Invincible and powerful God system

Chapter 96 Lu Xiaoke's Overbearing

Chapter 96 Lu Xiaoke's Overbearing
Huang Xing and the little monk Jiujie were still chatting. Lu Xiaoke came out after taking a shower. She was wearing a light blue suspender skirt and a white T-shirt. Little love peach, really cute.

The little monk just spent all his energy on eating, drinking, and living, and he hasn't paid much attention to Lu Xiaoke.Looking closely now, it was like a fairy descending from the earth, her two eyes were staring straight at her up and down.

"What are you looking at, haven't you seen a super invincible beautiful girl?" Lu Xiaoke saw the little monk's obscene gaze, pouted her mouth and said fiercely, then stretched out her white and tender little hand, and made an eye-gouging gesture , threatened, "If you look around again, your eyeballs will be ripped out."

"Amitabha, emptiness is form, and form is emptiness." The little monk withdrew his gaze, his face became solemn.

"Come on, stop pretending to be a monk, otherwise we will go out for a big dinner at night, and you will have to be a vegetarian." Lu Xiaoke said impatiently, walked to sit beside Huang Xing on the sofa.

She didn't believe that Jiu Jie was really a monk, because he was too shameless and didn't look like a monk at all.

As soon as the little monk heard that there was a big meal to eat, no matter what the rules and regulations were, Zhuang Yanbaoxiang's face immediately became sleazy, and he said in a fawning manner, "Miss sister has sharp eyes, and she can tell at a glance that I am not a real monk."

Then he asked salivatingly, "Miss sister, what dinner shall we have tonight?"

"Brother, what shall we have for dinner?" Lu Xiaoke asked Huang Chen without thinking about what to eat.

"You can eat whatever you want, I'm only responsible for paying the bill." Huang Chen said with a doting and loving face.

"Your brother is so kind." The little monk said enviously.

He also wants a big brother who only pays the bills.

"Are you envious? Are you jealous?" Lu Xiaoke raised his head, proudly showing off, "My brother is the best brother in the world."

"Hey." The little monk smiled cheaply, "Your brother is also my brother, dear brother."

"Get out, my brother is not your brother." Lu Xiaoke said dissatisfied, "My brother is mine and has no share with you."

She grabbed Huang Chen's arm, and asked coquettishly, "Brother, do you think I'm right?"

"Yes, everything you say is right." Lu Xing was helplessly shaken by Lu Xiaoke, and replied repeatedly.

"Did you hear that, you are not allowed to call me brother in the future, you can only call me brother and boss." Lu Xiaoke said triumphantly.

"Of order, little sister, your brother will be my boss from now on." The little monk agreed, then moved his face closer and asked flatteringly, "What will young lady take us to eat tonight?"

"In the evening, let's have some buffet at the hotel first, and then go out for a stroll, what's so fun and delicious." Lu Xiaoke held his chin and thought about the arrangements.

"Okay, let's all listen to my young lady." The young monk has no right to speak, only the right to agree.

Then he said to Huang Xing, "Boss, you have to help me buy a few sets of clothes for me to wash in the evening. I only have this set of clothes now."

The little monk was empty-handed and didn't bring any luggage.

"Where did your clothes and luggage go?" Lu Xiaoke asked curiously, and then smiled and said contemptuously, "Isn't it you who lost it?"

The little monk touched the little bald head in embarrassment, and said embarrassedly, "I thought there was money in the card, so I threw away all the broken luggage."

Huang Xing and Lu Xiaoke were speechless after hearing this, this little monk is really amazing.

"The money for buying clothes will be deducted from the 500 million miles I borrowed from you." Lu Xiaoke said, and added a reminder, "Remember to pay back double in the future."

After Lu Xiaoke finished speaking, she still looked at him suspiciously, not believing in his repayment ability, but her brother promised to borrow the money, and she would not say no to it.

Lu Xiaoke felt it was right for Huang Chen to spend money on her, Ji Ran, and even Xu Shasha, and he didn't feel bad at all.

Who makes them all lovely girls.

But to spend money for the little monk to buy things, Lu Xiaoke began to plan carefully for her brother.

Who made the little monk a shameless boy.

"No problem, just deduct from the 500 million miles I borrowed. When I have money in the future, I will definitely repay it twice." The little monk had no objection, and agreed with a smile on his face.

"Also, you have to pay half of the hotel price, even if you pay 10." Lu Xiaoke said domineeringly.

"The three of us, why let me pay half of it?" The little monk retorted dissatisfied.

"Because I live in my brother's half." Lu Xiaoke said with his hands on his waist, staring at the little monk with big eyes.

Can you do that?
Both Huang Xing and the little monk were shocked by Lu Xiaoke's algorithm, the little monk muttered in a low voice, "Half of it is not even 10."

"What did you say?" Lu Xiaoke asked in a high voice.

"No." The little monk waved his hand and said with a fat smile on his face, "I said I would be happy to give 10, and I will deduct the 500 million that I borrowed together."

Lu Xiaoke glanced lightly at the little monk, that look seemed to say, you are wise.

Looking at Lu Xiaoke and the little monk who were fighting and bickering, Huang Xing's mind was buzzing, it was too noisy, so he quickly changed the subject and said, "It's getting late, let's go to eat first, and then go shopping. "

Naturally, Lu Xiaoke and the little monk had no objection, happily followed Huang Chen to the hotel's cafeteria for dinner, and then went shopping together.

The prosperity of Shanghai is not comparable to that of Linjiang, with high-rise buildings everywhere and neon lights flashing.

"Brother, look quickly, that is the Pearl of the Orient, it is really beautiful, so beautiful." Lu Xiaoke pointed to the towering spire with bright lights, and shouted excitedly.

As Huang Xing looked, the huge sphere of the Oriental Pearl Tower was dazzlingly decorated under the decoration of colorful lights, flashing and transforming into colorful and gorgeous colors, it was too beautiful to behold.

He said, "When Mingran and Sasha come out, we will go to the Oriental Pearl Tower to play together."

"Okay." Lu Xiaoke replied excitedly.

Ji Ran just came home today, so it's not convenient to come out at night, but she is going to tell her parents about her relationship with her tonight.

Thinking of this, Huang Xing felt a little uneasy, wondering if he could get the consent of Ranran's parents.

But he soon regained his self-confidence, and looked at the gorgeous Oriental Pearl with a smile. With his current conditions, money and power were at his fingertips, but his parents had no reason to disagree.

Huang Xing was taking Lu Xiaoke and the little monk to go shopping, and Ji Ran had already returned home.

After dinner, Ji Ran's father was watching the news in the living room, and Ji Ran and his mother were chatting about small matters in her boudoir.

She decided to tell her mother about her relationship with Huang Xing.

"Of course, do you have something on your mind that you want to tell mom?"

Known daughter Mo Ruomu, Ji Ran's mother has already seen her abnormality, since she came back from a trip, she felt that something was wrong with her daughter, and asked with a smile, "Is our family in love?"


Ji Ran nodded shyly.

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  There is another chapter after twelve o'clock


(End of this chapter)

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