Chapter 849
More than one hundred thousand miles above the sky, purple lightning raged wildly, and the might of thunder rolled like annihilation.

If the Qingdi battleship had risen so high, the defensive shield would have been shattered long ago.

Huang Xing walked in the sea of ​​thunder, and the lightning swam around him, but it couldn't hurt him at all.

Michael followed behind him, neither in a hurry nor in a hurry.

Her body was shrouded in light, and the raging lightning around her body calmed down in the light, and slowly moved around.

Huang Chen stopped in his tracks, held the Pandora's box and said, "This place is already a hundred thousand miles away, so don't worry about being scouted by the divine sense."

One hundred thousand miles is not too high in the outside world, but it can be regarded as the depth of the void in the Zijue Secret Realm.

Michael stopped beside Huang Xing and looked at him calmly.

Huang Xing first looked at Michael, and then looked down at the Pandora's Box in his hand. From the outside, it looked like an ordinary dressing box. Even he couldn't see anything different about it. Perhaps it was only when he opened it that he could see the clue. .

He asked, "Open it directly?"

Michael said slowly, "The fruits of good and evil are not in Pandora's box."

There was a cold light in Huang Chen's eyes, and he said in a cold voice, "How dare you play tricks on me?"

He stared at Michael coldly and said, "You'd better give me a reasonable explanation, otherwise I will raise my ranking by a few places today."

His words were full of threats. If Michael's answer did not satisfy him, he would destroy her and replace her with the third evildoer.

Faced with Huang Xing's threat, Michael didn't panic, nor did he intend to do anything, but said calmly, "The rumor that the fruit of bad luck was sealed in Pandora's box by Zeus is actually a rumor."

Huang Xing just looked at her coldly, waiting for her to finish speaking.

There are many secret books hidden in the ancient times, and the human race is in a corner. The information obtained is not necessarily accurate, and can only be used as a reference.

Michael's gaze became deep, as if penetrating through the ages, and he said, "After the third war of the gods, Zeus returned the fruit of good and evil that was stolen to the Celestials."

Huang Xing frowned slightly, the Celestials and the Olympians had fought countless times, and even now there were many frictions.

If the fruit of good and evil has been returned, why is there still an endless war?
Michael did not explain the reason why the two great god races were still fighting, but told a more shocking news. A dazzling light was emitted from her body, illuminating the sky brightly, and the purple deep space became brighter, saying, "And I am the fruit of good and evil."

Huang Xing couldn't help but blurted out, "Are you a creature born from the Fruit of Good and Evil?"

The fact that angels can enter the list of ancient monsters means that they are creatures recognized by heaven and earth.

The legend that the Celestials can "create humans" has also been confirmed this time that angels have entered the list.

At that time, the supreme masters of all races were more shocked to see the angels of the Celestial Race also entered the list than to see the monsters of the human race occupying the second and eighth ranks.

"Creating man" is already the ultimate field involving the laws of heaven and earth.

The original angels were more like cold machines, emotionless puppets.

When the Fruit of Good and Evil was stolen, the angels developed emotions, and a fallen dark angel gradually appeared.

But the various races do not actually recognize that angels are a complete living body.

It wasn't until the Primordial Bewitching Ranking opened and angels also entered the list that they established their status as complete living beings.

Although there are many speculations from various races that the appearance of the angel may be related to the fruit of good and evil, they are still very shocked to hear that Michael said that he is the stolen fruit of good and evil.

Michael clenched his fists and crossed them in front of him. The holy sixteen white wings on his back folded forward, covering her whole body, and then shone a dazzling light, gradually forming a cocoon.

The oval-shaped cocoons are crystal clear, like a tall pear.

"This is the fruit of good and evil?" Huang Xing swallowed, facing such a big sorbet, he actually felt a little hungry, and wanted to take a bite.

This big mountain pear has the same appearance as the colorful divine fruit that Sha Kun described to him, but it is not colorful, but warm yellow.

"Okay, you can change back first." Huang Xing suppressed his appetite, although the big sorbet looked delicious, and Michael was also pretty and delicious, but the ghost knows what adverse reactions will happen if he really eats it.

It's better to be careful with such taboo-level things.

When Da Shanli heard Huang Xing's words, she lit up with a dazzling light, and gradually began to transform into a human form.

Huang Xing concentrated on watching the process of turning good and evil into human beings.

This involves the secret of "creating human beings". If you can understand it, it will be of great benefit to the birth of real creatures in the universe in your palm.

The complicated laws intertwined on the fruit of good and evil, so densely packed that it dazzled Huang Xing.

If it wasn't for his soul being tempered by the universe in his palm, he wouldn't be able to watch the Fruit of Good and Evil transform into a living person at all.

Looking at the intersection and changes of various laws, Huang Xing felt quite enlightened, his eyes couldn't help showing joy, and he stared intently.

It only took about 3 minutes, and the Fruit of Good and Evil turned into Michael again.

"Does it look good?" Michael asked in a charming voice.

She has just turned into a human form, with no hair on her body, and her golden ratio figure can't find any flaws.

Huang Xing watched her transform into a human without taking his eyes off, so naturally he also kept his eyes on her current appearance.

"Cough cough." When asked by her, Huang Xing couldn't help coughing twice, and then said casually, "It's okay."

Michael smiled seductively, and the law intertwined a holy armor on her body, wrapping her proud body.

Huang Xing noticed that black spots appeared on the sixteen pure white wings that were originally holy and flawless on her back.

The spots glisten in the sunlight.

"Fallen Angel!" Huang Xing's pupils shrank, no wonder Michael suddenly became a little bit charming.

It is rumored that after an angel becomes a fallen angel, the holy wings will also turn black.

Black spots appear on Michael's wings, indicating that the fall is beginning.

She smiled seductively and asked, "Is the Second Saint wondering why I started turning into a fallen angel?"

Michael is known as the most holy and purest angel in history, and also the youngest Archangel in the history of the Celestial Race. He is in charge of the most powerful Battle Angel Legion of the Celestial Race, and his status in the younger generation is second only to the Son of Light.

"It's nothing strange." Lu Chenfeng said calmly, "Lucifer could become a fallen angel back then, and now you can naturally become a fallen angel too."

Lucifer is also the Archangel of the Celestial Race, the most powerful Archangel among the six Archangels of his time.

Huang Xing said with a half-smile, "If there is anything that makes me wonder, since you have already started to become a fallen angel, why don't you join the Heavenly Demon Clan like Lucifer, or the Olympus Protoss Clan? , but ask us to help you deal with Luo Hu and Hades?"

"Also, you said that the benefit you gave us is the fruit of good and evil. Isn't that just yourself? Are you planning to rebel against the Celestial Race and join the Human Race?"

"Besides, I and the rebels just joined forces in the ancient ruins. After returning to the Great Thousand World, there will be a battle. When the time comes, will you help me or the rebels?"

"Or..." Huang Xing looked at Michael maliciously and said, "You turn back into the Fruit of Good and Evil, and we each take a few bites and share."

Michael smiled charmingly, "The Second Saint can also come up and take a few bites now."

Huang Xing looked at Michael's look of resignation, and said viciously, "Do you think I dare not?"

Michael just looked at him charmingly, and let Huang Xing step forward to bite her.

"Forget it, I'm not interested in eating human flesh." Thinking of Ji Ran and Xiao Qingchen waiting for him on the Qingdi battleship, Huang Xing suppressed the restlessness and temptation in his heart, and said seriously, "Come back to business, our human race has already killed us." After killing Guiluo Wuhuang of the Prison Clan and Mo Yunchi of the Golden Feather Clan, if you help you deal with Rahu and Hades, it is equivalent to offending the Demon Clan and the Olympus Protoss. I originally thought that we would cooperate with the Celestial Clan It’s a good choice, now it seems that even the Celestials are going to offend together. The disadvantages of offending the five tribes of the ten ancient tribes at once are far greater than the benefits you give.”

The ten ancient clans have not yet broken their faces with the human race. Huang Xing and the others originally did not plan to offend all the ten ancient clans. The best choice at present is to combine horizontal and vertical.

Michael smiled and said, "The human race was already feared by the ten ancient races at the moment when the ancient monster list appeared. Even if your human race does not offend the other ten ancient races, they will not tolerate the human race. The second saint should not I don't understand that."

Huang Chen retorted, "Although the ten ancient clans are afraid of the rise of the human race, they will not all join forces to deal with the human race. One is because they think that the human race is not worthy of their cooperation, and the other is because they have conflicts with each other. If they offend them together Isn’t it an excuse for them to join forces.”

In the prehistoric era when the human race was almost destroyed, the ten ancient clans were nothing more than four clans joining forces to deal with the human race, namely the Sky Demon Clan, the Olympus Protoss Clan, the Blood Ming Ancient Clan, and the Prison Clan.

The other six races just watched from the sidelines and did not directly attack the human race.

If it wasn't because Mo Yunchi had killed half of the monsters in the human race this time, Huang Xing would not have killed them directly.

Originally, Michael of the Celestial Race came to them to help them deal with the Celestial Demon Race and the Olympus Protoss, which was exactly what he wanted. Now there are so many twists and turns in the middle, making things even more confusing, he can only retreat first. Come on, you can make a decision only after you know Michael's true purpose.

Michael said, "The ten ancient clans did not join forces to deal with the human race just because the human race is not worthy of the ten clans joining together, but once the human race succeeds in destroying the sky, there will be no power to restrain the rise of the human race. How many races want to put the human race to death is not necessarily the case."

"And your human race may not be able to succeed in destroying the sky and cutting the way in this life. The ten ancient clans cannot directly attack the human race because of the six holy covenants, but the ten thousand races that are vassals of them have no such agreement. When the time comes, all races will attack the human race together, plus In the Heavenly Dao camp of the human race itself, the rebels are probably still wiped out as before."

Michael suddenly smiled coquettishly, "Heck, I forgot that the Second Saint is from the Heavenly Dao camp, so I don't seem to have to worry about that."

There was a cold light in Huang Xing's eyes, what Michael said was what they were worried about.

The human race can now be said to be suffering from internal and external troubles, and there are many crises.

There is a camp of sages from the Dao of Heaven pressing on every step of the way inside, and there are thousands of ancient races staring at them outside.

Moreover, after the Heaven Extermination and Dao Slashing, the Six Saints Covenant will also be invalidated, and the Ten Ancient Clans can directly attack the Human Clans. At that time, it will be the real crisis and test.

Huang Chen said indifferently, "It's true that I belong to the Dao of Heaven camp, but I will not ignore the oppression of the human race by foreign races. You'd better express your sincerity directly, otherwise I will not accompany you."

"Just one person below, of course, can't get into the eyes of the second saint." Michael said with a meaningful smile, "But the power represented behind me will definitely make your heart move."

Huang Xing's pupils shrank suddenly, there were other forces hidden behind Michael!

Simultaneously counting the three major races of the Celestial Race, the Celestial Demon Race, and the Olympian Protoss Race, this is probably not something that a certain race can do.

The human race is protected by the Six Sacred Covenant, but they live in a corner, and know little about the situation in the ancient universe.

Huang Xing calmed himself down and asked, "Which force is behind you?"

"Change the sky." Michael said the power behind her.

Huang Xing's brows were tightly knit together, in the name of "changing the sky", this force said that Tu Fei was small, once his fangs were exposed, the sky would definitely fall apart.

Michael went on to say even more horrifying news, "Heaven-changers are everywhere, the six demon lords of the Heavenly Demon Clan, the twelve main gods of the Olympus Protoss, the thirteen main gods of the Celestial Clan, the emperors of all races, and even It is the supreme ruler, and there are heaven-changers."

Huang Chen's scalp became numb when he heard that, the six demon masters, the twelve master gods, and the thirteen god kings were already the most peak existences in the ancient times, and the weakest ones were also at the Qing Emperor level, and there were even existences comparable to saints.

How many "changers" are there in each race, and what purpose do they have?
At their status and status, they have already stood at the peak of the ancient times, what else is there to be satisfied with?
Is it—

Huang Xing guessed a possibility.

If the way of heaven in the Great Thousand World is the shackles of the human race, then is the ancient law also the shackles of the ancient ten thousand races?

Huang Xing had also thought about this question, but he didn't go deep into it.

"Reverse way."

"Change the day."

Perhaps they all lead to the same goal by different routes!

Huang Chen said with a cold gaze, "Aren't you afraid of revealing the secrets and betraying you when you tell me these things?"

"You won't." Michael said confidently, "Because you are the same kind of person as us."

Huang Chen said coldly, "Those who are of the same type as you are rebels."

Michael said with a smile on his lips, "There are also many people who were not heaven-changers joining our camp. The second saint can naturally become a heaven-changer. My goal was the Great Zhou Emperor and the Lord of Ten Thousand Buddhas, but they I agree with you to be the person in charge in the ancient ruins, and I also follow their opinions, the success or failure of the human race is their choice."

"Change the sky." Huang Xing chewed these two words lightly, and said, "How does this saint know if this is your conspiracy? It is not impossible for you, Luo Hu and Hades to set a trap for us."

Michael smiled charmingly, "To show my sincerity, I can give myself to the Second Saint first."

(End of this chapter)

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