The most awesome WeChat Moments

Chapter 1091 Kill directly without holding back

Chapter 1091
Today is a day of great joy. It was originally a day for everyone to wish each other well.

But now the people from the Dongfang family and the Xuanyuan family are glaring at each other, as if they might strike at any time.

If this matter gets out, it will actually be bad for both of them.

After all, both the Xuanyuan Family and the Dongfang Family have a high status in the Guardian Alliance.

Dongfang Ren on the side feels that he has one head and two big ones, what is going on.

He really didn't want to conflict with the Xuanyuan family, at least he didn't want to before Dongfang Yu came back.

Because in the Dongfang family now, his status is the highest.

If you don't help the Dongfang family, people in that family will definitely have opinions on him, the Great Elder.

But once he is hostile to Xuanyuan Stone and Xuanyuan Yu, he will be the first to be disgusted by the other party, and the first to be regarded as the target of attack by the other party.

When he felt embarrassed, Dongfangyu shouted at Dongfangren.

"Dongfang Ren, as the Great Elder of the family, the Patriarch is not here at this time, as the Great Elder, shouldn't you say something?"

"Are you just watching the Dongfang family being insulted?"

Dongfangyu's words pushed Dongfang Ren to the forefront, and her words cut off Dongfang Ren's retreat.

Leaving Dongfang Ren no chance to choose, he can only stand on Dongfang's side to consider the problem now.

Otherwise, it would be impossible to face the rest of the Dongfang family in the future.

Just when Dongfang Ren was about to go all out and say something for the face of the Dongfang family, Xuanyuanshi had already opened his mouth before he opened his mouth.

"The attitude of the Dongfang family is clearly showing contempt for my Xuanyuan family."

"The Xuanyuan family cannot be humiliated. For the face of the Xuanyuan family, you must pay the price."

Xuanyuan Shi roared angrily, and his aura suddenly became heavier.

Xuanyuanshi's cultivation base was higher than Dongfang Yu's and others, his aura strengthened, Dongfang Yu and Dongfang Chong let out a muffled grunt, and took two steps back.

The suppression of momentum, the two suffered a loss.

When Dongfang Yu and Dongfang rushed back, Xuanyuan Shi moved his body and moved his hand towards Dongfang Ren.

That's right, Xuanyuan Stone's target was Dongfang Ren, not Dongfangyu and Dongfangchong.

Dongfang Ren was so depressed at this moment, he didn't speak or express his position just now.

It was obviously Dongfangyu and Dongfang Chong who provoked him, so why did he do anything to him now?

I have provoked someone, why am I so unlucky.

If he had known this earlier, he really shouldn't have made that call yesterday, at least he would wait until Dongfang Yu returned to Dongfang's house before making this call. Now the other party should be targeting Dongfang Yu.

But what's the use of thinking about it now, he can't be beaten by Xuanyuan Stone standing up.

"Sixth Elder, don't be impulsive. When the Patriarch returns, he will naturally give an explanation to the Xuanyuan Family."

With the qi in his body circulating, Dongfang allowed his body to retreat.

If he could not do it, he really didn't want to do it, because if he did, he couldn't beat Xuanyuan Stone.

"Hmph, tell me, I'll wait until I hit you."

"Dongfang Yu's explanation is Dongfang Yu's business. You despise the Xuanyuan family, that's your business, so you have to pay the price."

The five elders of the Xuanyuan family died, and the current Xuanyuan Shi is the first elder of the Xuanyuan family. Of course, only the inside of the Xuanyuan family knows this.

Xuanyuan Shi's temper is not very good. Although his name has the word "shi" in it, he is not a rock-solid person.

His words were a little unreasonable, while speaking, Xuanyuan Shi rushed towards the dodging Dongfang Ren.

There was no way to avoid this fight, Dongfang Ren clenched his teeth and slapped out boldly.

When he slapped this palm, Xuanyuan Shi's palm hit him together.


The palms of the two touched, and there was an explosion of anger, and the remaining power of the energy rippled around like water waves.

Xuanyuan Shi stood still, but Dongfang Ren was forced to take a step back.

The level of cultivation can be seen through this palm.

"Hmph, the current Dongfang family is indeed too bad. A great elder can't catch my palm."

"It's your honor to be able to marry such a useless family with my Xuanyuan family. Dongfang Mei dared to do such a thing behind our young master's back. Don't you want the Dongfang family to exist?"

Xuanyuan Shi looked at Dongfang Ren with disdain, rushed forward again, and punched Dongfang Ren again.

Because of the slap just now, Dongfang Ren's breath was a little unstable, seeing Xuanyuan Stone attacking him again, he let out a cry of surprise, and rushed to meet him with a punch.

This time the two fists collided with more force than the two palms just now.

Dongfang Ren was shocked and took five or six steps back before stopping, and the breath in his body was also shaken unstable.

"The Xuanyuan family has deceived people too much. The members of the Dongfang family follow orders and take them down."

Dongfang Ren was forced to retreat twice in a row, and he felt upset.

After stabilizing the true energy in his body, he yelled out in embarrassment.

Following Dongfang Ren's order, whether it was Dongfang Yu, Dongfang Chong, or other members of the Dongfang family, they all rushed towards the Xuanyuan family.

They are also angry, because the Xuanyuan family is too arrogant.

Although it was the territory of the Dongfang family and the number of Dongfang family had an advantage, the members of the Xuanyuan family were not afraid at all.

Since the Dongfang family took action, they were naturally not polite, and the two sides fought together.

Xuanyuan Yu's target is naturally the Oriental language, and it's not been a day or two since she wanted to fight against the other party.

Xuanyuan Yu is the last of the ten elders of the Xuanyuan family, but his cultivation should not be underestimated.

However, the cultivation base of the Oriental language is not low, and the two have fought against each other, but for the time being, there is no winner.

Although Dongfang Chong was unhappy with Dongfang Ren, he had to put aside his usual prejudices at this time, and he and Dongfang Ren dealt with Dongfang Chong together.

A happy event, now turned into a scuffle.

Today's matter, no matter what the final result is, will become the biggest topic of the Guardian League.

Just as the two sides were fighting, the helicopter carrying Ji Yang, Dongfang Yu and others finally flew back.

The plane landed, and as soon as Ji Yang stepped off the plane, he felt that the atmosphere in Dongfang's house was not right.

There was a burst of roaring explosions, which made everyone's expressions change.

"No, people from the Xuanyuan family and the Dongfang family are fighting."

Dongfang Yu's complexion changed, she let out an exclamation, and rushed to the hall of Dongfang's house first.

That's the place where the breath is the most chaotic, and it's also the place where the explosion sound came from. Just think about it and you'll know that's where the crowd is fighting.

"Don't hold back later, kill directly!"

Dongfang Yu rushed in, and Ji Yang and others naturally followed.

But before rushing into Dongfang's house, Ji Yang gave orders directly to Hu Fei and the others in a harsh voice.

Ji Yang originally wanted to destroy the Xuanyuan family, so he would not be polite when he saw the Xuanyuan family.

Now Ji Yang doesn't know the future of Xuanyuan Wei and Xuanyuan Qing, he still thinks that the other party is coming, so he will kill them directly.

Hu Fei and the others responded with a cruel smile to Ji Yang's words.

Anyway, it's going to be a war, it doesn't matter if you fight early or late, there's nothing to say about killing when you need to.

So even if Ji Yang didn't say anything, they wouldn't hold back the members of the Xuanyuan family...

(End of this chapter)

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