The most awesome WeChat Moments

Chapter 111: Guan Gong Fights Lu Bu

Chapter 111 Guan Gong Fights Lu Bu (Part [-])

Whether it is the Fangtian painted halberd in Lu Bu's hand, or the Qinglong Yanyue knife in Guan Yu's hand, they are definitely magical weapons.

The moment Fang Tian's painting halberd collided with Qinglong Yanyue Knife, the flames suddenly ignited, and an invisible strong wind spread to the surroundings. Ji Yang, who was a certain distance away from the two of them, was shocked by the strong wind and took two steps back.

"So strong."

Ji Yang stood still, and said with a look of astonishment.

If Lu Bu had used the Shangfangtian painting halberd when he was fighting with him just now, he might have died long ago.

In the first collision, both Lu Bu and Guan Yu failed to reap benefits, and the two were considered a tie.

As soon as Guan Yu saw Lu Bu stop his knife, his eyes changed, and he pulled the Qinglong Yanyue knife in his hand hard, as if the harsh sound of a chainsaw blade cutting, and sparks flew everywhere.

The Qinglong Yanyue Knife is also called Lengyan saw because it has a hook on the head, the tip of the hook is extremely sharp like a gun, and there is a protruding serrated knife under the back of the knife.

The densely packed serrations are not for decoration, but for the purpose of sawing the opponent's body and armor with a dragging force when the knife hits the smooth armor.

Although Guan Yu's pull failed to saw off Lu Bu's Fang Tian's painted halberd, Lu Bu felt his palm go numb for a while. His eyes turned cold, and he yelled loudly. He swept towards Guan Yu.

Seeing Lu Bu attacking actively, Guan Yu didn't dare to be careless, and the Qinglong Yanyue Saber in his hand also changed his moves to meet the attack.

Fang Tian's painted halberd met Qinglong Yanyue Saber again. Although Guan Yu blocked Lu Bu's blow this time, at the moment when the saber and halberd collided, Fang Tian's painted halberd suddenly shook in Lu Bu's hand, and Guan Yu's Qinglong Yanyue Saber flew up in shock. He was also shocked to take two steps back.

"Emperor Guan Sheng, hum!"

With a cold snort of disdain, a disdainful smile hung on the corner of his mouth, and Fang Tian's painted halberd in his hand swept towards Guan Yu again.

After the two collisions, Guan Yu became more and more cautious towards Lu Bu. Although he is now Guan Shengdijun, this Lu Bu is a lonely soul, but the opponent's strength is quite terrifying.

It seems that Lu Bu has not been idle for more than 1000 years.

There was a sound of metal clashing, and Guan Yu's saber collided with Lu Bu's halberd again.

The two of you come and go, Guan Yu slashes the Qinglong Yanyue Knife in his hand one after another, and in one go, the Qinglong Yanyue Knife in his hand chops forwards, reverses, rushes left, twists right, hooks forward, slashes back, slashes in a row, and passes quickly with one knife. With a single blow, his movement gradually became active.

With Ji Yang's eyesight, he could barely see Guan Yu's figure clearly, but he couldn't see the opponent's moves clearly. He could only see the shadow of the knife all over the sky.

Guan Yu's strength was long, and his swords and knives passed Lu Bu's side dangerously and dangerously. Ji Yang saw that Ji Yang was extremely thrilling, but he never touched Lu Bu with a single knife.

"Don't change your breath, don't stop, it's almost a hundred knives in an instant, it's really different to be Guan Shengdijun, I underestimated you just now, but I don't know how long you can maintain this state."

Lu Bu sipped coldly, Fang Tian's painted halberd in his hand waved with the wind, a shadow of the halberd collided with the shadow of the knife in the air.

"Strong, really strong."

"Whether it's Lu Bu or Guan Gong, this speed, this strength, you don't know how tired you are after fighting for so long, awesome."

It was only when Ji Yang saw the two of them fighting that he realized how weak he was. If any of these two showed their true skills, they could easily kill him instantly.

"Guan Yu, back then you, Zhang Fei, and Liu Bei couldn't do anything to me. Although your kung fu has improved greatly in the past 1000 years, you are still no match for Lu Bu. You should obediently die."

Lu Bu waved Fang Tian's painted halberd in his hand, and once again collided with Guan Yu's Qinglong Yanyue Saber, and said in a cold voice full of disdain.

"Lu Bu, don't be arrogant. This is just the beginning. Whoever loses wins. It's too early to draw conclusions."

Lu Bu is arrogant, and Guan Yu is also an arrogant person. As he said, this is just the beginning, and who is strong and who is weak will not be known until the end.

"When I suck your spirit, I'll see how rampant you are."

Lu Bu is worthy of being the number one fierce general of the Three Kingdoms, he became more and more courageous as he fought, Guan Yu was also experienced in hundreds of battles, and he was also a fierce man, so it was difficult for the two of them to tell the winner at once.

Ji Yang watched with great interest. Watching Lu Bu and Guan Yu fight in real life is much more enjoyable than watching a film and television drama.

At this time, if I serve myself two bottles of beer and two packs of peanuts and melon seeds, it would be perfect.

"At this time, if there is a camera to record the fight between Guan Gong and Lu Bu, and if it is shown in a movie theater, it will definitely be hard to get a ticket. I will get cramps when I count the money."

The two fought back and forth, and after a long time, Ji Yang began to worry.

According to Guan Yu, Guan Yu came to the mortal world through the phantom divine life talisman, and it can only exist for half an hour, that is, one hour. If Guan Yu can't defeat Lu Bu within this hour, it will be terrible.

But with his own skill, Ji Yang had no way to help. Not only would he not be able to help, but he might drag Guan Yu down. The more Ji Yang thought about it, the more anxious he became.

Ji Yang was anxious, and Guan Yu was equally anxious, but for a while he had no choice but to count on one step.

Ji Yang didn't know how long Guan Yu and Lu Bu had been fighting, but judging by the way they looked, if the fight continued like this, even if they fought until dawn, there would be no winner.

But Guan Yu's time in the mortal world is limited, and Guan Yu will disappear before dawn.

I don't have a second Illusory God's Life Talisman in my hand, if Guan Yu disappears, then it will be me dealing with Lu Bu.

How can I deal with Lu Bu's fierce appearance?

"Damn, it's all over."

Anyway, Guan Yu disappeared and I had to face Lu Bu, so I might as well take advantage of Guan Yu's presence and find an opportunity to help him.

At this time, Lu Bu was focusing on dealing with Guan Yu, he had no idea that Ji Yang was looking for an opportunity to attack him.

If it were back then, Lu Bu and Guan Yu had been fighting for so long, even if they couldn't kill Guan Yu, at least they wouldn't be at such a stalemate.

"This Guan Shengdijun is really not false. Although I haven't forgotten to practice after being a ghost, I'm still worse than Guan Yu."

Lu Bu was not reconciled, why he was so much stronger than Guan Yu back then, but Guan Yu became a god in the end, but he became a ghost, he refused to accept.

The more dissatisfied he was, the heavier his resentment became, and Fang Tian's painted halberd in his hand swung faster and harder.

Lu Bu's power suddenly increased, and Guan Yu felt powerless for a moment. At the same time, he felt that his half hour was almost up.

But at this moment, a voice suddenly sounded.

"Second Master Guan, let me help you."

When the voice sounded, Ji Yang had already rushed towards Lu Bu's back.

Seeing Ji Yang attacking him from behind, Lu Bu couldn't help scolding him mean.

 Everyone supports who wins, placed a bet, recommended a reward

(End of this chapter)

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