Invincible and powerful God system

Chapter 842 Altar of Refining Saints

Chapter 842 (Modified) Altar of Refining Saints

There were bursts of crying, including women, children, and old people.

The crying is sad, making people panic.

"Namo Amida Poye. Duo Ta (tuo) Gado Ye. Duo De Ye Ta. Amiridu Povi. Amitabha. Sidam Povi."

"Amitre Duo. Emperor Vijaland. Amitre Duo. Vijalando. Gami Ni. Gagana. Trifoliate (zhi) Dakali. Sapoha."


Suddenly, there was a clear sound of chanting sutras behind everyone.

The voice is clear and loud, spreading throughout the nine heavens and ten places.

Everyone turned around to look, only to see Xiao Qingchen sitting cross-legged on top of the twelfth-grade Buddha lotus, with the Buddha's light shining on his back, and the wheel contains endless Buddha Dharma.

At this time, her precious appearance is solemn, holy and flawless, and the ten thousand zhang Buddha's light shines all over the world, turning the black sea into golden color.

A black tower manifested above Xiao Qingchen, flew towards the surface of the Black Sea, and kept getting bigger.

The Black Tower suppresses on the surface of the Black Sea, transforming into a towering 88-story giant tower.

The terrifying power emanating from the tower silenced the world.

The most precious treasure of Buddhism, reborn in the phaseless tower.

Only then did everyone realize that this unsmiling and peerless woman is the Lord of Ten Thousand Buddhas.

They had only seen Xiao Qingchen slaughtering the six clans with the Zhuxian Sword Formation, like a demon from hell, and this was the first time they saw her perform Dharma.

Looking at the holy and flawless Xiao Qingchen, Luo Tianheng couldn't help but feel worried for Huang Chen.

The Great Zhou Shaodi and the Lord of Ten Thousand Buddhas showed their hole cards one after another, which made her deeply feel their strength. It would be very difficult for the young master to win them.

The Buddha's voice echoed in the sky and the earth, and the cries from the black sea gradually subsided.

The Zihai power that Ji Ran pulled away turned into a purple dragon cruising in the void.

Huang Xing's delusion-breaking eyes stared closely at the Black Sea, but he could only see pitch blackness, like an endless abyss.

"Don't wait here, I'll go down and have a look." Huang Xing said to everyone, and his figure had already appeared on the surface of the Black Sea.

Ji Ran continued to draw away the power of Zi Hai, Xiao Qingchen continued to chant scriptures to calm the crying of the ancient ancestors.

Huang Xing's feet stepped on the black sea, and his whole body became ethereal, as if he had been gradually evaporated.

His body slowly sank into the black water until his whole body was submerged by the black sea and disappeared before everyone's eyes.

Both Ji Ran and Xiao Qingchen couldn't help but feel worried, the sea area here is too weird, it is very dangerous for Huang Xing to enter the sea.

The only thing they can help Huang Xing is to continue to suppress Zi Hai's power.

Huang Xing walked into the bottom of the sea, his eyes were dark and he couldn't see anything.

Originally, with his strength and delusion-breaking eyes, he could see things even in the dark, but he couldn't see anything when he entered the Black Sea.

Huang Xing simply closed his eyes and sensed the surrounding situation with his soul.

His powerful soul can only perceive the distance of one foot in the black sea.

"Void Dead Sea, good opportunity." Invincible Qiang suddenly said excitedly.

Huang Xing asked suspiciously, "What good opportunity?"

Invincible Qiang said, "This is the Dead Sea of ​​Void and Silence, which can isolate the will of heaven just like the land of nothingness. It is an excellent opportunity for you to use the will of heaven in the universe in your palm to refine the karma of a saint!"

Huang Xing was shocked suddenly, knowing Wudiqiang's plan.

His status as a saint at this time was given by the way of heaven, connected with the will of the way of heaven, and subject to many restrictions.

If he can refine the sage position, he can control it freely.

It would be useless for other people to refine the sage's position, and they would be discovered by the Dao of Heaven immediately after leaving the Dead Sea of ​​Void and Silence.

But the heavenly way of the universe in Huang Xing's palm is just a ray of heavenly way from the great world, and it also has the breath of heaven from the great world.

Using it to refine the sage's position can deceive the sky, and the heavens can't detect it for a while.

Only when he used the power of Heavenly Dao, or when Heavenly Dao stripped him of his sage status, would he find out, and at that time, it was time for a showdown, and it didn't matter if Tiandao found out.

Huang Xing was overjoyed, this was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

Invincible Qiang said excitedly, "Master first refines the sage position, and I will protect you. The sage position is now a turtle in the urn, and it can be refined without much trouble."

"Okay." Without hesitation, Huang Xing manifested the universe in his palm, forming a black ball to envelop him.

The heavenly will left in the sage's karma sensed the abnormality, and roared angrily, and the power turned back against Huang Xing, directly blowing his body into pieces.

There is only one black altar left between heaven and earth.

Only now did he realize that he had been deceived by the new saint.

This is simply a rebel.

He actually made a rebel into a saint, which made him very angry.

Huang Xing's body was blown to pieces, turned into stars and condensed again.

There is no sky and no sun in the sea of ​​emptiness, except for darkness, there is only darkness.

But the black sphere forms a universe by itself, and there are also sun, moon and stars in it.

As long as there are stars, Huang Xing can be immortal.

At this time, Huang Xing has returned to his original appearance, turning into a giant with ancient power exuding from his body, with the sun, moon and stars in his palm, and thunder and lightning in his eyes.

Sensing that Huang Xing actually had his heavenly aura on him, the sage roared wildly.

His chopped-off will of heaven was actually refined into a new heaven by him.

But its roar can only be impotent and furious!
In the black sphere, Huang Xing is the supreme way of heaven.


Huang Xing stretched out his hand to grab the seat of the saint, making a whistling sound.

The sage wanted to flee, but Huang Xing's giant palm followed him like a shadow, as if appearing directly on the black altar, he pinched the black altar heavily.

Boundless mighty force blasted towards the saint's position, sending out a sky-shattering roar, and cracks appeared on the black altar.

The power of heaven from the universe in the palm of the hand is continuously pouring in, constantly refining the black altar.

With the experience of refining that ray of heavenly will in the land of returning to the ruins, there is no difficulty in refining it.

As long as the will of heaven is cut off, the saint's career can only be slaughtered by him.

When Huang Chen was refining the status of a saint, a silent force in the depths of the void and dead sea also waited for the opportunity to blast towards the black ball.

Invincible Qiang had been on guard for a long time, and said with an arrogant smile, "With you brother Qiang around, I dare to act recklessly."

On the journey of the great road, the wheel of the sky is fixed, the universe is desolate, and the timing is impermanent.

"Wheel of Creation·Six Paths to Blame."

Six halos of light appeared around the black sphere, and the power of silence blasted into the cycle of reincarnation.

The wheel of creation rotates, and the six karmas are constantly transformed into each other.

The collision of the two forces caused the calm Black Sea to stir up turbulent waves.

Both Ji Ran and Xiao Qingchen's eyes turned cold, knowing that there must be a fierce battle between Huang Xing and the hidden forces in the Black Sea.

The hidden power was terrifying, and they couldn't help worrying about Huang Xing's safety.

"Nine cauldrons, fix the heaven and the earth." Ji Ran said coldly, and the heaven and the earth manifested nine giant cauldrons.

Everyone suddenly felt that time and space were disordered, as if space and time were taken out of the world.

The nine giant tripods are fixed between the heaven and the earth, Ji Ran withdraws the power technique, Zilong is trapped in the nine tripods and cannot return to the purple sea, and can only swim around the nine tripods.

"I am the Lord of Netherworld, and I will slaughter Jiuyou Cangming with my sword." Xiao Qingchen also shouted coldly, and took out the Nether Sword and flew into the Black Sea.


Demonic intent appeared in Xiao Qingchen's eyes, and the Nether Sword massacred "Crying" on the surface of the Black Sea.

The transcendence of the Wuxiang Pagoda of Rebirth is too slow, so she will be slaughtered directly.

For Huang Xing, she was willing to bear all the murders.

"Crying" was slaughtered by the Nether Sword, and the power to bombard the Wheel of Creation in the Black Sea also weakened a little bit.

"Su Xiu, Miss Luo, follow us into the sea." Ji Ran shouted to Su Xiu and Luo Tianheng, and landed on the surface of the Black Sea.

Xiao Qingchen also fell to the surface of the Black Sea.

Without hesitation, Su Xiu and Luo Tianheng flew out of the battleship and landed beside them.

The master is not here, and the wife is the biggest. Whatever Ji Ran asks her to do, she will do.

Luo Tianheng knew that they were going in to help the young master, so although the black sea was strange, she still did not hesitate at all.

The human monsters on the Qingdi battleship were all amazed.

The various means of the Great Zhou Shaodi and the Lord of Ten Thousand Buddhas have exceeded their imagination.

The Nine Cauldrons in the void suppressed the heaven and the earth, and the Nether Sword on the sea continued to dance and slaughter the "cries".

A blue light emitted from Ji Ran's body, enveloped Su Xiu, and led her into the Black Sea.

Xiao Qingchen's body exuded a dark golden light that blended black and gold, enveloped Luo Tianheng, and brought her into the Black Sea as well.

The four girls sank into the sea, seeing darkness in front of them, the blue light on Ji Ran's body and the dark golden light on Xiao Qingchen also lost their color.

They sensed the direction coming from the terrifying force and moved forward.

The Black Sea is mysterious and unpredictable, and Ji Ran's Qing Emperor's soul is well-informed and unable to see through it, but they are very worried about Huang Xing, and they all entered the sea without hesitation.

Luo Tianheng followed Xiao Qingchen silently, she had a strange feeling in her heart, as if the Lord of Ten Thousand Buddhas was worried about the safety of the young master.

She shook her head mockingly, how is this possible?

The young master is a saint, and they are rebels, how could they worry about the young master's safety?

Maybe they also want to find out if there is any heaven-defying opportunity hidden in the Black Sea.



The mysterious force kept bombarding the wheel of creation, as if it would not stop until it was shattered.

It can perceive that the black ball forms a world of its own, and if it can take it as its own, it can be reborn in that world.

"Kuuuuuuuuu, why are you bastards so desperate? By the time you blast the wheel of fortune, your power will be almost consumed. There is wool for use." Wudi Qiang shouted cursingly, he underestimated the determination of the mysterious power, This is the rhythm of dying with him!If this continues, even if he can hold on, he will fall into a deep sleep.

Two sword intents slashed at the terrifying mysterious power, Wudiqiang was overjoyed, knowing that it was Ji Ran and Xiao Qingchen who came in to help Lu Chen.

"The power of emptiness, no wonder you can't get rid of it even with the power technique." Ji Ran said seeing the terrifying power.

Xiao Qingchen said coldly, "Since you are dead, why did you die? You can still linger in the Black Sea if you leave now, otherwise you will return to nothingness."

"Jie Jie, Jie Jie." The gloomy voice of the power of emptiness said, "We have already died once, you can't kill us a second time."

The combination of countless voices reverberates in the sea, making one's hair stand on end.

"Then try." Xiao Qingchen snorted coldly, "Three Swords Formation."

She sacrificed the phoenix blood sword, and the boundless killing intent spread instantly.

Ji Ran also sacrificed the Dragon Chanting Sword, and the kingly way of the sword shocked the world.

Luo Tianheng sacrificed his real martial arts sword, and the Taiji Dao diagram manifested, and the yin and yang fish eyes slowly turned.

Su Xiu used the posture technique to bless on the Taiji Dao map, and controlled the Zhenwu Sword together with Luo Tianheng.

Luo Tianheng was actually a little strange, her and Su Xiu's strength was far behind that of the Great Zhou Emperor and the Lord of Ten Thousand Buddhas, and they didn't have much use in entering the sea.

At this time, the Lord of Ten Thousand Buddhas asked her to set up a formation together, and she was also very curious about the power of the three swords combined.


hold head high--

The phoenix blood sword turned into a phoenix, and the dragon chanting sword turned into a golden dragon, and they flew into the Taiji Dao diagram together.

Luo Tianheng's face was shocked suddenly, the sword intents of the Great Zhou Shaodi and the Lord of Ten Thousand Buddhas merged with hers, and the power was multiplied.

The Young Emperor of Great Zhou and the Lord of Ten Thousand Buddhas alone are already invincible, but now that their powers are multiplied together, it is possible to know how terrifying it is.

On the contrary, her and Su Xiu's strength can be ignored.

The stronger the power, the easier it is to repel. Without the carrier of her Taiji Taoist diagram, the sword intent of the Great Zhou Shaodi and the Lord of Ten Thousand Buddhas would not be able to fuse together.

"Jie Jie Jie, your strength is beyond my expectation, but do you think you can kill us like this?" The Force of Void Silence felt the power of the three swords, and he couldn't help feeling jealous, but he still couldn't kill him.

"Three swords destroy the world."

The four girls didn't talk nonsense with the power of emptiness, they manipulated the sword array together to cut towards the power of emptiness.

Even if the power of void can't be killed, it can still prevent him from approaching the black ball.

Ji Ran and Xiao Qingchen were both familiar with the aura emanating from the black ball. At that time, in the land of returning to the ruins, Huang Xing used it to suppress the will of heaven.

Huang Xing must be inside the black ball.

The three destructive sword intents slashed down together, and each of them contained the superimposed power of the four female powers.

The three swords and the Wheel of Creation guarded the black sphere together, one attack and one defense, so that the power of emptiness could not get any closer.



In the black sphere, the heavenly power of the universe in the palm of the hand is constantly tempering the black altar, and the will of the heavenly dao left in the saint's position can only roar and struggle.

For ten days and ten nights, the roar of the will of heaven gradually subsided, and the black altar became dead silent and dimmed.

A sneer appeared on the corner of Huang Chen's mouth, and a piece of heaven's will from the universe in his palm flew out and merged into the black altar.

The altar glowed with dim light again, filled with endless holy power, no different from the original saint's position.

It's just that Huang Xing's will replaced the will of heaven.

Now that he uses any means in the ancient ruins, Tiandao will not notice it.

Anyway, he doesn't need the help of Heavenly Dao to introduce new Heavenly Dao power into his body.

After refining the saint's position, Huang Chen's eyes sharpened, he had already noticed the battle outside.

"The power of emptiness, do you really think that no one can do anything to you?" Huang Xing sneered, put away the universe in his palm, and his body reappeared in the black sea.

The four women control the sword array and the invincible wheel of fortune to resist the power of emptiness.

The power of emptiness is indeed extremely terrifying, and it is continuous and endless.

The four girls guarded the black ball without giving an inch, as long as Huang Chen didn't come out for a day, they would keep guarding it for a day.

"Master is finally healed." Invincible Qiang shouted in surprise, and then said viciously, "Beat them to death, no, Brother Qiang has to go to rest first."

As soon as Wudiqiang relaxed, he fell into a deep sleep.

He is still not complete, and the consumption of power now is very huge.

The extremely tyrannical sword energy flew away, cutting back the power of emptiness by tens of meters.

Ji Ran and Xiao Qingchen sensed the aura coming from behind, and were ecstatic in their hearts, it was Huang Xing's aura.

"Master... Master." Sensing the aura behind her, Su Xiu turned around and looked. Although she could only see darkness in her eyes, she would never forget the aura of Master.

(End of this chapter)

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