Chapter 98 It's Not Your Turn Here To Talk
As Ji Yang's car stopped, everyone in the drag racing party who was chasing him stopped their cars.

Although they were rich and powerful, they didn't dare to bump into the traffic police, otherwise it would be difficult for their father to keep them in the later stage.

"Little bastard, I told you a long time ago not to drive in the urban area. If you don't teach you a lesson, you don't know that Lord Ma has three eyes."

"Get out of the car for me."

This time Ye Yongguang not only ordered the arrest of drag racing gangs, but also led the team himself.

Although the cars of the traffic police team are all good, the cars of the drag racing gang are good cars in themselves, and each of them has been modified. It is good that the cars of the traffic police team can keep up with them.

In the end, Ye Yongguang decided to divide his troops into two groups, and led his own people to cut off the small roads, and finally stopped these guys in front of Linhai Hospital.

It's just that these drag racing gangs saw Ye Yongguang so angry, and no one dared to get out of the car after hearing what he said. Instead, they all locked the doors tightly.

Seeing that no one got out of the car, Ye Yongguang's expression changed, he cursed a few words, walked towards the car in front of him, and was about to kick it.

Just when Ye Yongguang was about to kick the car, the door opened, and Ji Yang got out of the car.

It is Ji Yang's Dongfeng Warrior that Ye Yongguang wants to kick.

"Uncle policemen, what are you doing? Are you arresting the racing gangs? These racing gangs are indeed too rampant, and they should all be arrested."

"I have something urgent to go to the hospital, can you let me go first?"

After Ji Yang got off the car, he said to Ye Yongguang with a smile on his face.

Hearing Ji Yang say this, Ye Yongguang laughed, where did this come from, and he was still acting with himself at this time.

"They are drag racing gangs, your car is only faster than theirs, so what are you?"

"Playing this game with Ye Yongguang, you are still a little tender."

What do you mean, is he saying that he is a drag racing gang?

Seeing that the other party misunderstood him, Ji Yang hurriedly explained.

"I'm not a drag racing gang, I'm really in a hurry to go to the hospital, I'm an intern at Linhai Hospital, and I'm going to save people."

"Are you still acting with me, then tell me who are you going to save?"

Seeing that Ji Yang was still arguing with himself, Ye Yongguang smiled coldly.

"My girlfriend, Li Zixuan, you don't even know her after telling me, so let me go there quickly."

Ji Yang was in a hurry to see Li Zixuan, but Ye Yongguang kept asking questions from left to right, and Ji Yang was also annoyed.

Ye Yongguang frowned when he heard the word Li Zixuan. The name sounded familiar, but he couldn't remember it all at once.

Ye Yongguang thought for a while, then asked loudly, "Is the Li Zixuan you're talking about the daughter of Xinghai Pharmaceutical CEO Li Xinghai?"

Ye Yongguang reacted so strongly, did he really know Li Zixuan? Thinking of Li's family's reputation in Linhai, Ji Yang quickly felt relieved.

"Well, it's Li Xinghai's daughter."

"Let him go."

Seeing that Ji Yang was so sure, Ye Yongguang gave the order without the slightest hesitation.

Ye Yongguang caught the drag racing party tonight, which one has no background, and how many are better than the Li family? Since he dared to arrest them, the other traffic police would never believe that Ye Yongguang let Ji Yang go because of the influence of the Li family in Linhai .

But what is the reason?

Anyway, when Ye Yongguang said to let Ji Yang go, the traffic policemen would give way no matter what the reason was, but when the traffic policemen were about to give way, they suddenly heard an angry shout.

"He can't go today!"

This sentence, he can't go, attracted everyone's attention.

"Feng Kun!"

The person who spoke suddenly was Feng Kun who had just rushed over. He had been chasing Ji Yang for so long at the cost of being caught by the traffic police for a few nights. Now that the other party was blocked by the traffic police, how could he let Ji Yang go willingly.

"Captain Ye, didn't you catch the drag racing party tonight? He was racing with us tonight. If you want to let him go, do you want to let us all go?"

When Feng Kun saw Ye Yongguang, his expression was obviously ugly, but he still forced himself to sit calmly and said to Ye Yongguang.

"Whether he raced with you or not is not up to you, but to me. There is no place for you to talk here. I am the biggest here. I can let whoever I want to let go."

"Let go!"

Ye Yongguang had already asked Feng Jian to warn Feng Kun, but the other party dared to drive in the city. Ye Yongguang didn't care what his reason was. Anyway, if you come to the city to drive in the city, I will not be soft.

Feng Kun, who already had an ugly face, became even more angry when he heard Ye Yongguang say this.

It's just that even if he was angry in his heart, he didn't dare to confront Ye Yongguang head-on.

But Feng Kun didn't speak, but Madman Liu beside him spoke.

"Captain Ye, you are using power for personal gain, can I sue you?"

Ye Yongguang didn't know Crazy Liu, but it didn't matter if he knew him or not.

"Smart people would never speak at this time. Obviously you are not. If you want to complain to me, you can, but you have to wait for you to go to the traffic police to drink!"

"Take away everyone except him, and whoever dares to let go alone, I will take off his clothes."

There was a bit of threat in Ye Yongguang's words, and Madman Liu and Feng Kun were both angry when they heard it.

"Ye Yongguang, don't go too far."

If Ye Yongguang was really on business tonight, Feng Kun would bear it, but now he wants to let Ji Yang go, but arrests them, Feng Kun can't bear it.

Ji Yang didn't understand why Ye Yongguang helped him so much, and he didn't even give in to other people's complaints.

What Ye Yongguang did tonight will definitely affect his management of the traffic police team in the future. If the other party helps him like this, if he doesn't open his mouth again, he is still a man.

"Shut up for me, you guys are calling a fart!"

Ji Yang stared, and shouted at Feng Kun and Crazy Liu.

When he yelled, everyone was stunned, and even a few people who saw Feng Kun coming and were about to get out of the car stopped opening the door.

Being yelled at by Ji Yang made Feng Kun feel very humiliated, but just when he was about to scold Ji Yang, Ji Yang continued: "Captain Ye, I am indeed going to save people, but this is not enough to be the reason for my release. , I have no objection if you arrest me."

"But I hope you can let me go to the hospital first, and then go to the traffic police team."

When Ji Yang said this, Ye Yongguang nodded approvingly, thinking in his heart that Ji Yang knew how to behave.

"No, you said you just saved people, you just saved people. You said you went to the traffic police team when you went to the hospital. Who knows if you will run away."

Just talk when you should talk, don't talk when you shouldn't talk, don't talk at this time, you Feng Kun don't talk, it's comfortable to slap you in the face, right?

Ji Yang couldn't help calling Feng Kun an idiot.

"Feng Kun, shut up, I don't have your turn to speak here."

"I agree with your opinion. I will go to the hospital with you. After you cure him, I will take him back to the police force."

"Whoever dares to have an opinion, don't blame me for being rude to him now."

Ye Yongguang stared at Feng Kun threateningly and said in a cold voice.

After Ye Yongguang said that, no matter how idiotic Feng Kun was, he dared not speak up.

Judging by Ye Yongguang's current expression and his heartbeat tonight, he doesn't think that Ye Yongguang's words are just words, he can definitely do what he says.

(End of this chapter)

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