Chapter 1014

Although it was just a clone, when Ji Yang first saw Susanoo's clone, Ji Yang felt that he still had a lot of backbone.

Now he is only scared to this extent by Chi You.

Under the threat of Chi You, while Ji Yang and Hu Zhongxian or Xiaolongnv watched, Susanoo told all the things Ji Yang asked.

Listening to Susanoo's clone, Ji Yang was very curious about the appearance of that good baby.

I really don't know how Chi You tortured him recently, let him be so frightened when he saw Chi You.

"Hee hee, are you curious why Susano's avatar is so obedient? He has been tortured a lot these days."

Xiaolongnv stood beside Ji Yang. She could feel the change in Ji Yang's heart, so she directly communicated with Ji Yang through soul communication.

Hearing what Xiao Longnu said, Ji Yang nodded, he really wanted to know what Chi You had done.

Seeing that Ji Yang was so curious, Xiao Longnv told Ji Yang about Chi You torturing Xu Zuozhi's clone in the past few days.

Ji Yang's ears were listening to Susanoo's avatar talking, while his mind was listening to Xiaolongnv's talking.

Although this was a bit distracting, Ji Yang understood everything.

The matter of Chi You torturing Susanoo's male clone was relatively simple, so Xiao Longnu also finished speaking first.

After listening to Xiaolongnv's narration, Ji Yang gave Susanoo's avatar who was still talking about the matter a silent look.

Chi You's method of torturing Susanoo's clone is very simple, that is, life is worse than death.

It’s not worth using the tiger stool and chili water. Chi You also broke the bones of Susanoo’s clone, just to prevent Susanoo from passing out from the pain.

When Susano's male part screamed in pain, Chi You would try to connect the other's broken bones.

After picking it up, Chi You would interrupt again, repeating itself again and again, Ji Yang really didn't know what words to use to express this feeling.

The broken bone was connected, and then interrupted after the connection was over, Ji Yang felt pain just thinking about it.



Ji Yang thought to himself that Chi You changed his mind, and accidentally stepped on a tree branch.

When a tree branch is stepped on, the sound is somewhat similar to the sound of bones breaking.

Hearing this voice, Susanoo's avatar exclaimed and yelled in fright.

This is completely a sequela, and now he feels pain all over his body when he hears this kind of sound.

"What's it called? Have you finished speaking? Is there anything else to say?"

Chi You glared at Susanoo's clone, and asked in a cold voice.

Susanoo shook his head and said no.

Hearing Susano say no, Ji Yang frowned and winked at Chi You at the same time.

According to Susanoo, country R will attack Xuanzu this time, and it's because Ji Yang went to country R last time to make a fuss.

The last time in the coastal waters of country R, ​​many onmyojis and shikigami died, including Yamata no Orochi.

Toyotomi Seimei was also seriously injured, which made the gods of country R very angry, and the people in the cabinet of country R were also very angry.

People in the R cabinet wanted to take revenge on Huaxia, so they found Toyotomi Seimei, and Toyotomi Seimei told Susanoo about the cabinet's proposal.

Susanoo Ming also felt angry in his heart, and with R's cabinet's proposal, he agreed with the cabinet's opinion.

Since you want to retaliate against Huaxia, you have to make it bigger.

And killing Xuanzu is obviously a good choice.

Once the Xuan group is eliminated, it will be a great thing for country R, ​​and the Onmyoji Alliance naturally agrees with the proposal.

Because the Huaxia Xuan Group has always been regarded as the biggest enemy by the Onmyoji Alliance.

It is precisely because of this that Susanoo Naomi sent the gods of country R, ​​and so many shikigami and onmyojis to attack the Xuanzu.

Ji Yang can accept this answer from Susanoo's avatar.

But when Xu Zuozhi's male avatar asked who in Huaxia would accept the Onmyoji from Country R to Huaxia, he actually said that he didn't know.

In this operation, Susanoo's avatar was obviously the leader, but he actually told himself that he didn't know.

Ji Yang couldn't accept this answer.

Ji Yang felt that Susanoo's male avatar was not telling the truth, so he asked Chi You to give him a good look.

Seeing Chi You approaching him again, Susanoo's avatar roared loudly.

"I've said everything I know, I've really said it, don't come near me, don't!"



The roar of Susanoo's avatar sounded like a girl about to be forced to bow by a male overlord.

It was just his roar, but it couldn't stop Chi You.

Chi You still broke his first arm without hesitation, and Susano's clone screamed even worse.

"If you don't want to be tortured by me any longer, just tell the truth."

"Otherwise, I will break all the bones in your body. Don't worry, I won't let you die. I will help you connect the bones and break them again."

This is Chi You's previous method to deal with Susanoo's clone, and it is also what Susanoo's clone is most afraid of.

"I really don't know, really..."

Susanoo's clone trembled from fright, and his face was dripping with sweat.

While weeping, he started talking nonsense, even though he was talking nonsense, Ji Yang understood it.

As Susanoo's male clone, many gods and monsters of country R respect him very much when they see him.

But this is only superficial scenery, he is still a doppelgänger.

Among the gods of country R, ​​he is about the same as a third-rank immortal.

In Susanoo's eyes, saying that he is a doppelganger is to look up to him, but in fact he is just a tool.

When Susano's male deity does not want to do it, or when it is not convenient to do it himself, his avatar is useful.

Just like coming to China this time, Susanoo Ming will definitely not come.

That's why Susanoo was sent to bring people here in the end, but he really didn't know who was in charge of supporting the Onmyoji.

"Toyotomi Seimei, Toyotomi Seimei only knows."

"It was he who came into contact with people from Huaxia. Let alone me, even the deity doesn't know about these things."

"This deity is very disdainful to mortals, he never asked!"

Susanoo's clone looked at Ji Yang, his eyes were full of begging for mercy.

Susanoo's avatar looks like this, it seems that he really doesn't know.

"Does Seimei Toyotomi know? That would be easy."

Fortunately, Ji Yang didn't kill Toyotomi Seimei that day, otherwise the matter would not be clear.

Now Fengchen Qingming is in the hands of Peng Tianlong, and Peng Tianlong is the main person in charge of the investigation of the ghosts in China.

In this way, Ji Yang took care of a lot.

But Ji Yang still decided to give Peng Tianlong a break later and let him have a good trial of Toyotomi Seimei.

If Toyotomi Seimei doesn't say anything, he will tell Peng Tianlong how Chi You tortured Susanoo's life.

Ji Yang believed that after using this method, Seimei Toyotomi would definitely recruit him.

"You're done asking, I can devour him."

Chi You looked at Susanoo's clone, and the corners of his mouth were drooling.

Ji Yang was a little bit speechless, and Chi You yelled and rushed towards Susanoo's avatar.

If he hadn't known that Chi You didn't have that hobby, Ji Yang might have lost his mind...

(End of this chapter)

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