The most awesome WeChat Moments

Chapter 1090 Tit for Tat

Chapter 1090 Tit for Tat (Part Two)
In the living room of Dongfang's house, there were more than a dozen middle-aged and young people standing proudly.

When these people looked at the people from the Dongfang family around them, their eyes were somewhat disdainful. They were the people from the Xuanyuan family who came to pick up Dongfang Mei.

Originally, Xuanyuan Wei said yesterday that today he would personally bring people from the Xuanyuan family to pick up Dongfang Mei.

But among the dozen or so people, Xuanyuan Wei was not seen, not even Xuanyuan Qing was among them.

The ones who took the lead today were a sturdy old man in his early seventies, but not a bit stooped, sitting on the main seat, and a well-maintained woman in her 40s.

The old man's name is Xuanyuan Shi, and he is the sixth elder of the Xuanyuan family.

The woman's name is Xuanyuan Yu, and she is the tenth elder of the Xuanyuan family.

The first five elders of the Xuanyuan family died, and the Xuanyuan family is still keeping this secret.

Otherwise, the one who came today would be one of the first five elders.

"Where is Dongfang Yu and Dongfang Mei? Why haven't I seen them yet?"

"We married Dongfang Mei to the Xuanyuan family in the name of the head of the family, why hasn't she shown up yet?"

Xuanyuan Shi shouted arrogantly, and Xuanyuan Yu also sneered.

Today Xuanyuan Wei really planned to bring Xuanyuan Qing to come in person, but because the Xuanyuan family had a very special guest, neither of them could come.

Finally Xuanyuan Shi and Xuanyuan Yu were sent over.

Although the cultivation bases of the two are not particularly high, they also have a cultivation base close to that of a sixth-rank immortal.

An oriental home, the two of them are enough.

Before coming here, Xuanyuan Wei told the two that there is no need to be polite when you arrive at Dongfang's house. If you find that Dongfang Mei has an unusual relationship with other men, you can even take extraordinary measures.

But Xuanyuanwei reminded them to remember that no matter what, Dongfang Mei must be brought back to the Xuanyuan family.

This is not only because Xuanyuan Qing likes Dongfang Mei, but also because of Xuanyuan's aristocratic family's face.

Dongfang Mei is the daughter-in-law of their Xuanyuan family, if Dongfang Mei cannot be brought back to the Xuanyuan family, then the Xuanyuan family will be ashamed.

As for what to do after bringing Dongfang Mei back, that is up to the Xuanyuan family.

Xuanyuan Shi shouted arrogantly, all members of the Xuanyuan family looked at the Dongfang family next to them indifferently.

Although some people in the Dongfang family had a bit of anger on their faces, more people were still afraid.

This is a member of the Xuanyuan family, and the current Dongfang family can't compare.

Although Xuanyuan Shi is the sixth elder of the Xuanyuan family, in terms of strength and status, he is higher than the first elder of the Dongfang family.

Even if Dongfang Yu sees him, she should be polite to him.

"Who dares to make noise in Dongfang's house!"

Dongfang Ren and others who rushed over heard Xuanyuan Shi's roar.

Dongfangyu was so arrogant towards the Xuanyuan family, he was quite angry in his heart, and he shouted from the air before he showed up.

As her voice fell, Dongfangyu, Dongfang Ren and Dongfang Chong had already arrived in the hall.

"Oriental language, I am the one who is speaking, what do you think?"

Xuanyuan Yu narrowed his eyes and looked at Dongfang Yu.

Xuanyuan Yu is the only female elder of the Xuanyuan family, and Dongfang Yu is also the only female elder of the Dongfang family.

Between women and women, there are always some inexplicable tit-for-tat.

Facing Dongfangyu, Xuanyuanyu showed such disdain and arrogance, Dongfangyu became even more angry.

She is not only the Fourth Elder, but also Dongfang Yu's younger sister. If it was more than ten years ago, how would Xuanyuan Yu dare to talk to her like this, at least she would not face her with a superior attitude.

Moreover, Xuanyuanyu's targeting of Dongfangyu was not without reason, that is, Xuanyuanyu had once pursued Dongfangyu.

But because Dongfangyu didn't like Xuanyuanyu, Xuanyuanyu failed to win Dongfangyu.

This incident made Xuanyuanyu brood, thinking that it was because Dongfangyu said bad things about herself that she was not able to be with Dongfangyu.

This kind of thinking itself is wrong, and the Oriental language is also somewhat wronged.

If Dongfangyu really liked Xuanyuanyu, would he stop being with her because of a few words in Dongfangyu?

This is of course impossible, and the main problem lies with Dongfang Yu.

Just when Dongfang Yu was about to refute the other party, Dongfang Ren stopped her and greeted Xuanyuan Shi and Xuanyuan Yu with a smile on his face.

"Okay, Dongfang Ren, we didn't come here to chat."

"We are here to take Dongfang Mei to the Xuanyuan family to get married, where is she now?"

Xuanyuan Shi looked at Dongfang Ren impatiently, and said without giving him any face.

Anyway, this is Dongfang's family, and Dongfang Ren is the Great Elder, and they are here to get married today.

In front of so many people, he didn't give Dongfang Ren any face at all, and Dongfang Ren was upset.

But he couldn't get angry, instead he had to laugh.

His attitude made Dongfang Yu and Dongfang Chong look down on him a bit. In their view, Dongfang Ren's attitude really disgraced the Dongfang family, and he was not worthy of being a great elder at all.

"The head of the house and the young lady are still on their way back, and they will arrive as soon as they think about it."

"Two elders, the Xuanyuan family took my young lady to marry, why don't you see Patriarch Xuanyuan and Master Xuanyuan Qing?"

Dongfang Ren complained in his heart, Dongfang Yu and Dongfang Mei still haven't come back, isn't this just making him suffer.

Knowing that people from the Xuanyuan family were coming, they didn't come back quickly.

But seeing Xuanyuan Qing and Xuanyuan Wei, Dongfang Ren felt a little strange.

"The Patriarch and Young Master are receiving guests. Everything is ready in the clan. After Dongfang Mei passes by, she will naturally see the Patriarch and Young Master. Don't worry about that."

"Could it be that the two of us have insufficient identities to pick up people?"

"Knowing that we are coming today, but they came back early, is this showing contempt for the Xuanyuan family?"

Xuanyuan Yu sneered on his face and said coldly.

Today is a day of great joy, Xuanyuan Qing and Xuanyuan Wei are not here, it is indeed a bit unreasonable.

But her words also made people think deeply, who is so important, obviously Xuanyuan Wei said that he came in person, and changed his mind for the other party.

"Hmph, this is not a question of status, but a question of etiquette."

"My brother and Mei'er couldn't come back in time due to something, it's our fault, but Patriarch Xuanyuan and Xuanyuan Qing didn't come, it's too much."

Dongfangyu responded with cold words, and Xuanyuanyu stood up directly.

"Excessive, what an excessive."

"I think Dongfang Mei is out with other men and doesn't want to marry our young master. This kind of behavior has completely disgraced your Dongfang family, and also polluted my Xuanyuan family."

"The Sixth Elder and I are still willing to pick her up Dongfang Mei, which is already good."

"Nonsense, even if your Xuanyuan family has a high status, you are not allowed to humiliate my Dongfang family like this."

Dongfang Chong also stood up at this time, shouting angrily.

When Xuanyuan Shi saw Dongfang Chong and Dongfang Yu's attitude, his eyes turned cold, and an invisible coercion enveloped the two of them.

Feeling the coercion of Xuanyuan Stone, Dongfang Yu and Dongfang Chong would not just sit still, and the true energy in their bodies circulated to fight against it.

The two sides are facing each other, and a battle seems inevitable... Broad bean

(End of this chapter)

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