Invincible and powerful God system

Chapter 97 Mother and Daughter Talking Hearts

Chapter 97 Mother and Daughter Talking Hearts
When Ji's mother heard Ji Ran's affirmative answer, she looked at her lovingly and asked with concern, "What's the boy's name?"

"His name is Huang Xing." Ji Ran blushed with shame, and replied in a low voice.

"Silly girl, you're so old, what's so shy about falling in love?" Ji's mother laughed jokingly.

Ji's mother is very open-minded, as long as Ji Ran doesn't answer, "It's not a boy, it's a girl".

Ji Ran is already 22 years old, one year older than Huang Xing. This is still her first love. If she doesn't fall in love again, Ji's mother will start to worry about her.

Ji's mother looked at the shy Ji Ran, sat next to her, took her hand, and continued to ask, "Tell Mom, how did you know each other?"

"I met him playing Glory of Kings." Thinking of the process of getting acquainted with Huang Xing, Ji Ran had a sweet look on his face.

Ji's mother was stunned when she heard that, and asked in surprise, "You guys met through the game?"

Ji Ran nodded, and told Ji's mother the story of how he and Huang Xing met each other.

Ji's mother was terrified when she heard that, she didn't expect that her daughter and Huang Xing were in an online relationship, and she ran to find that Huang Xing without telling them.

But hearing that Xu Shasha also went together, Ji's mother felt a little more at ease.

"Silly girl, why are you so stupid?" Ji's mother blamed her earnestly, "Even if you are dating online, he should be the one who came to you. You are a girl and you run to a strange place. What should you do if something happens?"

Ji Ran just had a sweet face, and didn't refute her mother. It was indeed too bold for her to do such a thing, and no one would agree to it, but she didn't regret it at all.

Looking at her daughter's sweet face when she mentioned Huang Xing, it seems that she was very satisfied with him after meeting him during this trip to Linjiang, and she had a very happy time these few days.

"As long as you really like each other, mom doesn't object to your falling in love." Ji's mother doesn't object to their online dating, but said worriedly, "But you are still studying, this kind of long-distance relationship, you are sure you can wait forever other side?"

"I will always wait for him." Ji Ran said sweetly.

"Silly girl, you can wait for him, but he may not wait for you!" Ji's mother poured cold water on Ji Ran, "Now that you have just confirmed your relationship, the sweetness is still there. After a while, it will fade away. After a long separation, who Do you know if he will change his mind?"

Ji's mother was not optimistic about Ji Ran and Huang Xing's long-distance relationship, but she did not object to her daughter's first love, she just expressed her concerns, and the final decision still rests with her daughter.

"Huang Xing will definitely wait for me." Ji Ran said confidently.

She is full of longing for the future, and she believes that Huang Xing's promise to her will one day bring the heart of eternity to her ring finger.

Ji's mother looked at her daughter who fell in love and shook her head, knowing that she was still in love now, she had nothing to say, she could only wait for her to calm down, and then slowly enlighten her.

She asked again with concern, "Tell Mom about what kind of person Huang Xing is."

"He is gentle and considerate, kind-hearted, handsome and capable, and treats me very well." Ji Ran praised Huang Xing like a nympho, his face was full of happiness.

Ji's mother teased, "Silly girl, he was carried to the sky by you."

Then he asked again, "Do you have a photo of him, let Mom see."

Ji Ran took out his mobile phone and opened the photo album to show Ji's mother their group photo.

This is a photo of them watching the sunrise at Qixia Peak. The two of them stand shoulder to shoulder, with their left and right fingers clasped together, and their right hands raised high and bent towards each other, forming a big love.

The morning sun shines on their backs, and their love is like the morning sun, warm and full of hope.

"He's quite handsome." Looking at the photo of her daughter and Huang Xing, Ji's mother praised her without hesitation.

The man is handsome, the woman is beautiful, and they look very good.

Ji's mother then asked, "You said he is capable, how capable is he?"

Huang Xing's ability is also her main concern. If her daughter really gets together with him in the end, the man has the ability, and her daughter will not suffer.

Ji Ran didn't answer, but took out the diamond ring box with eternal heart and handed it to Ji's mother with a happy face.

Ji's mother looked at her daughter, and slowly opened the diamond ring box. When she saw the water-blue eternal heart, she was stunned.

How much is such a large diamond worth?

And looking at the brilliance of this diamond, it is not an ordinary diamond.

"He...he gave you this diamond ring?" Ji's mother asked in shock.

Ji Ran nodded happily, and said sweetly, "This diamond ring is called Eternal Heart, and it is a token of love given to me by Huang Xing."

No matter which woman she is, if her boyfriend gives her such a large diamond ring as a token of love, she will feel that she is the happiest woman in the world.

"This Huang Xing is really capable." Ji's mother looked at the eternal heart and sighed in her heart.

"Girl, this eternal heart must be very expensive?" Ji's mother asked.

"This eternal heart was bought by Huang Xing for 5200 million yuan as a token of love." Ji Ran still felt like a dream when he thought of the scene where Huang Chen gave her the eternal heart.

5200 million.

Mother Ji took a breath to calm down.

She didn't think that Huang Xing bought this diamond ring on his own, thinking that he should be a super rich second generation.

She was shocked in her heart that Huang Xing gave her daughter such an expensive diamond ring, but she was also a little worried, would a rich second generation like this really treat Ji Ran well?
A young, wealthy, and handsome man like him is the dream lover of all girls. His daughter and him are not in a long-distance relationship with him. I don't know how many women have seduced him. Can he resist the temptation of other women?
"Girl, are you sure that a rich second generation like him can really have the same heart for you all his life?" Ji's mother was not overwhelmed by the 5200 million diamond ring, she only cared about Ji Ran's happiness.

"Huang Chen is not a rich second generation." Ji Ran said, "I believe that our love can be as eternal as the eternal heart."

This was the promise Huang Xing made when he gave her the Eternal Heart, she kept it in her heart, and said it now to answer her mother.

"Isn't he the second generation rich?" Ji's mother asked suspiciously, "Then where did he get so much money to buy you the eternal heart?"

She didn't think that at such a young age, Huang Xing could earn so much money to buy a 5200 million eternal heart.

"He is a martial arts master." Ji Ran revealed that Huang Xing was a martial arts master.

This is what she discussed with Huang Chen. She was just about to explain to her mother what a martial arts master is, when Ji's mother yelled:
"What did you say? He is a martial arts master?"

Just now I found out that Huang Xing gave Ji Ran a 5200 million diamond ring. Although Ji's mother was shocked, she didn't react too much.

But when she heard that Huang Xing was a martial arts master, her whole face became very ugly, and she yelled out.

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(End of this chapter)

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