The most awesome WeChat Moments

Chapter 109 I am Lu Bulu Fengxian

Chapter 109 I am Lu Bulu Fengxian (fourth more)

In fact, Ji Yang, Wang Ji, and Quan Chang arrived when Tian Haisheng and others started digging Chituma's horse mound, but they hid in a hillock 200 meters away from them and never came out.

They were also stunned when they saw Mr. Lu killing Tian Haisheng. Through the high-powered night vision binoculars, Ji Yang and the others could clearly see what happened here.

When Mr. Lu turned Tian Haisheng into a mummy, Wang Ji and Quan Chang were shocked. They have lived for so many years and robbed graves for half their lives. They have encountered many strange things, but what happened before them is definitely the first one. See you next time.

Even Ji Yang couldn't calm down, don't look at him seeing ghosts, seeing very white impermanence, and even being able to communicate with the heaven and the underworld, but the matter of sucking people into mummy directly is really too horrifying.

However, when Mr. Lu killed Tian Haisheng and others, Ji Yang did not act. Not to mention that Ji Yang was ruthless, the Tian family dared to steal Chituma’s horse mound. strength.

But when Mr. Lu wanted to touch the bones of the red rabbit horse, he had to take action. The distance of 200 meters is not close. Taking something in hand, he simply took off his shoes and threw it at the other party.

When Ji Yang approached Mr. Lu, looking at the dozens of mummified corpses in front of him, Ji Yang frowned tightly.

"It's a lot of yin and resentment, this guy is hard to deal with, but Tian Tao and the others are miserable enough, they die as soon as they die, and they are sucked dry by this guy."

Looking at Mr. Lu in front of him with solemn eyes, Ji Yang had to be vigilant in his heart. This guy exudes a heavy yin energy, and a wave of resentment surrounds him. This guy is definitely a dangerous guy.

Ji Yang was observing Mr. Lu, and Mr. Lu was also staring at Ji Yang. The purple star in his eyes had changed, because he felt an aura that should not belong to human beings in Ji Yang.

"Boy, who are you? I feel that you are not an ordinary person. Get out immediately before I get angry, or I will make you like them."

Mr. Lu said to Ji Yang in a cold voice.

The most important thing for Mr. Lu at this moment is to take away Chituma's skeleton, he doesn't want to have an enemy with Ji Yang.

But his idea is doomed to be unrealistic. Ji Yang came here to prevent someone from moving the bones of the red rabbit horse. How could he not care if Mr. Lu wanted to move the bones.

"Hmph, if you want to suck my blood, it depends on whether you have the ability."

"It's unlucky for you to meet me today, let's see how I accept you."

Ji Yang rushed forward and smashed Mr. Lu's face with a punch. Ji Yang had secretly used Taoism to increase his speed and strength just now, but even though his speed and strength had improved, his fist hadn't touched yet. When it came to Mr. Lu, he was avoided by the other party.

When Mr. Lu saw that Ji Yang was attacking him, he let out a cold snort from his nose, and while avoiding Ji Yang's punch, his right hand clawed towards Ji Yang's head.

Taking a shot is a killer move. Fortunately, Ji Yang is fast now, otherwise he would have been caught by him, and he would be miserable by then.

He managed to dodge Mr. Lu's claw. Although he dodged this time, Ji Yang still felt his scalp tingling.

"You're not bad, kid. I see how many tricks you can dodge."

Seeing Ji Yang avoiding his claws, Mr. Lu didn't feel upset at all, but looked very excited. Could it be that this guy was a fighting madman when he was alive.

This time Mr. Lu took the initiative to attack, Ji Yang gritted his teeth, and immediately responded.

Ji Yang feels fortunate that he has learned Taoism. If he is still the same as when he was looking at the sea and grasping the third eye, he will definitely not be the opponent of Mr. Lu in front of him just relying on the body that has been cut and washed.

But even with Taoism to strengthen himself, Ji Yang still feels a bit difficult to deal with the opponent.

The yin and resentment on the opponent made Ji Yang feel like he was holding his breath. How much resentment did this guy have before he was alive? How much resentment did this guy have after death?

On the hill a hundred meters away, neither Wang Ji nor Quan Chang expected Ji Yang to be so powerful.

"Wang Ji, what is the origin of this Ji Yang? That guy can instantly suck people into mummified corpses. How could Ji Yang fight him for so long?"

Ji Yang was introduced to Quan Chang by Wang Ji, and he was shocked to see that Ji Yang had been fighting with Mr. Lu for so long.

Quan Chang asked Wang Ji, but Wang Ji wanted to ask someone else.

Don't think he knew Ji Yang before Quan Chang, but he really doesn't know more about Ji Yang than Quan Chang.

"Stop talking nonsense, just watch obediently, if you want to ask anything, ask Ji Shao yourself."

"Look, I'll wipe it. Look at what Ji Shao is holding. Why is his hand on fire?"

Wang Ji saw a cluster of flames appearing on Ji Yang's hand. Although this cluster of flames was only the size of an adult's finger, he could see it clearly through the night vision binoculars in the dark night.

When this cluster of flames appeared, Ji Yang accurately hit Mr. Lu on the chest with his palm. Mr. Lu let out a scream from his beating, and a puff of black smoke rose from his chest, as if he had been scorched.

"Ah... You actually know Taoism, damn it!"

There was a shrill scream, and Mr. Lu's punch also hit Ji Yang's abdomen. This punch directly sent Ji Yang flying five or six meters away.

Ji Yang spit out a mouthful of blood from the beaten mouth, fell to the ground and rolled twice like a rolling gourd.

"Damn, this guy is so powerful, my intestines were almost broken."

Although Ji Yang was punched by the other party, the punch was painful enough, but seeing Mr. Lu's appearance was uncomfortable, and his Xuanhuo Palm still had an effect just now.

"I'm so angry, the little Xuanhuo Palm can actually hurt me, I will kill you today."

Mr. Lu was furious, his clothes were bulging and the wind was blowing, and the purple awns in his eyes were even stronger.


Looking up to the sky and screaming, Ji Yang felt that the yin energy on the other party's body was getting stronger, and a whirlwind made of yin wind appeared around Mr. Lu. The cloak on Mr. Lu's body was instantly torn, and the mask on his face was also shattered.

The cloak was torn, the mask was torn, and Ji Yang could clearly see Mr. Lu's appearance.

I saw that the other party was wearing a purple gold crown with three prongs on his head, a chain armor with a beast face swallowing his head, an exquisite lion belt with armor around his waist, and a big red cloak on his back. Glaring at Ji Yang.

Seeing the other party's appearance, which was completely dressed like an ancient general on the battlefield, Ji Yang was immediately stunned. Could it be that he was a singer from some opera troupe or an actor who died unjustly from some crew?

When Ji Yang was confused, the other party had already spoken, but when he heard the other party's identity, Ji Yang was instantly dumbfounded.

"I am Lu Bu Lu Fengxian, you can see my appearance before you die, even if you die, you can rest in peace."

Among men, Lu Bu is among the horses, and Chitu is among the best. Lu Bu was the number one general in the Three Kingdoms period. If he was Lu Bu, he would fight him. Isn't that courting death?

 The little friend who guessed Mr. Lu earlier, Lu Bu appeared, did everyone guess right?Another notice: the next chapter will be released before 12:30 am

(End of this chapter)

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