Chapter 1015 7000 Million Merits (Part [-])
Chi You, Xu Zuo's male avatar, was startled and screamed again and again.

When Chi You devoured Susanoo's male clone, Susanoo's male clone didn't make a sound, and there was a relieved smile on his face.

His relief was not only because he would no longer be tortured by Chi You.

At the same time, he also got rid of his double identity.

No matter how high the status of Susanoo's male life is in country R, ​​his avatar is still an avatar.

Even if some gods and ghosts respect and fear him on the surface, they will make irresponsible remarks behind their backs.

Ji Yang was not in the mood to watch Chi You swallow Susanoo's clone, because he had seen a similar process, and it was a bit bloody.

Even though Ji Yang has killed many people and witnessed many bloody scenes, he still doesn't want to watch Chi You devour.

Ji Yang left the world in the pot, and by the way he called Xiaolongnv out.

The villa is quite big, and Xiaolongnv also lived here before.

It's just that I don't know when, Xiaolongnv always went to the world in the pot, instead of living in the villa.

Now that the three daughters of Mu Hong are not here, Ji Yang feels bored living in the villa by himself, so he asked Xiao Longnv to accompany him.

When Xiao Longnu came out, she also brought out her pet wolf king Xiaobao.

Xiaobao's aura felt a little stronger than before, and now his aura strength was already comparable to that of an ancient warrior in the middle of the heavenly rank.

With Xiaolongnv and Xiaobao, the villa also has a sense of vitality.

"I'll give you the phone, help me check the sales of products in the WeChat store, and see if anyone is looking for me by the way."

"I'll call Caixuan first to see if they have asked anything of value from Seimei Toyotomi."

Calling Xiao Longnv to come out cannot be done in vain.

He threw the mobile phone connected to Tianting to Xiao Longnu, and Xiao Longnu took it with an indifferent expression.

Anyway, most of the time now, Xiaolongnv is managing the phone, which means it hasn't been placed with her recently.

With the mobile phone in hand, Xiao Longnv skillfully clicked on WeChat and went to check the WeChat store.

"The goods seem to be sufficient, and there seems to be nothing to add."

"I'll take a closer look at recent sales to see what's hot."

When Xiao Longnv was muttering to herself to check the WeChat store, Ji Yang went to call Peng Caixuan.

Although Toyotomi Seimei is not interrogating Peng Caixuan, it is the same to inform him.

"Boss, why did you call me?"

"Move the brick over there, yes, yes, that's right there, please be careful..."

Peng Caixuan felt very busy. After answering the phone, he was still arranging people to do things.

He is so busy, Ji Yang will not waste Peng Caixuan's time.

Ji Yang told Peng Caixuan what he knew from interrogating Susanoo's clone.

"Boss, your call is too timely. Toyotomi Seimei's mouth is very stiff, and he didn't say anything."

"This time, R's cabinet unexpectedly intervened. These high-level officials will not directly participate in matters between special departments. This matter must be notified to the high-level Huaxia."

Peng Tianlong also thought of making a breakthrough from Toyotomi Qingming to find out who is Huaxia's inner ghost.

It's just that Peng Tianlong used many methods, and Toyotomi Seimei still had the posture of a dead pig not afraid of boiling water, and didn't say anything.

Peng Tianlong was annoyed because he had no clues, so Ji Yang provided the information.

And now it is certain that Seimei Toyotomi must be able to know something from his mouth.

"I'll give you a trick, Toyotomi Seimei will definitely say it."

"What trick, boss, do you have a magic weapon that can make people tell the truth?"

Peng Caixuan is really right, Ji Yang really has it in his hand.

Drinking the water of hypocrisy can make people speak the truth.

When interrogating Susanoo's avatar just now, Ji Yang forgot about himself.

"No magic weapon, you just have to do this..."

Ji Yang told Peng Caixuan about Chi You torturing Susanoo's male clone, and Peng Caixuan was sweating coldly when he heard it, this move was indeed cruel enough.

"Gao, this trick is really high."

"Boss, just do as you said. I will torture Toyotomi Seimei to death, then cure him, and then make him half to death. I don't believe in torture."

Peng Caixuan has already started gearing up, and now he is going to find Toyotomi Seimei to try it out.

Ji Yang sneered over the phone, this time Seimei Toyotomi was in a terrible situation.

How Peng Caixuan tortured Toyotomi Seimei, Ji Yang will not know, he just waits for the result.

When Ji Yang turned around to look for Xiao Longnu, he found that Xiao Longnu looked very excited.

"Little Dragon Girl, why are you so happy?"

"How are the merchandise sales?"

Isn't it just to let her take a look at the WeChat store? Why is Xiaolongnu so happy.

Could it be that she was chatting with someone, and the chat was too happy?
Hearing Ji Yang's question, Xiao Longnv showed a mysterious smile on her face.

"The products are selling well. Salmon, honey citron tea, and facial cleanser are all good, and other products are also OK."

"We don't talk about commodities, we talk about merit."

"Do you still remember that you gave Taishang Laojun 2000 million merits?"

When Xiao Longnv mentioned that Ji Yang gave the Taishang Laojun 2000 million merits, Ji Yang became very angry.

I don't have much merit in the first place, and the amount of merit required to upgrade to the third-rank immortal position is even more terrifying, requiring [-] million merits.

As a result, the black-hearted Taishang Laojun demanded 2000 million merits from him, leaving Ji Yang with 4000 million merits all at once.

Now that Xiao Longnv mentioned this matter, it was like adding salt to Ji Yang's wound.

Even if the products in the WeChat store sell well, it is impossible to make up for the 2000 million lost by Ji Yang so quickly.

Seeing Ji Yang's expression of wanting to cry but not tears, Xiao Longnv laughed so hard that her branches trembled.

"Little Dragon Girl, it's wrong to gloat over others' misfortune."

Ji Yang was aggrieved, but Xiao Longnu was laughing, which made Ji Yang a little unhappy.

Hearing Ji Yang's words, Xiao Longnv was still laughing, and at the same time threw the phone to Ji Yang.

"See for yourself."

Ji Yang curled his lips, what is there to look at, it is not sad to see it.

But when he saw the amount of merit displayed on his WeChat, Ji Yang's eyes widened.

He rubbed his eyes with his hands to make sure that he had read the merit number correctly.

"More than 7000 million merits, how is this possible?"

The number of merits displayed on WeChat unexpectedly reached more than 7000 million, and Ji Yang was sure that he was not mistaken.

He looked at Xiao Longnu in disbelief, he obviously only had 4000 million left, why is it more than 7000 million now.

Even if all the items in the WeChat store are sold, it will only be a few million merits.

It suddenly rose by more than 3000 million, which is too abnormal.

"Don't look at me, this is your merit reward."

"This time, although the Bull Demon King and Princess Iron Fan helped out in defeating Country R's conspiracy, the main credit is still on your head."

"The system has rewarded you with a total of 3000 million merits."

Hearing Xiaolongnv's words, Ji Yang clicked on the system notification.

Sure enough, he saw a merit reward, a total of 3000 million merit rewards.

(End of this chapter)

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