Invincible and powerful God system

Chapter 850 The Heart in Pandora's Box

Chapter 850 The Heart in Pandora's Box

Michael's words are full of temptations, and you can take them as you please, meaning you can do whatever you want.

A holy angel suddenly fell into such a state of obsession, Huang Xing couldn't help but scorn and criticize him fiercely in his heart, and said, "You have changed back to the fruit of good and evil, so I can think about how to eat you up, now it's like this Never mind."

"Hehe." Michael said with a coquettish smile, "I heard that when he inherits the position of a saint, his emotions and desires will be cut off by the Dao of Heaven. Could the second saint be..."

What she meant was self-evident, and she almost said directly that Huang Xing couldn't do it.

A cold light flashed in Huang Chen's eyes, and with a movement, he appeared in front of Michael, raised his hand to grab her neck, and said coldly, "If you dare to talk nonsense again, I will kill you first."

Michael didn't resist, and let Huang Xing grab his neck, but looked at him pitifully.

"Hmph." Huang Xing snorted coldly, and then let go of her.

"Ahem." Michael coughed twice, and there was still Huang Chen's handprint on his white neck.

She said, "As long as you kill Rahu and Hades, if the Ten Thousand Races send troops to subjugate the Human Race, we will deal with it and at least block [-] to [-]% of the Ten Thousand Races' coalition forces."

Lu Chen said coldly, "Okay, for the details, let's go down and discuss in detail with Da Zhou Shaodi and the others."

During this trip to the ancient ruins, they have already made plans to make enemies of the evildoers of the ten clans.

In particular, the four major clans of the Heavenly Demon Clan, the Olympus Protoss Clan, the Prison Clan, and the Blood Ming Ancient Clan had deep conflicts with the Human Race. Even if Michael didn't come to them, they were ready to deal with them.

It can be said that Michael hit it off.

However, Huang Xing is also anti-Michael, especially "changing the sky", like a huge behind-the-scenes manipulator, people have to deal with it carefully.

It is also a good thing to learn from Michael this time that there is such a force as "changing the sky" in the ancient universe, and the human race can prepare early.

Michael smiled charmingly, and looked at Huang Xing meaningfully. This second saint may not be as simple as a pure saint of heaven.

This is also because he knew that he was a "changer" so he relaxed his guard, or he didn't really care about others doubting his identity.

The sixteen wings on Michael's back became holy and flawless again, and he followed Huang Xing back to the battleship.

Huang Xing said to her, "Go back to the Bright Battleship first, we have discussed to find you."

"Okay." Michael replied calmly and gently. At this time, she was extremely holy, and no one could see her seductive side.

"Come with me." Huang Xing said to Ji Ran and Xiao Qingchen, and led them to the cabin.

The three of them were in the cabin, isolated from the outside world, Ji Ran asked, "How is the situation?"

"Some confusion." Huang Xing solemnly told him what Michael told him.

Of course, Michael's temptation to him was concealed.

After hearing this, Ji Ran and Xiao Qingchen were also very serious. The situation in the Primordial Universe was somewhat chaotic, and what they lacked most was the information of the Primordial Universe.

The Great Thousand World has been isolated for too long, and generally do not know that there is an ancient universe beyond the Great Thousand World, and only a peak powerhouse like Emperor Qing can know some ancient things, but what he knows is limited, after all, more of her power has been captured by the Heavenly Dao Saint. Containment, the hand can't reach into the ancient universe.

Ji Ran pondered for a while, and said, "It's not surprising that there are rebels in the human race, and those who have changed the sky from the ancient times. Now they have noticed the change in the fate of the human race and want to draw us into their camp. This is also an opportunity for the human race. .”

Huang Xing tapped the sandalwood square table lightly with his hand, and said, "Now we are in the light, they are in the dark, the initiative is not in our hands, I'm afraid they just use us as gunmen."

Ji Ran said with a sneer, "They want to use us, and we can also use them."

The human race is now weak, and it just happens to use external forces to break the situation.

Huang Xing nodded and said, "I'll ask Michael to come over, and you'll decide the details."

He is very clear about his strengths and weaknesses, Ji Ran has the memory of Qing Emperor, she is better at these things, there is no need for him to direct blindly.

Huang Xing asked Luo Tianheng to invite Michael over, and they discussed for a day to finalize the cooperation details.

After the discussion, Michael smiled and said, "I represent 'changing the sky', and you are welcome to become the changing sky."

Huang Xing said lightly, "I hope we can have a happy cooperation."

Michael smiled seductively, "If the Second Saint is willing to accept my gift, the cooperation will be even more pleasant."

Huang Xing sat calmly and calmly, and didn't talk to him. She wanted to give him herself as a gift.

Ji Ran looked at the two of them and seemed to understand something.

Seeing that Huang Xing didn't answer, Michael said with a charming smile, "Why didn't the Second Saint ask what is in Pandora's Box?"

The Pandora's Box was still in Huang Xing's hands, and the stolen fruit of good and evil became the Michael in front of him, so naturally it was no longer in the box.

Huang Xing took out the Pandora's box, and said indifferently, "It's not the fruit of bad luck, I'm not interested in other things."

Michael blinked and said with a charming smile, "So the second saint is interested in that fruit of bad luck?"

Huang Xing found that he was out of touch with her, and actually teased him in front of Ji Ran and Xiao Qingchen, and said angrily, "I'm not interested either."

Michael glanced at Huang Chen resentfully, and said, "Why don't you open it, Second Saint, maybe you're interested in what's inside?"

Ji Ran looked at Huang Xing with a half-smile and said, "Since Captain Michael's kindness is hard to refuse, then open it and have a look, don't let her down."

Huang Chen thought, knowing that Ji Ran blamed him for omitting those things when he told her just now.

Ji Ran didn't really blame Huang Xing either, she knew that Huang Xing didn't flirt with Michael, she just got a little jealous when she saw other women flirting with her man.

Huang Xing said, "Okay, then I'll see what good things Captain Michael put in Pandora's Box."

Michael said confidently, "I will definitely not disappoint the Second Saint."

Huang Xing reached out to open the Pandora's Box, Ji Ran and Xiao Qingchen did not dare to be careless, worried that Michael would play tricks inside.


The Pandora's Box was opened, and a ray of blood shot into the sky, and the world was filled with a pungent smell of blood instantly.

"Puff, puff..."

There was a sound like a beating heart coming from the magic box, and the Pandora's box contained a scarlet heart.

The heart exuded a terrifying power, powerful and vigorous, which made Huang Xing feel frightened, which showed the terrifying strength of its master.

Huang Chen asked quietly, "Whose heart is this?"

"Hermes." Pandora said with a faint smile.

Huang Xing and the second daughter couldn't help but shrink their pupils. Hermes is one of the twelve main gods of the Olympus Protoss, and his strength is comparable to that of the Qing Emperor at his peak.

It was rumored that he fell because of the curse of the fruit of misfortune, but it was unexpected that what was contained in Pandora's box was not the fruit of misfortune, but his heart.

Michael said, "This heart condenses the blood of Hermes. I don't need to say more about its value. Is the second saint interested now?"

"It's really a good thing." Huang Xing praised without hesitation.

The heart of the main god, whether it is refined into a magic weapon or directly refined, has infinite benefits.

But direct refining is also very dangerous. The means of the main god are unpredictable, and his will may be kept in his heart. If he can't resist the power in his heart, he will be swallowed instead, and it is possible to be reborn by Hermes. .

Michael said, "The blood of the second saint was cut off by the way of heaven. If Hermes' heart is refined, it will be enough for you to reawaken the blood."

She looked at Ji Ran and Xiao Qingchen with a light smile and said, "Should Ji Shaodi and Lord Xiao Buddha not mind?"

It stands to reason that the treasures in Pandora's Box belong to them jointly, and Ji Ran and Xiao Qingchen also share.

Ji Ran smiled and said, "Why should the leader ask questions knowingly?"

Michael must have guessed their relationship with Huang Xing, but everyone was tacit and didn't reveal it.

Huang Xing looked at the heart in the magic box with fiery eyes, and said, "I accept this gift."

He has taken the blood back to the universe in his palm, and even Michael can't see through it.

Michael asked, "Should the second saint be refined now, or later?"

"Now." Huang Xing said impatiently.

Michael nodded slightly and said, "Then I can also help the second saint to protect the Dharma. My holy light can just restrain the ominous power above."

The heart is very strange, and an ominous aura above it makes people feel uneasy.

"Okay." Huang Xing didn't refuse Michael to protect him, and with Ji Ran and Xiao Qingchen around, she couldn't do anything.

And he has the confidence to restrain that aura, Michael has no chance to make a move at all.

Huang Xing stretched out his hand to grab the heart, and as soon as he touched it, he instantly felt a violent force of blood rushing into his body from his hand, causing his body to tremble, and then the blood meridians all over his body were sensed, becoming hot and stinging. The inside seemed to be on fire, and the whole body seemed to be about to explode.

The sudden severe pain made his face hideous, like a raging beast.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!" The severed blood in Huang Xing's body was impacted by the blood energy of Hermes' heart, and he couldn't control it, and began to release it crazily, a wave of terrifying blood filled the space, The whole world was shrouded in blood mist.

Both Ji Ran and Xiao Qingchen stared at Huang Xing. They knew that what Huang Xing was best at was refining other powers, so they were not too worried.

Michael looked at Huang Xing intently, trying to find out some details about him.

"Ah!" Huang Xing suddenly raised his head to the sky and roared angrily, a domineering force appeared in his body, extremely terrifying, it seemed to suppress the world.

Michael's beautiful eyes were fixed, and the aura of this domineering power was not inferior to Hermes' blood power.

"What kind of inheritance is he practicing?" Michael couldn't see the details of Huang Xing.

That power is extremely overbearing, but it doesn't seem to have any attributes, as if it is the purest and most original power.

"Om—" A dazzling blood shot up into the sky.

Huang Xing's severed blood was impacted by the power of blood energy, and began to rejuvenate. First, it flowed out bit by bit, and gradually gathered into a rushing river, and finally rushed like an ocean.

The power of blood in the heart was gradually suppressed by the power of Huang Xing's blood, and the bright red heart gradually turned blood black, beating violently, making a loud "thump, boom, boom".

"It's not safe to die." Huang Chen snorted coldly, "Practice for me."

The real fire of the sun in his body "chucked" into flames, and the boiled blood was tumbling and violently boiling.

Michael guessed in horror, "The sun is really hot, could it be that he is the blood of Emperor Jun?"

Burned by the real fire of the sun, Hermes' heart gradually stopped beating, his blood was evaporated, and gradually shrunk, emitting a pungent burnt smell.

Until all the blood in the heart was evaporated, Hermes' heart also disappeared.

The exuberant blood in Huang Xing's body was constantly surging, and the power of the blood alone made Michael's heart jump.

"It's so delicious, I really want to have a taste." Michael showed two sharp fangs at the corner of his mouth, and licked his lips with his tongue, as if he wanted to eat Huang Xing.

"Are you an angel or a vampire." Huang Xing retracted the power of blood energy into his body, and smiled faintly at Michael.

Michael withdrew his fangs and smiled charmingly, "Do you know the origin of vampires?"

Huang Xing said calmly, "I know a little bit, if Captain Michael doesn't mind, you can talk about it in detail."

His so-called knowing does not mean knowing the origin of vampires in the ancient times.

But the earth is the legend of vampires.

Legend has it that Cain, the ancestor of vampires, was the first son of Adam and Eve.

And Adam and Eve "tasted the forbidden fruit" just by stealing the forbidden fruit of Paradise Lost.

Although the legends on the earth are not necessarily prepared, they are not fabricated out of thin air, and there are inextricably linked.

Since Michael is the incarnation of the forbidden fruit, it is not surprising that he is related to vampires.

Vampires and angels might be one and the same.

Michael laughed and said, "It's actually very simple. Good and evil bear the fruit of good and evil. Where there is good, there is evil. The power of good becomes an angel, and the power of evil becomes a vampire."

Huang Xing nodded, it was almost the same as his guess.

Michael suddenly smiled captivatingly at Huang Xing and said, "The second saint has recovered his blood power, has he also recovered his interest?"

Naturally, Huang Xing knew what kind of interest she was referring to, so he said mercilessly, "I'm not interested in you."

Michael didn't feel frustrated in his self-esteem, turned to Ji Ran and Xiao Qingchen and said with a smile, "The second saint has regained his interest, so I won't disturb your good deeds. See you in the universe-level secret realm."

After finishing speaking, she spread her sixteen wings and flew back to the light battleship, and then flew towards the exit.

The three watched Michael leave, Ji Ran snorted, and asked arrogantly, "Are you interested in us?"



What is written now is also intentionally weak. If you find it inconvenient to read, just abandon the book.

I may have an operation next month, because it is on the back, and it is not easy to write on a tablet while lying down.

At that time, the update will be unstable and may be interrupted frequently.

I feel like there is still too much to write.

I don't know if I can keep writing this book.

After the ancient ruins go out, try to finish the plot of the human race.

(End of this chapter)

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