Invincible and powerful God system

Chapter 89 You Are Deliberately Allowing Me!

Chapter 89 You Are Deliberately Allowing Me!
"Because I thought of your alluring smile, I suddenly figured it out." Huang Xing turned to look at Xiao Qingchen, and laughed at himself.

Xiao Qingchen looked at Huang Xing in confusion, not understanding how her "smile" made him realize.

"Answer honestly, why did you laugh at that time?" Huang Xing asked seriously.

Xiao Qingchen was stunned for a moment, and replied, "I am happy to be able to compete with a peerless monster like Lu Shao, so I naturally smiled happily."

Huang Chen shook his head and said with a smile, "Miss Xiao really doesn't blush when she tells a lie, and her heart doesn't beat."

Xiao Qingchen was reprimanded by Huang Chen, but still looked at him without changing his face, neither angry nor refuted.

"I thought that I could beat you half a move, even in a life-and-death battle, I could at least win miserably, but just now I remembered your alluring smile, and recalled your sword moves carefully, and found that when my spear pierced your shoulder blade Before, you forcibly withdrew your sword move, and I suddenly realized that you deliberately let me go."

"That smile of yours is clearly a proud smile that you can't help." Lu Xing said slowly, and asked in a heavy tone, "Am I right, Miss Xiao Qingchen?"

After being pointed out by Huang Chen, Xiao Qingchen did not deny it, and said flatly, "I have no intention of winning or losing, it doesn't matter who wins or loses."

Huang Xing asked curiously, "I really want to know what will happen if my green blood strike hits your vital point."

"One sword slashes the moon to create scars, and two swords sweep across the world." Xiao Qingchen didn't answer directly, but said the sword move she had withdrawn.

"The two swords sweep the world and destroy it."

Such a domineering sword move.

Huang Chen secretly sighed in his heart, he fought with Xiao Qingchen, she lied to everyone.

That battle pushed his prestige to the peak, but who knows, Xiao Qingchen deliberately let him go.

That's why he said that thinking of Xiao Qingchen's alluring smile, he figured it out.

It's too cold to be high.

What master is lonely.

Let's wait until he really beats Xiao Qingchen.

But he doesn't underestimate himself either.

Now losing to Xiao Qingchen is only because he has just stepped into the world of martial arts and lacks experience in fighting people, and he has no cultivation base. Although "Blood Blood Strike" is domineering, it is only a level 2 martial skill with limited power, so he lost to her Such a sword idiot is not ashamed.

He believed that as long as he leveled up, he would soon be able to crush Xiao Qingchen.

But he couldn't understand why Xiao Qingchen would rather get hurt than let him go on purpose?
"Why are you trying to hurt yourself, but still let me?" Huang Xing was puzzled, and asked with a sigh, "How can you bear me, how can you be at ease?"

Xiao Qingchen lowered his head and didn't answer, just kept silent.

Seeing that she didn't answer, Huang Xing said with a playful smile, "If you don't tell me, I'll take it as you fell in love with me at first sight, that's why you let me in on purpose."

What Huang Xing said was just a joke, he was not narcissistic enough to think that Xiao Qingchen really fell in love with him at first sight, and would rather get hurt than withdraw his sword moves.

There must be some other reason that he doesn't know, he just wanted to force Xiao Qingchen to tell the truth.

Xiao Qingchen suddenly showed a smile on his ice-cold face, and said seriously, "When I laughed, it was not a proud smile, but a really happy one."

She smiled again, but her face soon became cold again.

In the afternoon, I teased her for a long time without laughing, but now she laughs again.

But she still didn't say why.

Huang Xing asked helplessly, "You can't let me win without knowing why?"

"Actually, the reason is very simple, you will know one day." Xiao Qingchen said gently.

Then she looked at the scenery outside the car window, wondering what she was thinking.

Seeing that she was unwilling to speak out, Huang Chen frowned, thinking a lot, but he couldn't guess why Xiao Qingchen would rather let him get hurt.

Thinking of the time I stabbed her, I felt a little uncomfortable and blamed myself.

He said, "Miss Xiao, in order to express my gratitude and apology, I invite you to have supper."

Xiao Qingchen nodded, and responded, "Okay."

"What do you want to eat?"

"It will be all right."

"Then I'll invite you to a roadside stall for barbecue."

"it is good."

Huang Xing stepped on the accelerator to the bottom, and the Maserati roared like a beast and flew out like a cannonball.

This is the suburbs, he can drive car recklessly.

Only a martial arts master like Xiao Qingchen could stand his racing. If it was Ji Ran, Lu Xiaoke or Xu Shasha, they would have screamed in fright.

Huang Xing quickly came to the urban area, parked the car, and brought Xiao Qingchen to the barbecue stall on the roadside.

"Little Lu, how did you deceive such a beautiful daughter-in-law?"

The uncle at the barbecue stall saw Huang Xing bring Xiao Qingchen to the barbecue stall, and asked with a smile.

Lu Chen looked at Xiao Qingchen in embarrassment, seeing that her face was still calm, he smiled embarrassedly, and said to the barbecue stall uncle, "Uncle Chang, don't shout, Miss Xiao and I are just ordinary people. friend."

Uncle Chang still said with a smirk on his face, "They're all about the same, they're all about the same."

Huang Xing didn't continue to explain to him. Vendors like them who set up stalls all year round are just eloquent and like to joke.

"Take what you want to eat yourself."

Huang Xing picked up a basket, picked up a few strings of squid and vegetables and put them in, and said to Xiao Qingchen.

It was the first time for Xiao Qingchen to eat barbecue at a roadside stall, and felt a little novel, so he looked around at the stall.

Seeing that she didn't get the barbecue skewers for a long time, Huang Xing simply took two skewers of each, and said, "Try them all, and if you think which one is delicious later, let Uncle Chang grill more."

After Huang Xing took it, he handed the basket of barbecue skewers to Uncle Chang, and asked Xiao Qingchen, "Will you eat spicy food?"

"Yes." Xiao Qingchen nodded.

"Uncle Chang, it must be spicy."

After explaining to Uncle Chang, Huang Xing took Xiao Qingchen to sit on the side seat and waited for the barbecue to finish.

"Is this your first time eating barbecue at a roadside stall?" Huang Xing asked.

"En." Xiao Qingchen replied softly.

Huang Xing said with emotion, "You must have never thought that I used to set up a barbecue stall here before."

When Xiao Qingchen heard this, he looked at Huang Xing curiously. He didn't expect that he, a martial arts master, would set up a barbecue stall here, but when he thought that Huang Xing said that he hadn't revealed his identity as an ancient warrior before turning his energy, he knew it in his heart.

This is the practice of joining the world.

Huang Chen laughed and said, "It's not me bragging, on this street, my barbecue is the best."

"Little girl, let me testify that Xiao Lu is not bragging. When he set up a stall here, our business fell a lot."

Uncle Chang's ears were pointed, he was flipping the barbecue with his hands nimbly, and he said with a smile without looking back.

"Lu Chen."

Huang Xing and Xiao Qingchen were still waiting for the barbecue, when a sharp voice came, a girl with dyed red hair and big circle earrings walked towards them with three girls and six boys come over.

 There are two more chapters tonight

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(End of this chapter)

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