The most awesome WeChat Moments

Chapter 108 Which Rat Attacked Me With Shoes

Chapter 108 Which Rat Attacked Me With Shoes

Hearing Tian Haisheng's warning, Tian Tao immediately put away the disdain in his heart, and looked at Mr. Lu with a little more fear. It seems that he also knows Mr. Lu's ruthless methods.

Seeing that Tian Tao was quite sensible, Mr. Lu showed a sneer on his face under the mask, and turned his head to look at the dozen or so people who were digging. Mr. Lu's eyes were full of unconcealable excitement.

More than a dozen people dug for more than an hour, each of them was panting tiredly. A pit ten meters square and three to four meters deep appeared in front of everyone, but the horse mound of Chituma did not appear.

"Dad, did you choose the wrong location? Do you want to use the compass to survey the location again?"

Tian Tao looked at the pit in front of him and said softly.

Tian Haisheng also suspected that he might have surveyed the wrong place. Just when he was about to re-survey, Mr. Lu said coldly: "The location is correct. I can already smell it. Dig another two meters and it will be fine." I was horrified when I saw the bones of the red rabbit horse."

Tian Tao really wanted to ask Mr. Lu, what kind of nose is your nose? Is it a dog's nose? You can smell bones buried two meters deep in the ground?

But Tian Tao only dared to think about it in his heart, he didn't dare to say it out.

Hearing Mr. Lu's words, Tian Haisheng also nodded, letting the diggers continue.

More than an hour later, one of the diggers shoveled into the soil.


There was a crisp sound, and the digger felt that his shovel had shoveled something, and everyone looked at him when they heard the sound.

"What are you doing standing there, dig quickly."

Tian Haisheng saw that the man stopped, and yelled to urge him to dig quickly.

The bones of the red rabbit horse are worth [-] million US dollars. In Tian Haisheng's view, these people are not digging the bones of the red rabbit horse, but digging for money.

Everyone dug around the place where the sound came out, and soon, a huge bluestone slab appeared in front of everyone. The writing on the bluestone slab was blurred, but under the light of the flashlight, the words "Chituma" could still be vaguely seen.

"That's right, it's here, Chituma's horse mound, quickly remove the bluestone bricks, the skeleton of Chituma is right below."

Tian Haisheng shouted excitedly, thinking that [-] million U.S. dollars would be in his hands soon.

As Tian Haisheng said, as soon as the bluestone bricks were removed, the skeleton of a horse appeared in front of everyone. Although it has gone through thousands of years, it is surprising that the skeleton is still well preserved.

"Chitu, we meet again."

Looking at the skeleton of Chituma, Mr. Lu said in a strange voice.

"Mr. Lu, the bones of Chituma have been found. When will you give me the money?"

Tian Haisheng didn't care about Mr. Lu's voice, he only cared about when the other party gave the money.

It is a rule to pay with one hand and deliver with the other. If the other party does not pay, Tian Haisheng will not hand over the bones to him.

Mr. Lu turned his head to look at Tian Haisheng, and a purple light flashed in his eyes.

Seeing the purple light in Mr. Lu's eyes for the first time, Tian Haisheng was startled, and secretly cursed him for being sick. He wears purple fluorescent contact lenses at night. Doesn't he know that scaring people can scare people to death?

"I'll give you the money right now, 100 million is too little and I'll give you [-] billion."

While Mr. Lu was speaking, he took out a piece of paper from his pocket and handed it to Tian Haisheng. Tian Haisheng thought it was a check and took it.

"Mr. Lu is really joking, 100 billion... Damn, you are kidding me, you fucking gave me 100 billion negative notes, what do you mean by the surname Lu?"

Mr. Lu did give Tian Haisheng 100 billion, but it was 100 billion negative notes. Looking at the negative notes in his hand, Tian Haisheng's face turned green.

"Stealing Chituma's horse mound and disturbing Chituma's peace, you will all die. This money is for you to spend in the underworld."

Obviously Mr. Lu hired them to rob the tomb, but he said such absurd words. Don't he think it's funny? If he dies, he should die first.

But Tian Haisheng has been in the black market for many years, he has never met anyone, this Lu is planning to renege on his debt.

"Your surname is Lu, are you going to be black and white, then you have found the wrong person, my uh..."

"You talk too much."

Tian Haisheng only spoke half of what he wanted to say, but he couldn't say the rest. His neck was grabbed by Mr. Lu's black gloved hand.

Grasping Tian Haisheng's neck with one hand, Mr. Lu tightened his palm, and with a crisp click, Tian Haisheng's neck was wrenched off by the other party.

As expected, Mr. Lu broke Tian Haisheng's neck ruthlessly. What's even more touching and terrifying is that after Tian Haisheng's neck was broken, Tian Haisheng's body shriveled quickly visible to the naked eye. A few seconds later, Tian Haisheng It became a mummy.

Tian Haisheng's turning into a mummy was just the beginning. He only heard Mr. Lu yelling, and he rushed towards the others.

Seeing Mr. Lu rushing over, the others instinctively wanted to run away, but none of them could escape. In less than a minute, there were more than a dozen more mummified corpses on the ground.
Tian Tao was the only one who was still standing. Tian Tao's legs trembled in fright, and there was a smell of urine, and this guy actually peed in fright.

Looking at more than a dozen mummified corpses and Mr. Lu's dark purple eyes, Tian Tao screamed in fright.


No matter how idiotic Tian Tao was, he knew that Mr. Lu in front of him was not an ordinary person, so he was scared and turned around and ran away.

"Hmph, can you run away!"

Mr. Lu snorted coldly, and disappeared instantly. When he reappeared, he was behind Tian Tao, and he reached out to grab Tian Tao's collar. Without seeing how hard he was, he threw Tian Tao to the horse a few meters away. Tsukachi.

This fall was a terrible blow to Tian Tao, Tian Tao felt that his bones were about to fall apart, he wanted to get up from the mound and continue running, but he had no chance.

A hand was pressed on the top of his head, Tian Tao's face was terrified, he wanted to scream, but he didn't even have a chance to make a sound, he felt that the hand that was pressed on his head was sucking out like a fan. With his own life, his own flesh and blood...

Tian Tao's body is shrinking and shriveling, and he has become a mummified corpse in the blink of an eye.

Tian Tao, who had become a mummy, was no longer of any value. Mr. Lu threw Tian Tao's body outside the horse mound like throwing garbage, and walked towards the skeleton of the red rabbit horse.

"Chitu, Chitu, it's been thousands of years, and we meet again."

Mr. Lu squatted down and wanted to touch the skeleton of the red rabbit horse, but just when his hand was about to touch the skeleton of the red rabbit horse, he felt a gust of wind blowing from the back of his head, and Mr. Lu turned his head away Something that hits the head.

"Which bastard dares to sneak up on me with a shoe?"

When he took a closer look at the thing that hit him, it turned out to be a canvas shoe. The purple light in Mr. Lu's eyes was even brighter, and he yelled angrily.

"You little sister, you tomb robber, why did I throw these shoes away?"

Who else could be throwing shoes at people? Naturally, it was Ji Yang. At this time, he was standing five or six meters away from Mr. Lu with one bare foot and shouted loudly.

 There is another chapter at ten o'clock, please recommend and reward, let us PK out the opponent together
(End of this chapter)

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