Invincible and powerful God system

Chapter 843 The Determination of the Sky Demon Carp

Chapter 843 The Determination of the Sky Demon Carp
Luo Tianheng sensed that tyrannical and unfamiliar saber energy.

When she heard Su Xiu calling the other party's master, her heart tightened, causing a storm.

Is it—

Luo Tianheng thought of a terrible possibility.

If it was sent back to the Great Thousand World, it would be enough to cause an earthquake in 36 Tianyu.

The second sage is a rebel, Su Xiu's master, the man of the Great Zhou Shaodi and the Lord of Ten Thousand Buddhas.

All the doubts lingering in her heart were also solved.

Why does the young master care about Su Xiu.

Why did the young emperor of Zhou Dynasty and the Lord of Ten Thousand Buddhas rush into the mysterious Black Sea to rescue the young master without hesitation?

The young master has deceived everyone, and even Tiandao.

After Luo Tianheng was shocked, he felt a little joy in his heart—the young master does not have to fight to the death with the Great Zhou Shaodi and the Lord of Ten Thousand Buddhas.

She sighed silently in her heart, the rebels in this life will undoubtedly win.

The three shocking evildoers of the human race are all rebels, and the luck of the human race has already favored the rebels.

In fact, she didn't understand why the rebels were rebellious, why peerless monsters like the Young Master, the Great Zhou Shaodi and the Lord of Ten Thousand Buddhas wanted to rebel.

She doesn't understand.

But she could see that the young master and the others were good people, and everything they did in the ancient ruins was considered from the standpoint of the human race.

What she followed and allegiance was the young master himself, not the young master's saint status.

She already knew how to choose.

Ji Ran and Xiao Qingchen felt tenderness in their eyes the moment Huang Xing appeared.

If it wasn't for the power of emptiness still watching, the two girls would have already jumped on Huang Xing.

Huang Chen leisurely walked to Ji Ran and Xiao Qingchen's side, seemingly ordinary, but the power of Void Silence was afraid and did not dare to continue attacking.

"Of course, Qingchen." Lu Xing just glanced at the power of emptiness outside the sword formation, and then softly called out to Ji Ran and Xiao Qingchen.

"En." The second daughter responded softly, with a crying voice, all the tenderness was expressed in silence.

It had been a long time since they heard Huang Xing call their names gently, and it was even more tormenting when they met in the ancient ruins but could not recognize each other.

"You go to the side to rest first, and then leave it to me." Huang Xing said softly.

They resisted the power of emptiness for ten days and ten nights in a row, and the consumption was huge.

If they hadn't rushed to the Black Sea to rescue him, he would still have to allocate some strength to counteract the power of the void, and refining the sage position would not be so smooth.

"No, we want to fight with you." Both Ji Ran and Xiao Qingchen stubbornly refused. Although they enjoyed the feeling of being protected by Huang Chen, they wanted to fight with him and share the pressure for him.

Huang Chen coaxed dotingly, "Be obedient, I can deal with them alone."

Only then did Ji Ran and Xiao Qingchen retreat to the side. Lu Xing was so confident, which showed that his current strength was unfathomable, and it was not a problem to deal with the power of Void and Silence.

Luo Tianheng was startled, she had already seen the horror of the power of emptiness, the sword array of the four of them and the mysterious six beams of light could barely block it, could the young master deal with it alone?
How terrifying is the young master's true strength?
Su Xiu stared blankly at Huang Xing, thinking of the moment when the Second Saint rescued her and flew back to the battleship, she couldn't help but blush.

No wonder she felt so warm in that embrace.

The four girls retreated to the side, and Huang Xing faced the power of emptiness alone, and said calmly, "Little carp, don't hide anymore, come out."

"Hee hee." A silver bell-like laughter came from the power of emptiness, it was the voice of the Sky Demon Carp that I met not long ago.

She smiled and asked, "How did you discover my flaw?"

The Qingdi battleship went back and returned, and she knew that it must be her own flaws that were seen.

But she didn't understand where she made the other party's suspicion return.

Ji Ran and the others also looked at Huang Xing curiously, and they didn't find anything wrong with Tianyao Li.

Huang Xing smiled and said, "Because of your feet."

The five girls were all taken aback for a moment, and soon realized it.

The Sky Demon Carp is of koi blood, and can walk on land with its feet, but it should turn into a fish tail in water.

Ji Ran snorted coldly, "Hmph, you looked carefully."

Huang Xing continued, "You seem to be kind enough to warn us not to go to the center of the secret realm, but in fact you know we must go, so saying that only arouses our determination even more; you actually wish we could go to the center of the secret realm as soon as possible."

Tian Yaoli said in admiration, "As expected of the men of Sister Ji and Sister Xiao, they are really extraordinary."

Then he said with a smile, "Should Li'er call you the Second Saint, or call you..."

She realized that she still didn't know the other person's name, and asked, "By the way, I don't know your name yet. It can't be called the second knife, right?"

She was very curious in her heart, if his real name was not Second Dao, how could the name of Second Dao be printed on the list of ancient monsters.

But it's not surprising that he can continue to be a saint without telling the way of heaven, and it's not surprising that he can become the second knife without telling the ancient law.

It's just too unbelievable.

Even the supreme masters of the ten ancient clans may not be able to do it.

Huang Xing smiled calmly, "My name is Huang Xing, what about you?"

Tian Yaoli said with a smile, "My name is Tian Yaoli."

Huang Xing shook his head and said, "You are not."

Tian Yao Li pouted and said, "I am."

Huang Xing stared at Tian Yaoli tightly, and after a few seconds, she muttered discouragedly, "It can be said to be yes, or it can be said to be no, I voluntarily sacrificed myself to resurrect him."

She sighed and said, "When I was merging the power of emptiness, you happened to pass by. Because the power has not been fully fused, you can't completely hide in the water."

She is not afraid of Zihai's corrosive power, but Zihai is even more of a black sea, and the combination of the two is not something she can bear.

Even Huang Xing and the others entered the Black Sea with the power to leave the Purple Sea first.

Huang Xing frowned slightly, and asked, "Why do you sacrifice yourself willingly to resurrect him?"

The Sky Demon Carp is the number one evildoer of the Sky Demon Clan. It can be ranked No. 13 among the ancient tribes. It can be said that the future is bright and there is a chance to reach the top in the future.

It wouldn't be surprising if she was forcibly taken away by the power of emptiness, but Huang Xing could tell that Tianyao Li was indeed willing to sacrifice herself.

Otherwise, he would have been able to see it when he merged the power of voidness.

And she will also be removed from the list of ancient monsters.

But her name is still listed on the list of ancient monsters, this kind of seizure is very strange.

Just like Tian Yaoli himself said, it can be said to be her, or it can be said not to be her.

Tian Yaoli's expression turned dark and he said, "What I told you at the time did not lie to you."

Huang Chen knew that she was referring to thanking Ji Ran for killing Gui Luo Wu Huang.

Tian Yaoli continued, "I can already meet my future, so what if I reach the peak and become the strongest of the Tian Yao clan?"

She said with a wry smile, "Isn't that the plaything of the prison-suppressing clan? In the ancient times, all the clans except the hundred clans are slaves, but from the No. 11 clan to the hundred clans, besides your human race, why not the rest of the 89 clans?" The slave clan? Don’t you rely on the ten ancient clans to survive? Don’t you have to abide by the ancient covenant made by the ten ancient clans?”

Tian Yaoli laughed at himself and said, "The covenant made by the ten clans themselves can be called the ancient covenant, and it can command the ancient ten thousand clans. Do you think it's ridiculous or not? Sad or not?"

Su Xiu and Luo Tianheng half-understood what they heard, and they didn't understand why the ancient ten thousand races, but the Duduren race could be an exception.

However, Lu Chen, Ji Ran, and Xiao Qingchen had a close heart. It was the step-by-step efforts of the sages of the human race that allowed the human race to stand above all other races and not be restricted by the ten ancient races.

But there is still the shackles of the Dao of Heaven that have not been broken free. As long as the heavens are not destroyed and the Dao is cut, the human race will not have a real self, and the luck of the human race will not return to the human race.

Tian Yaoli looked at Huang Chen enviously and said, "I really envy you human race. There are so many sages who have paved the way for you one after another. They have forged a bright road with blood and left a glimmer of hope for you."

"As for our Heavenly Demon Clan, I can't see any hope." Tears rolled down the eyes of Tianyao Li, "Gui Luo Wuhuang wants to marry me. I don't love her, but no one in the clan cares! The Supreme of the Sky Demon Clan only thinks about How much benefit can I exchange for."

"I am the number one evildoer of the Sky Demon Clan, and I am so good at it, the other clansmen are even more so. In their eyes, the order of the Prison Clan is the rule of heaven, which cannot be violated."

"What really makes me desperate is that I inadvertently know that every year the Sky Demon Clan will provide [-] million people to feed the purgatory ghosts of the Prison Suppressing Clan."

"Even if they are weak, even if they are just a drop in the bucket to the billions of members of the Sky Monster Clan, they are still the Sky Monster Clan and my clan members, and they have the same blood as mine."

"From then on, I knew that the Sky Demon Clan was over and there was no hope."

"It's good to marry Guiluo Wuhuang, at least the blood I leave will not be sacrificed as blood food in the future."

After Tian Yaoli finished speaking sobbingly, Huang Xing and the four daughters were sobbed when they heard it. They never thought that the ten ancient clans oppressed the ancient ten thousand clans so much.

The Sky Demon Clan is already a big clan in the forefront, and this is the case, and the other lower races are even more conceivable.

"And he is the only hope for the Sky Monster Race to get rid of the status quo." The Sky Monster Carp said with a crazy light in his eyes, "The ancient ancestors of the Sea of ​​Void and Silence are the ancestors of our Sky Monster Race. , you can fight against the Prison Clan, and you can lead the Sky Monster Clan to glory. Therefore, I am willing to sacrifice myself and let him resurrect to find a way to revive the ancient ancestors of the Sky Monster Clan."

With a blazing light in her eyes, she said, "There are countless sages in your human race, and the Sky Monster Clan let me be the first."

Huang Chen sighed softly, he could understand Tian Yaoli's despair and helplessness, and he had a little more admiration for this charming girl in front of him.

He is proud of being a human race. If there were not countless human sages who paved the way, it would be extremely difficult for him and Ji Ran to destroy the sky and cut the way. They were even so desperate that they couldn't think of it at all.

The first step is always the most difficult and rare.

The Sky Demon Carp can take the first step, and it can already be called the sage of the Sky Demon Clan.

It's just that the ancient ancestors of the Sky Monster Clan can really bring hope to the Sky Monster Clan?

It could also be a disaster!
Sky Demon Carp (Xu Ji) looked at Huang Xing with burning eyes, and said excitedly, "I see in you the hope of reviving the ancient ancestors of the Void Sea. Your black ball forms its own universe, waiting for its If the laws are perfect enough, the ancestors of the ancient times can be resurrected in that universe, and when the sky monster clan and the human race join forces, the ten ancient clans will also be afraid of us."

At this moment, her tone was already filled with the power of emptiness.

An enemy's enemy is a friend. In a sense, the ancient ancestors and the human race in the Sea of ​​Empty Silence can indeed become friends and jointly fight against the ten ancient races.

Huang Chen shook his head with a faint smile and said, "If you really want to help the Sky Monster Clan fight against the Ten Ancient Clans, I can help you. But is your resurrection really for the recovery of the Sky Monster Clan?"

Tian Yaoli (Xu Ji)'s face darkened and said, "What do you mean?"

Huang Chen said with a mocking smile, "The ancient ruins are born, and chaos is about to break out. All kinds of monsters and ghosts have started to jump out. Since you have become void, just stay in the black sea obediently."

Tian Yaoli (Xu Ji) screamed, "You don't want to help me?"

Huang Xing smiled, "Why should I help you?"

Sky Demon Carp (Xu Ji) said in a deep voice, "Do you think you humans can fight against the Ten Ancient Clans? The background of the Ten Ancient Clans is beyond your imagination. Only by uniting all forces that can be united can you have a chance to fight against the Ten Ancient Clans .”

Huang Chen laughed and said, "It's fine to lie to that little girl Tian Yaoli with your nonsense, you don't need to waste your efforts in front of me."

The Sky Demon Li hurriedly shouted, "He didn't lie to you, they are really the ancient ancestors of the Sky Monster Clan, and they will definitely lead the Sky Monster Clan to get rid of the shackles of the Ten Ancient Clans."

"Little girl." Huang Chen shook his head and said, "I have a friend who is a royal family who came out of nothingness."

Sky Demon Li (Xu Ji) screamed sharply, "How is it possible? How could the royal family of the Void leave the Void?"

Lu Xing said with a faint smile, "The Dao of the Great Thousand World binds the fate of the human race, but it also makes the race independent of the ancient laws. Using some means to deceive the heavens is naturally easier than hiding the ancient laws."

"A place outside the law." Sky Demon Li (Xu Ji) said with emotion, "The human race is truly blessed."

Tian Yaoli (Xu Ji) said coldly, "It seems that I can't fool you anymore."

"What do you think?" Huang Xing smiled lightly, and said to Ji Ran, "Illuminate their appearance with the blue light of nothingness."

"Okay." Ji Ran stretched out his hand a little, and the faint blue light spread out, revealing a piece of light in the dark Black Sea.

The power of emptiness around him also showed its original shape, and it was the fusion of "people" of different shapes.

There are Sky Demon Clan, Sky God Clan, Sky Demon Clan, and Prison Clan.

The Sky Demon Carp looked at the different races in front of him in astonishment, and suddenly screamed frantically, "You lied to me! You lied to me!"

Where are the ancestors of the Sky Monster Race here?
This is the ancestor of the ancient peoples.

It's just that the one who lied to her was an ancestor of the Sky Demon Clan, so she believed it was true.

How could the power of emptiness formed by the ancestors of these ancient and ten thousand races really help the Sky Monster Clan?

(End of this chapter)

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