arts. It was a pleasure to discuss martial arts with such a peerless evildoer like Huang Xing.

However, since Huang Xing had an epiphany, it was something worthy of congratulations.

"There's nothing to congratulate, it's just a little thing, it's just that I can't turn my head around and figure it out." Huang Chen laughed at himself and said, "I like the title Lu Shao better than Master Lu. I originally I’m just a person in the world. Before I entered Huajin, my master didn’t let me show any ancient martial arts. My life is no different from ordinary people. Now that I have entered Huajin, I am respected and feared by my peers. I suddenly feel uncomfortable. The loneliness at the heights is unbearably cold."

"Guess how I suddenly figured it out again?" Lu Xing mysteriously asked Xiao Qingchen to guess.

Xiao Qingchen shook his head and said, "Qingchen doesn't know."

"It's agreed to follow the secular way of chatting, be casual, and you can't bring your own name when you answer." Huang Xing said with a rascal smile, "Come on, answer it again."

Xiao Qingchen looked at Lu Xing's smiling face, and replied again, "I... can't guess."

Her answering voice was a little unnatural, obviously not used to this way of speaking.

 My sister used my nephew's iPad to support me in writing a book
  It took me a long time to get it right today
  Three shifts from tomorrow

  Thank you for your support
(End of this chapter)

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