Chapter 100

Ji Yang said that he couldn't leave now, and that Li Xinghai's car accident was not simple. It was strange to say that everyone didn't have the slightest doubt about his words.

"Ji Yang, you said my dad's car accident was not simple, how did you find out?"

Li Zixuan looked at Ji Yang and asked softly. Although she believed Ji Yang's words, she hoped that Ji Yang would tell everyone what problems he found.

Hearing Li Zixuan's question, Ji Yang frowned, also wondering whether he should tell the other party.

After struggling for a minute, Ji Yang still told the truth.

When everyone heard that Li Xinghai might have run into a ghost, and that this car accident was probably caused by a ghost, everyone was stunned.

"Ji Yang, is what you said true? Are there really ghosts in this world, and how did you know that Lao Li had bumped into a ghost?"

Businessmen are actually more superstitious than ordinary people. This is because they buy houses and rent houses, and they have to look at Feng Shui for company layout.

Fang Yu is also very superstitious, but she has never really seen ghosts and ghosts, so she can't help being curious at this time.

"Although many people say to ghosts that they believe it or not, but whether you believe it or not, some things are real."

"I once learned Taoism from an old Taoist priest for a period of time. Uncle Li obviously has a yin energy on his body. Such a heavy yin energy should not appear on a human body."

Ji Yang can only make up now, but what he said is not all lies, it is a fact that Li Xinghai has too much yin.

Hearing what Ji Yang said was so mysterious and his expression so serious, the others believed what he said was true even more.

"Ji Yang, you can see that my dad has hit a ghost, you must have a way to save him, right?"

Li Zixuan believed in Ji Yang, and when she heard that Ji Yang saw that Li Xinghai's car accident might be related to ghosts, she believed that Ji Yang must have a solution.

"Yes, I would like to ask everyone to go out now. No matter what happens or what sounds you hear, you can't come in."

Ji Yang said with a serious face.

Hearing Ji Yang's words, Li Zixuan grabbed Fang Yu's hand and nodded heavily at Fang Yu.

Seeing that Li Zixuan believed in Ji Yang so much, Fang Yu bit her lip and took one last look at Li Xinghai who was lying on the hospital bed.

"Ji Yang, I'll leave it to you, Lao Li, let's go out."

After Fang Yu finished speaking, she walked out of the ward, and the others followed suit. Li Zixuan was the last to leave, and she was obviously hesitant when she left.

"Get out, trust me, your dad will be fine soon."

Smiling confidently at Li Zixuan, Ji Yang sent Li Zixuan outside the ward and locked the door of the ward.

The moment the ward door was locked, the smile on Ji Yang's face disappeared instantly.

He walked to Li Xinghai's hospital bed, and first felt his pulse. Li Xinghai's pulse was stable, but his body was very weak.

No, it's not just weak, it's weaker than ordinary people, even patients who are more serious than him are stronger than him.

"The body is so weak, no wonder he hits ghosts."

After checking Li Xinghai, Ji Yang muttered to himself.

Those who are weak or sexually inclined are likely to be crushed by ghosts or hit by ghosts.

When the body is weak, the yang energy will be weak, and when the body is cold, the ghosts and beings in the six realms will approach and even be bullied by them.

People with full yang energy, ghosts, and sentient beings dare not approach, let alone bully or be seen.

Ji Yang was curious about why Li Xinghai would see ghosts before, but now he has the answer.

It's just that I don't know what Li Xinghai is doing recently, his body is so weak, even to the point of hell.

"Could it be that he's looking for mistress outside?"

Ji Yang looked at Li Xinghai with a smirk on his face and thought, if Li Zixuan knew about his thoughts, Li Zixuan would definitely turn into a tigress.


The effect of the anesthetic in Li Xinghai's body disappeared at this time, and Li Xinghai felt very uncomfortable all over his body, and the incision of the operation was even more painful. He gasped.

"You just had an operation, don't move now."

Seeing Li Xinghai wake up, Ji Yang warned softly.

Opening his eyes weakly, Li Xinghai was surprised to see that the person talking to him was actually Ji Yang.

"Why are you here, is it the hospital you sent me to?"

"It's not the hospital I sent you to. You are very weak now. Drink this. I have something to ask you."

When Ji Yang was talking, he walked to the table beside him, picked up a water glass, and then took out a small bottle containing a liquid like slime from his bosom, poured out a small drop of what was in the bottle, and hurriedly took the bottle away .

What he contained in this small bottle was the underworld bee jelly. The underworld bee jelly was definitely suitable for Li Xinghai's current state of weakness, but he couldn't give it to Li Xinghai too much.

This is Ji Yang's stinginess, the effect of the bee jelly from the underworld is too good, he is afraid that Li Xinghai will not be able to bear it if he gives it too much.

Wash away the underworld bee jelly with hot water, and a cup looks disgusting, as disgusting as a cup of dirt.

Ji Yang asked Li Xinghai to drink this, but of course Li Xinghai didn't want to. Although the muddy water smelled delicious, Li Xinghai still didn't dare to drink it.

"You really don't drink it. After drinking it, you will feel strong all over your body. You can handle nine of them in one night. Do you really not drink it?"

Chi Guoguo's temptation, although hearing Ji Yang's last sentence nine in one night is very tempting, but Li Xinghai still said weakly: "Don't drink, even if you're beaten to death."

"You are my prospective father-in-law. How could I beat you to death, but you won't be healthy if you don't drink. You forced me to do this. You can't blame me."

In order for Li Xinghai to get better soon, I even took out the bee jelly from the underworld, but Li Xinghai is so uncooperative with me, so I can't waste the bee jelly from the underworld.

Since the soft is not enough, it can only be hard.

"You... oh..."

Seeing Ji Yang's unfriendly eyes, Li Xinghai secretly said that his voice was dangerous.

But what can he do if he finds danger, he is not Ji Yang's opponent under normal circumstances, let alone at this time.

Ji Yang squeezed Li Xinghai's mouth open with one hand, and poured the water washed with bee jelly into Li Xinghai's mouth.

"Father-in-law, you can't blame me. I'm really doing it for your own good."

While pouring hard, Ji Yang looked at Li Xinghai with innocent eyes and said softly.

Your uncle, did you come here so hard at your father-in-law? If you say you can do it, do it. If you can do it right, it's all in your nose...

Li Xinghai scolded Ji Yang silently in his heart.

However, Li Xinghai's eyes lit up with the entrance of the bee jelly water from the underworld. He found that the disgusting muddy water was really delicious.

And he found that after this thing entered his stomach, he was like an inflated balloon, full of strength, and his previous fatigue completely disappeared.

If it weren't for the pain from the incision on his body, he himself wouldn't believe that he had just undergone surgery.

For a person who works in the pharmaceutical industry, this is amazing, it is simply a magic medicine!

(End of this chapter)

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