Chapter 97
Just like a scene from a blockbuster movie, it unfolded under the night in Linhai...

Countless traffic policemen drove police cars or motorcycles to chase the drag racing party in the urban area of ​​Linhai, and the drag racing party frantically drove their own cars to chase the Dongfeng warrior in front of them.

The drag racing party chased him, and Ji Yang also drove the Dongfeng Warrior very fast, so that the drag racing party's car was always some distance away from him.

It's just that Ji Yang didn't know yet, because of some friction between him and Feng Kun, the traffic police team had exploded, and all the traffic police on duty tonight were dispatched.

Ji Yang is the source of this matter, but he doesn't know all of this. He only knows that he is very close to Linhai Hospital, and he will be there in 5 minutes.

"Zixuan, wait for me, I'll be there soon."

Up to now, Ji Yang still doesn't know why Li Zixuan is in the hospital, but he doesn't care about the other party's reason, anyway, go there first.

It's best to be okay, if something happens, let yourself solve it.

"What's the matter with these boys, didn't you tell them to go home, why are you still racing?"

A traffic policeman in the chasing drag racing party looked at all kinds of fast cars in front of him, and said a little depressed.

"Who knows, I informed them just now, and these guys ignored me."

"These boys are really hard-winged. Anyway, Team Ye gave the order. We have to chase if we don't. It's good to give him a warning."

Another traffic policeman who was in the same car as the previous traffic policeman spoke.

There are many similar conversations among the traffic police. They don't understand what happened to these drag racing gangs tonight, and why they didn't listen to their warnings.

It's not that the drag racing party doesn't want to listen to their warning, but their warning is nothing compared to Madman Liu's revenge, and it's not worth mentioning at all.

Feng Jian was in a meeting out of town today, and at this time he had just returned to the hotel from the drinking party.

Accompanying him back was a little policewoman who was only 21 or [-] years old.

Just as the two of them entered the hotel, Feng Jiangang took two small pills and was about to show off at night, but he received a call from Linhai.

"Feng Jian, is your brain trapped by the door? Do you know that the municipal party committee's phone is about to go off the hook? The drag racing party is racing wildly in the urban area, and the traffic police team is chasing it frantically. Are you making a blockbuster movie?"

"Even if you take action, shouldn't you notify in advance that you are going to retire soon, do you still want to discredit yourself before retiring?"

As soon as Feng Jiang picked up the phone, the other party scolded him head and face. After the scolding, Feng Jian was stunned for an instant, and he was seven minutes sober from the wine.

How could he not know about the traffic police team chasing down the drag racing party? He hadn't heard of it before.

Who gave this order, why did the drag racing party drive the car to the city, what is going on?
"Mayor Liao, I don't know about this. I'm not in Linhai now, and I'm in a meeting outside."

"Don't be angry, I'll call and ask what's going on, and I'll give you a satisfactory answer."

"Hmph, stop talking nonsense, let the traffic police team withdraw quickly, don't affect the citizens, and deal with you when you come back."

"Well, I will notify the traffic police team to retreat."

Deputy Mayor Liao hung up the phone, and Feng Jian also looked unhappy.

Although Feng Jian spoke politely just now, he was calling the other party a bastard in his heart.

"The traffic police caught drag racing gangs, is this discrediting myself? I am doing this to improve my political achievements, okay?"

"This old bastard asked me to order the traffic police to withdraw. It's not because the traffic police caught the drag racing party and the public got angry. I'm afraid your son went to drag racing again today. He climbed the traffic police and arrested his son to discredit him. Really."

The more he thought about it, the more depressed Feng Jian became.

Who told the officials to kill people at the first level? If you are upset, you have to call to ask about the situation.

Just when Feng Jian was about to make a phone call back to Linhai, a charming voice suddenly sounded, a woman wearing a black lace dress, showing a pair of long white legs, and a pure and charming face appeared before his eyes.

This woman is the policewoman who came back with him.

"Captain Feng, I've been waiting for you for a long time, why are you so slow, people can't wait."

This charming woman doesn't look like a police officer at all, she looks more aggressive than those women on the street.

If it was on a normal day, Feng Jian would have rushed over. This woman just came to the traffic police team for an internship. Feng Jian spent a lot of effort to get her dealt with. This time, in the name of a meeting, she brought her directly. up.

But Feng Jian doesn't have that kind of thought now, he already has anger in his heart, and now he sees the other party is even more angry, but this anger is anger not kidney fire.

"Fuck off, I'm annoyed now, just do what I should do, I can't help but play with myself, don't bother me."

Feng Jian threw his anger on the intern policewoman.

When the intern policewoman heard Feng Jian's words, the charm on her face disappeared instantly, and tears filled her aggrieved eyes.

"Old bastard, if you have the ability, don't look for me in the future."

You were the one who seduced me, but you are still scolding me now, the policewoman couldn't help it anymore, scolded Feng Jian, turned around and left.

In Feng Jian's heart, he was aggrieved, the people above him scolded him, and now even the policewoman he had managed to get scolded him. How can he be so useless as the captain of the traffic police team? Who did he provoke today.

Feng Jian made a phone call back to Linhai and found out what was going on tonight. He was shocked when he learned that it was Ye Yongguang's arrest order because of the drag racing party in the urban area. He should have guessed it a long time ago. Ye Yongguang is the only person who dares to issue such an order.

However, he didn't dare to offend the other party easily because the other party had a big background. In the end, he could only call his bastard son Feng Kun with anger, wanting to ask the other party what was going on.

But Feng Kun seemed to know the purpose of Feng Jian calling him, he didn't answer the phone, after Feng Jian called several times in a row, Feng Kun turned off the phone directly.

"Little bastard, you are cheating on your father!"

When Feng Kun turned off the phone, Feng Jian smelled something. It seems that what happened tonight has something to do with Feng Kun.

Here Feng Jian was depressed, but Ji Yang was happy, because he had already seen the gate of Linhai Hospital, and he could see Li Zixuan right away, knowing what was wrong with him.

But when Ji Yang was happy, several police cars rushed out from the corner of Linhai Hospital and blocked the road.

"Fuck me, these police cars are crazy, why did they rush out suddenly?"

Seeing a few police cars rushing out, Ji Yang slammed on the brakes. Because Dongfeng Warrior was driving so fast, when he slammed on the brakes, the brake pads were worn out with some sparks.

Dongfeng Warrior stopped less than a meter away from a police car because of sparks and lightning all the way. The traffic policeman sitting in the police car turned pale with fright. He was really afraid that Ji Yang would hit his car.

At that speed, if he was bumped, he might have to go to the underworld to report.

(End of this chapter)

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