The most awesome WeChat Moments

Chapter 99 Car accident is not that simple

Chapter 99 Car accident is not that simple

Outside the intensive care unit of Linhai Hospital, several people were walking around anxiously.

"Mom, don't worry, Dad will be fine."

Li Zixuan comforted a beautiful woman beside her. This beautiful woman was Li Zixuan's mother, Fang Yu.

Although Li Zixuan was comforting the other party, seeing her sad face, she seemed to have a lot more worries than Fang Yu.

"Yes, Aunt Fang, Uncle Li will be fine."

"Didn't Zixuan call Ji Yang just now? Ji Yang can even treat my serious condition. Uncle Li is definitely not there."

During Huang Xiaoxin's recovery period, Ji Yang prescribed several recovery prescriptions for her. Under Ji Yang's prescriptions, Huang Xiaoxin was basically fine.

"Yes, with that kid Ji Yang here, Lao Li will be fine, Fang Yu, don't worry."

Originally, today was the day when Huang Xiaoxin was discharged from the hospital. When Huang Tianxiong and others were taking Huang Xiaoxin out of the hospital, they saw Li Xinghai being taken to the hospital by ambulance, and asked about the fact that there was a car accident.

The Li family and the Huang family had a good relationship. When they learned that Li Xinghai had a car accident, they planned to wait until Li Xinghai was out of danger before leaving.

The name Ji Yang was mentioned by Fang Yu from Huang Xiaoxin's mother, Wu Ning, and she also knew that Ji Yang performed Huang Xiaoxin's surgery, but Li Zixuan had been on the phone for almost an hour, and the other party never showed up.

The far water can't quench the near thirst, and now Li Xinghai is still in the operating room, it's strange that she isn't worried.

"Zixuan, I'm here."

Just when everyone was comforting Fang Yu, Ji Yang finally came.

Ji Yang ran all the way to the operating room, and when he saw that Li Zixuan was fine, his heart was relieved.

"Ji Yang! Woohoo, my dad had a car accident and is still undergoing surgery."

Li Zixuan, who was pretending to be strong to appease her mother just now, saw Ji Yang's tears flow like a flood, she threw herself into Ji Yang's arms and sobbed.

Seeing Li Zixuan throw herself directly into Ji Yang's arms, Fang Yu's expression changed. She is also a woman. Seeing her daughter's appearance, she guessed something. When looking at Ji Yang, she nodded and shook her head from time to time.

Ji Yang just let go of his heart and brought it up again after hearing that Li Xinghai had a car accident. Li Xinghai is now his quasi-father-in-law, and he can't ignore the quasi-father-in-law having a car accident.

While Ji Yang was comforting Li Zixuan, Li Zixuan also introduced Ji Yang to her mother Fang Yu.

"Auntie, don't worry, there will be nothing wrong with Uncle Li with me."

Ji Yang said confidently.

Just now Li Zixuan had simply told Ji Yang about Li Xinghai's situation. Although Li Xinghai had a car accident, his injuries were not serious, and any surgeon could perform the operation.

As for the recovery in the later period, it was too trivial to Ji Yang, it was just a matter of a few prescriptions. .

"You look pretty good. Who else is there in your family? What do your parents do? Are you working as an intern here? We, Zixuan, are also doing an intern here, so that the two of you can spend a lot of time together, and..."

"Mom, what are you talking about? Dad is still undergoing surgery."

Li Zixuan blushed and said angrily.

Fang Yu is exactly like a mother-in-law asking her son-in-law, but even if you want to ask these questions, shouldn't you change the place and time.

Embarrassment, Ji Yang is extremely embarrassed at this time, no matter how thick-skinned he is, he will not be thick-skinned at this time.

Fang Yu heard Li Zixuan's words, and realized that it was not the mother-in-law seeing her son-in-law, but in the hospital. The curiosity on her face instantly turned into sadness.

As expected of a mother and daughter, Fang Yu's face-changing speed was as fast as Li Zixuan's.

"You kid is running too fast, I don't know if you really think you are trying to escape."

It took a while for Ji Yang to arrive outside the operating room before Ye Yongguang rushed over.

"May I ask who you are, what do you mean by escape?"

Ye Yongguang's appearance surprised everyone, and his words changed people's expressions even more. Huang Tianxiong saw that Ye Yongguang's police rank was not low, his eyes fixed, and he asked softly.

"My name is Ye Yongguang, and I am the deputy head of the Linhai traffic police team. The thing is like this..."

Ye Yongguang told what happened, and everyone was dumbfounded.

In order to come to Haihai Hospital as soon as possible, Ji Yang worked hard enough, the whole drag racing party chased him, and the traffic police chased him back and forth, you are too good.

"Captain Ye, thank you for trusting Ji Yang and agreeing that Ji Yang would come to the hospital to see my husband first, and you followed me here. Thank you very much."

Fang Yu was very grateful when she heard that Ye Yongguang actually arrested other rich and powerful second-generation ancestors, but agreed with Ji Yang to come to the hospital.

"Hahaha, you don't have to thank me. If you want to thank me, thank Mr. Mu. Mr. Mu is my old chief."

Hearing Fang Yu thank you, Ye Yongguang laughed twice.

As soon as he said this, everyone understood in their hearts. No wonder Ye Yongguang let Ji Yang come here. It turned out that it was because of the Mu family.

Linhai Li's family and Wanghai Mu's family are family friends. Ye Yongguang served as a soldier under Mu Qing before, and he was a very trusted kind.Today, when he heard that something happened to Li's family, he would let him go without hesitation, otherwise Mu Qing would not let him go if something happened later.


The lights in the operating room went out, and the doctor pushed Li Xinghai, who was still under anesthesia, out of the operating room.

"Doctor, was the operation successful? How is my father?"

Li Zixuan ran over first, looked at the pale Li Xinghai, and asked worriedly.

"Miss Li, don't worry. Mr. Li's injury is not serious. The operation was successful. He will wake up soon."

The doctor said to Li Zixuan with a smile.

Hearing what the doctor said, Li Zixuan, Fang Yu and others were relieved.

After the doctor sent Li Xinghai back to the special ward and left, Ji Yang didn't say a word from the beginning to the end, he just looked at Li Xinghai quietly.

"Ji Yang, Mr. Li should be fine now, should you come back to the traffic police with me?

"Don't worry, just follow a procedure, you can leave after drinking tea at my place."

Ye Yongguang saw the doctor and said that Li Xinghai was fine, and he was also planning to take Ji Yang back to the traffic police team.

After all, there are so many people watching tonight, if I don't take Ji Yang back, I will inevitably be stabbed in the back in the future.

Although Ye Yongguang doesn't care about those people making trouble for him, it's good to have one thing less.

Just hearing Ye Yongguang's words, Ji Yang shook his head.

"Captain Ye, I can't go with you for the time being. Uncle Li's car accident this time is not that simple."

Zhang Daoling's teaching of Taoism to Ji Yang is not fake, and now Ji Yang is extremely sensitive to certain things.

Ever since Li Xinghai was pushed out of the operating room, Ji Yang had been observing him. He found that although Li Xinghai's face was pale on the surface, it was actually white with black, and his body was covered with a layer of yin.

Li Xinghai must have encountered unclean things recently. As for whether today's car accident is related to these unclean things, it is not yet certain.

Since he discovered that Li Xinghai encountered something unclean, Ji Yang couldn't ignore it.

If you want to go to the traffic police team, you have to wait until he finishes his work.

(End of this chapter)

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