Chapter 95

Ji Yang definitely did it on purpose. When he was driving away, he stepped on the accelerator heavily, the engine roared like a beast, and the Dongfeng warrior's exhaust pipe spewed out a puff of black smoke.

Under normal circumstances, this kind of situation would never happen to the brand-new Dongfeng Warrior, but Ji Yang did it. Don't ask Ji Yang how he did it, Ji Yang himself doesn't know.

"Cough cough cough..."

The black smoke was sprayed on the young man's face impartially, making the young man's ugly face completely dark, his clothes were also dirty, and he looked very embarrassed.

"Ah... just wait for me, I, Feng Kun, will not let you go tonight!"

It turned out that this young man was called Feng Kun. Through the rearview mirror of the stalled sports car, Feng Kun also saw his distressed appearance. Coupled with the cockscomb on his head, he was like a roasted chicken that was roasted black.

With an angry cry, Feng Kun picked up his phone and broadcast it directly.

"Notify the brothers, whoever can catch me a kid who drives the Dongfeng Warrior tonight, I will give him 100 million, and after the notification, you will come to pick me up under the No. [-] bridge. My car was smashed and disabled."

"Your car was wrecked. Who is so courageous? It's a long life. I'll tell my brothers right away, you wait for me there."

When the person on the other side of the phone heard that Feng Kun's car had been knocked down, he was obviously taken aback, and then said in a cold voice.

"Come here quickly, paralyzed, don't let me catch that kid, or I'll break his leg!"

After Feng Kun finished speaking, he also hung up the phone angrily. A gust of wind blew by, and Feng Kun couldn't help shivering.

"I heard that several people die here every year due to car accidents. It's really eerie to be here alone. There must be no ghosts."

"Crazy Liu, come here so fucking quickly, or I'll be eaten by a ghost, and even if I'm a ghost, I'll have to go find you."

When Feng Kun thought of ghosts, his eyes became very frightened, and after his body shivered again, Feng Kun quickly got into the stalled sports car.

When Feng Kun got into the car, what he didn't see was that there were two red lights on a pier of No. [-] Bridge, and the owner of these two red lights was a man wearing a red shirt with a face Delicate woman.

It's just that although this woman has a delicate face, her face is very pale and her lips are purple. Two red lights came from her eyes. When she looked at Feng Kun, the red lights in her eyes flickered fiercely, as if she was very angry.

When Feng Kun got into the car, a red light flashed in the eyes of the woman in red, and she was about to walk towards Feng Kun's car.

And at this moment, a crazy car engine sounded suddenly, and then I saw a sports car like Feng Kun's car, sprayed with various colors of spray painting, driving over, the two lights were very bright, and when the lights hit red The cold expression of the woman in red changed.

Glancing at Feng Kun's car unwillingly, the woman murmured softly: "Feng Kun, today is your fate, but you have to pay back your debts. You owe me your life, and I will definitely ask you to pay your debts. "

After the woman in red finished speaking, a gust of wind blew by, and the woman in red disappeared in place.

Let me go, this Feng Kun's senses are very sensitive, there is really a ghost here, and it is a ghost that wants his life.

If it weren't for this sports car that suddenly appeared, he might really be going to go to hell to find Liu lunatic to settle the score.

"Did I get dazzled just now? Why did I see a woman in red there just now? Why did she disappear all of a sudden?"

"It can't be a ghost. It is said that if you walk too much at night, you will always encounter ghosts. I also have the foresight. Today I just spent 10 yuan to find an old Taoist priest to open my car. The old Taoist priest even gave me a talisman." , it is said that it can drive away ghosts and evil spirits, even if I encounter ghosts, I, Crazy Liu, don't have to be afraid."

It was Crazy Liu who drove there in time. There are some things that you believe in, but you don't believe in them. It seems that Crazy Liu is the kind of believer in evil.

And it was precisely because of his belief in evil that he saved his life and Feng Kun's life today. If the old Taoist priest hadn't opened his car and sent him a Taoist talisman, the female ghost would have killed Feng Kun tonight.

But looking at the resentment of the female ghost in red towards Feng Kun, she will definitely settle accounts with Feng Kun in the later stage.

"Damn it, Feng Kun, why did you become a smoked chicken?"

When Feng Kun saw Crazy Liu's car coming, he also got out of his own car. Seeing Feng Kun's distressed appearance, Crazy Liu felt funny.

Although Feng Kun washed his face in the car, it was obviously not clean, and it looked even dirtier, with a painted face.

"Don't fart there, did the kid catch it?"

Being teased by Crazy Liu made Feng Kun even more depressed. When it came to Ji Yang who made him the object of ridicule, Feng Kun looked like he wanted to eat people.

"No one was caught, but his car has been found and everyone is chasing him."

Crazy Liu knew how depressed Feng Kun was at this time, so he stopped making fun of him and said softly.

When he heard that he hadn't been caught, Feng Kun was a little bit upset, but now that he found out, he believed that they would definitely be able to catch the other party with these racing gangsters.

"Go, I want to catch him myself, I want to break his two legs, no, three legs!"

After finishing speaking, Feng Kun got into Crazy Liu's car directly, Crazy Liu started the car and rushed to the place where Ji Yang was found.

At this time, Ji Yang was driving the car with a solemn face, and his speed was almost at the highest level. Because the speed was too fast, he almost lost control of his car a few times.

Fortunately, he reacts quickly and has great arm strength, and he saves the danger at the last moment every time.

He himself didn't want to drive the car so fast, he was completely forced, and now there are more than a dozen cars chasing him crazily.

Although Ji Yang's military version of Dongfeng Warrior is very good at crashing, he is confident that all the cars chasing him will be smashed, but his car is a car after all, not a crash car.

If these dozen or so cars are scrapped, his own car will probably be scrapped too. He is reluctant to scrap his Dongfeng warrior. This kind of car is very difficult to get. If it is scrapped, it will be gone. .

In the end, he could only choose to speed up and run.

"Paralyzed, what do the traffic police in Linhai do? No one cares about these drag racing gangsters being so arrogant."

Ji Yang cursed dissatisfiedly.

To put it bluntly, Ji Yang's speed is not slower than the car chasing him. If the traffic police really arrest him at this time, he will also be one of the targets of being arrested.

The people chasing him were shocked. They were all veterans of drag racing, but it was the first time they had seen Ji Yang drive so fast and with such stable control.

"Damn it, this kid is driving too hard, and his driving skills are not bad. He won't deliberately find trouble, but he is actually driving with us."

One of the drag racing party asked loudly through the intercom in the car.

"Stop talking nonsense, chase after him, he ruined Feng Shao's car, no matter whether he was deliberately looking for trouble to drive the car, he will be ruined today, but Feng Shao offered a reward of 100 million, you don't want this 100 million It's mine."

Another person said, and when the others heard his words, they also sped up the car again and chased Ji Yang crazily.

(End of this chapter)

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