The most awesome WeChat Moments

Chapter 96 Let's Keep Chasing

Chapter 96 Let's Keep Chasing
These drag racing gangs are the second-generation rich and second-generation officials. Their families are either rich or powerful. They usually have their nostrils turned upside down, and they never put others in their eyes.

Feng Kun is the leader of these drag racing gangs. His car was crashed. Isn't this a slap in the face of these drag racing gangs? What's more, Feng Kun also offered a lottery of 100 million, and these guys chased him even harder.

Although they are not short of money, but who is afraid of too much money biting their hands, 100 million is enough to refit one's car once, and it can still be stylish for a while.

More than a dozen expensive luxury cars were chasing under the night light, and some overnighters hurriedly pulled out their mobile phones to record this wonderful moment when they saw such a spectacular scene.

But the speed of these cars was too fast. As soon as they took out their mobile phones, more than a dozen cars had already disappeared.

"Damn it, is this a blockbuster drag racing movie? Everyone is going to die, the car is going so fast!"

"That's right, even if you don't bump into people, it's not good if you crush flowers and plants."

"I think you are just jealous, these people are so cool, I would rather sit in their car and cry to death than laugh in your broken e-donkey."

Similar conversations happened in almost everyone who saw this scene.

But some people don't know whether it's because of jealousy, or because they really can't understand their arrogance, so they choose to call the police.

There are quite a few people calling the police, and the traffic police team's phone numbers will be blown up this night.

"These little bastards don't let me stop at night. Didn't I tell them that if I want to drive to the suburbs, why do I drive to the city?"

In the office of the deputy head of the traffic police corps, he heard his subordinates say that all the calls tonight were for drag racing, and they returned more than a dozen cars, which made Ye Yongguang, the deputy head, very angry.

Feng Jian, the head of the Linhai Traffic Police Corps, is about to retire. At this time, many people are staring at the position of the head of the team, but Ye Yongguang parachuted here at this time. Smart people can smell something strange. smell.

But after Ye Yongguang came here, he didn't act arrogantly, but acted very easy-going.

Even when he learned that Linhai had a bunch of aggressive racing gangs, he didn't bring in a new official to take office and deal with them severely, because he knew that many of these people were the second-generation rich and second-generation officials, There are even a few who are the juniors of the leaders of the traffic police team.

However, he also greeted the leadership of the traffic police team, that is, these drag racing gangs can't drive in the urban area, and they have to go to the suburbs. Even Feng Jian, the head of the traffic police team, agreed with his opinion. People will naturally not object.

Others don't know about Ye Yongguang's background, but Feng Jian does. He won't object to Ye Yongguang's opinion, and he can even say he doesn't dare.

And these drag racing gangs are also very obedient. Since the day Ye Yongguang became the deputy captain, these guys have disappeared in the urban area, but today such a big battle suddenly appeared in the urban area, and Ye Yongguang was also popular.

"You little bastards, I wanted to let you go because of your father's face. As long as you don't overdo it, I'll get by. But if you don't give me face, don't blame me."

Ye Yongguang said softly with cold eyes.

It's not that he doesn't want to deal with these guys, but Qianglong doesn't suppress the top snakes, and he will take these second-generation officials and rich second-generations as soon as he comes, and I'm afraid it will be difficult to carry out his own work in the future.

It was precisely because of this that he planned to ignore the other party for the time being, as long as the other party didn't go too far, but since it was downtown today, he couldn't ignore it.

"Notify all the traffic policemen on duty, set up checkpoints on all road sections for me, and arrest all these little bastards today."

Having already made up his mind to clean up these drag racing gangs, Ye Yongguang directly issued orders to his subordinates.

At night, all the traffic policemen on duty received an order from the traffic police corps to try their best to arrest the drag racing gang. When this order was issued, some people were happy and some were worried.

Some upright traffic policemen have already found these outlaws distasteful, but under the pressure of their superiors, they dare not arrest them at all.

Some traffic policemen related to the drag racing party were nervous and their heads were dizzy for a while, but they had to carry out the order, but they still quietly notified the drag racing party.

"Feng Kun, Ye Yongguang from the Traffic Police Corps is going to arrest us, shall we let it go tonight?"

When one person receives a notice from the traffic police that they are going to arrest the drag racing gang, the entire drag racing gang knows everything in an instant.

Crazy Liu frowned, and asked in a gloomy voice.

Feng Kun's face became a little ugly when he heard what Madman Liu said. His father is Feng Jian, the chief captain of the traffic police corps.

Before Ye Guangming came to the sea, the drag racing party was more arrogant than now. When the night comes, the entire Linhai is where they race cars. They are too lazy to go to the poor places in the suburbs, and they like to show off in the urban area.

But since Ye Guangming came, he greeted the entire traffic police system and strictly prohibited drag racing parties from appearing in the urban area. At that time, Feng Kun was very angry and even disdainful.

But Feng Jian told him that Ye Guangming was not easy, and he, the captain, did not dare to offend the other party, so Feng Kun had to take the drag racing party to drag racing in the suburbs every day.

Feng Kun has endured it for a long time, and tonight he was angered by Ji Yang again, so he can't control that much anymore.

"Come on, my dad is the captain. He's a vice-captain yelling. Chase me, keep chasing me. If something goes wrong, I'll be responsible for Feng Kun!"

Feng Kun gritted his teeth, no matter what happened today, he couldn't let the drag racing party withdraw, otherwise how could he hang around in Linhai in the future.

To be called Crazy Liu, Crazy Liu's character is naturally of the crazy kind. Hearing what Feng Kun said at this time, he felt that it made sense.

"Hey, Feng Kun, I like your personality."

"Like a girl, a lunatic who can eat both men and women, I don't like you."

This lunatic Liu is not crazy in doing things, Feng Kun feels that he is crazy at all, this guy is actually bidirectional in certain orientations, Feng Kun also admires him for this.


Crazy Liu didn't take Feng Kun's sarcastic remarks seriously at all, but just laughed.

Then he shouted into the walkie-talkie: "No one is allowed to withdraw halfway tonight. If anyone dares to withdraw, I, Crazy Liu, will let him know how powerful the Crazy Vajra Cudgel is."

Originally, most people in the drag racing party were planning not to chase after Ji Yang after receiving calls from friends or elders, but when they heard Madman Liu's words, these people turned cold.

They all knew about Crazy Liu's hobbies, and they all knew that Crazy Liu would definitely do what he said.

Given their background, even if they were caught by the traffic police, at most they would be fined a little money and given a training meal, which is not a big deal.

But being retaliated by Crazy Liu later, that's no joke.

In the end, these guys didn't care about the traffic police, so let's keep chasing them.

(End of this chapter)

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