Chapter 94
Back at the residence, Ji Yang lay on the bed but couldn't fall asleep for a long time. After thinking about it, he decided to tell Guan Yu that Tian Haisheng wanted to steal the horse mound of Chituma.

Maybe after I told Guan Yu, the other party still had a way to stop Tian Haisheng.

Taking out his mobile phone, Ji Yang quickly found Guan Yu in the address book.

"Guan Shengdijun, this title is really domineering, but I still feel that the title Guan Erye is more intimate."

Seeing that Guan Yu's name was preceded by the words Guan Sheng Di Jun, Ji Yang said with a faint smile.

Looking at Guan Yu's profile picture, Guan Yu's appearance is the same as the rumors in China. His face is like a jujube, his lips are like fat, his Danfeng eyes seem to be open or closed, and his eyebrows are crouching. The whole person looks dignified.

Holding a Qinglong Yanyue Knife in his hand, and a majestic red horse with a body like burning coal under his crotch, he looks majestic and majestic.

"This horse is the Chitu BMW, right? The Chitu really deserves its reputation among horses."

When Ji Yang saw the red horse under Guan Yu's crotch, he couldn't help admiring.

Now that he had found Guan Yu, Ji Yang couldn't hide his excitement and was about to tell him about Chituma, but just as he was about to find Guan Yu, his cell phone rang.

"Why did Zixuan call me so late, did she miss me and couldn't sleep?"

At this time, it was none other than Li Zixuan who called Ji Yang.

When she was in Zuichunyuan before, Li Zixuan left in a hurry after receiving a call from home.

Seeing Li Zixuan calling him at this moment, Ji Yang couldn't help but teased with a smile.

But soon Ji Yang's smile froze on his face, because Li Zixuan who called him didn't answer him, and he actually heard the other party's twitching crying.

"Woo woo woo...""

Li Zixuan's cries became louder and louder, and Ji Yang was sure that he heard correctly.

"Zixuan, what's the matter with you, why are you crying, is it someone who bullied you, whoever bullied you, tell me quickly, and see if I don't abolish him."

Ji Yang said angrily, "Whoever dares to bully his own woman, I will make you regret coming to this world. Even if you go to hell, I will ask Hades to torture you from the first level of hell to the No.18 level."


But Li Zixuan still didn't speak but kept crying. Although Ji Yang was very afraid of women's tears, Li Zixuan kept crying but didn't speak. This made Ji Yang very worried and also very irritable!

"Enough, don't cry, tell me where you are, and I'll go there."

Ji Yang originally wanted to talk about crying, if he has something to say, why don't he just call me and hear you cry if he doesn't talk about something.

But in the end, his rationality defeated his anger. Li Zixuan cried so sadly, something must have happened.

"I'm in the intensive care unit of Linhai Hospital, I..."

"What, you are in the intensive care unit of Linhai Hospital, I'll come right over."

The so-called concern is chaos, Ji Yang heard that Li Zixuan was in the intensive care unit of Linhai Hospital, before the other party finished speaking, he hung up the phone and ran to drive directly.

Under the sea at night, a camouflage off-road vehicle seemed to be driving crazily and fast.

"Hey, are there any newcomers joining tonight? Why haven't I heard anyone say it before? Who cares, I'm the God of Linhai Cars. You're too tender to race with me."

A young man with a cockscomb hair and ripped clothes was driving a modified sports car and smiled confidently when he saw an off-road vehicle quickly chasing his car in the rearview mirror.

There are always some people who are quiet during the day, but at night, these quiet people will become agitated. In Linhai under the night, many drag racing gangs have already been dispatched.

"New here, the car is pretty cool, let's give it a shot, whoever wins, the loser has to give the car to the other party?"

Just when Ji Yang was driving past a sports car that was sprayed with various kinds of spray painting, and the original appearance of the car could not be seen at all, the other party actually talked to him through the car stereo.

Ji Yang had heard of drag racing gangs, and he could guess at the appearance of the opponent's car. According to China's traffic laws, if he usually drives a car like his, the traffic police would have already impounded him.

In the past, he thought these guys were cool, and there were many hot girls in the drag racing parties in the film and television dramas. In normal times, Ji Yang would probably play with each other.

But now he was in a hurry to go to the hospital, and he was worried that Li Zixuan would also be in a bad mood, and whoever messed with him at this time would be in trouble.

"Get out, I'm annoyed now, don't mess with me, or I'll blow you away."

After Ji Yang finished speaking, he stepped on the accelerator, and the Dongfeng warrior passed by from the side.

The young man who claimed to be the car god of Linhai changed his expression when he heard that Ji Yang spoke so arrogantly and passed his own car.

He used to be the one who scolded others and overtook other people's cars. When he was passed by others like this, he felt angry, and the young man kicked the accelerator and chased after him.

Ji Yang was not in the mood to race with the other party, but through the reversing mirror, Ji Yang still saw the car he scolded earlier chasing him.

Although the Dongfeng warrior looks domineering and his speed is not slow, it is obviously worse than the young man's modified run, and the young man quickly caught up.

With the roar of the engine, the young man's car passed Ji Yang's car. When passing Ji Yang's car, the young man pointed a finger at Ji Yang.

Seeing the young man pointing the middle finger at him, Ji Yang frowned. He really wanted to hit the other party's car with his car, but in the end he endured it. The most important thing now is to go to the hospital to see what happened to Li Zixuan.

It's not too late for a gentleman to take revenge for ten years. He remembered what happened today. As long as these drag racing gangsters are in Linhai, he is confident to find each other. It depends on how he deals with this kid.

But Ji Yang wanted not to argue with the other party for the time being, but this young man didn't know what to do. After his car passed Ji Yang's car, he blocked in front of Ji Yang's car. Ji Yang turned on the turn signal a few times, but the other party didn't even Give Way.

"Paralyzed, I don't want to bother with you if I have something to do, don't you feel ashamed, don't you think it's a lie for me to hit you!"

Ji Yang knew at a glance that the young man did it on purpose. Since the other party kept looking for trouble, it would be strange if Ji Yang could bear it.

Turning on the turn signal again, sure enough the car in front still refused to give way, Ji Yang sneered on his face, and stepped on the gas pedal, Dongfeng Warrior also slammed into the car in front like an angry monster.


With a loud noise, the Dongfeng warrior slammed into the rear of the sports car in front. Ji Yang's Dongfeng warrior is a military version. The modified sports car is no match for him. With this collision, the rear of the youth sports car was directly suffocated. However, Ji Yang's car seemed to be fine.


There was another loud bang, Ji Yang suddenly hit his car, the young man didn't expect it, and the force of the collision was not small, he couldn't control his car for a while, the car directly hit the pier of the viaduct nearby, the sports car Turned off the fire directly.

"I told you not to mess with me. You treat me as a lie, and hit you if I say hit you. This is your repayment."

Seeing the young man's car turned off, Ji Yang drove the car to the young man's side, stretched out his hand through the car window and gave him a middle finger, and finished speaking in a cold voice, Ji Yang started the car again and sent the young man a pile of car exhaust before leaving up.

(End of this chapter)

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