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Chapter 112 Zhong Kui is Coming

Chapter 112: Here Comes Zhong Kui (Third Watch)
Lu Bu was very brave, but facing Guan Yu in front of him, he didn't dare to be careless. Ji Yang suddenly rushed over from behind, and Lu Bu's expression changed immediately.

Before fighting Ji Yang, Lu Bu had already had a rough idea of ​​Ji Yang's strength. If he fought alone, Lu Bu was confident that with all his strength, he would definitely be able to understand him with Fang Tian's painting halberd without using five moves.

But now that he can't be careless when facing Guan Yu, Ji Yang's involvement at this time is very bad for Lu Bu.

"Despicable, what kind of hero is two-on-one."

Lu Bu evaded Guan Yu with a knife, and he also dodged to the side. When he distanced himself from Guan Yu and Ji Yang, he shouted with a cold face.

Hearing Lu Bu's words, Guan Yu frowned. This is not the Hulao Pass back then, and he didn't lose out because he lost to Lu Bu. He also felt that it was inappropriate for Ji Yang to help him.

Seeing the change in Guan Yu's expression, Ji Yang thought in his heart that he was going to suffer. He must not let Guan Yu speak. If he accepted Lu Bu's words, he would not be able to help.

Although his strength was nothing in the eyes of Guan Yu and Lu Bu, as long as Lu Bu wanted to guard against himself, he would be distracted. Once he was distracted, Guan Yu would find a chance to kill him.

Otherwise, when one hour is up, Guan Yu disappears, and he will be killed.

"Bah, you deserve to talk to me about heroes, the kind of slaves with three surnames who even kill their masters, you are an ungrateful guy, you are not even worthy of being a bear."

"If you become a ghost, you won't live in peace. You even suck human blood. No matter if you are a human or a ghost, whoever sees you should get rid of you."

"Second Master Guan, time is running out. This Lu Bu is not easy to deal with. If he is not eliminated at this time, the world will be in chaos. It is most important to deal with him at this time, so don't worry about those false names."

What Ji Yang said made Lu Bu feel angry. He hated people calling him a family slave of the three surnames the most. He killed those who deserved to be killed. What was wrong with him?

Guan Yu listened to Ji Yang's words, although he felt that what he said was not very nice, but it made sense, if he couldn't get rid of Lu Bu today, there would be big trouble in the world.

"Lu Bu, take your life!"

The time I can stay in the mortal world is running out, Guan Yu stopped talking nonsense, shouted, and rushed towards Lu Bu, Ji Yang smiled and followed closely.

Ji Yang knows Taoism, and Lu Bu is a ghost after all. Although Ji Yang's Taoism has limited damage to him, it also makes him upset, but every time he wants to kill Ji Yang with a halberd, Guan Yu can always kill Ji Yang at the critical moment. stop.

Ji Yang and Guan Yu's joint efforts made Lv Bu utterly devastated, and he had already shown his defeat. Seeing Lv Bu's defeat, Ji Yang was very happy, thinking that he would be able to kill Lv Bu tonight.

But when he was happy, he saw that Guan Yu was forced back by Lu Bu's Fang Tian painted halberd, and Guan Yu turned around and ran away dragging the knife.

"Hahaha, Guan Yu, let me see where you run!"

Seeing that Guan Yu was about to escape, Lu Bu shouted excitedly. He also ignored Ji Yang and chased after him with his halberd.

Ji Yang will be confused now, what is going on, obviously he and Guan Yu have the upper hand, if he wants to run, it is Lu Bu who should run, how could it be that Guan Yu ran away.

Could it be said that Guan Yu, who has become a god, can't beat Lu Bu who has become a ghost?
"Second Master Guan, be careful."

When Ji Yang was in a daze, Lu Bu had already chased after Guan Yu. Ji Yang's heart tightened when he saw it, and he exclaimed.

When Lu Bu heard Ji Yang's exclamation, he looked proud. As long as he defeated Guan Yu and absorbed his soul, he would no longer have to be afraid, and the Hades of the underworld would have difficulty catching him.

But just when he was proud, Guan Yu, who was running away with the knife, suddenly stopped and turned around, using himself as the axis, brandishing the Qinglong Yanyue knife, and slashed at Lu Bu horizontally.

"The story of dragging the knife... ah..."

As soon as Guan Yu turned around and slashed horizontally, Lu Bu also remembered Guan Yu's unique skill, which was the story of dragging the knife.

Fleeing with the knife dragging the knife under the illusion of retreat, attracting the enemy to pursue, and suddenly turning around and slashing horizontally when the enemy is proudly chasing behind you.

Lu Bu realized that it was too late for his Zhong Ji, and he wanted to block it with Fang Tian's painted halberd in his hand, but in a panic, Fang Tian's painted halberd was sent flying due to lack of strength. cut off.

A miserable scream came out of his mouth, and his body was directly kicked by Guan Yu for more than ten meters.

"Lu Bu, die."

Lu Bu, who had lost his hands, was still Guan Yu's opponent. Guan Yu rushed forward quickly, and when he reached Lu Bu, he raised his knife and slashed.

But just when Guan Yu was about to chop off Lu Bu's head, an eager cry suddenly came to mind.

"The emperor keeps ghosts under his sword!"

Hearing someone stop him, Guan Yu slammed the knife in his hand, but he didn't take it back. The knife was pressed against Lu Bu's neck. As long as Lu Bu dared to move, he could cut off Lu Bu's head in an instant.

Ji Yang was curious, who would stop it at such a critical time.

"Black and white impermanence."

When Ji Yang was thinking about who was stopping Guan Yu, he saw Hei Wuchang running towards Guan Yu from a distance, and there was another person in front of Hei Wuchang, and the three of them arrived in front of Guan Yu, and Ji Yang also saw clearly the person running in front of Hei Wuchang.

Seeing this person, Ji Yang's face turned pale with fright. He believed that if a child saw him, he would definitely be scared to cry.

This man was wearing an official uniform, with a leopard head and a tiger face, a dragon forehead and fish eyes, and an iron face with a messy beard. He held a sword in one hand and a fan in the other. He looked fierce and frightening.

"Damn, who is this, who looks so scary?"

When Ji Yang was puzzled, Guan Yu had already spoken to the person in front of him. .

"Zhong Kui, black and white are impermanent, why do you stop me from killing Lu Bu?"

Zhong Kui?

When Ji Yang heard Guan Yu's words, he understood who it was that made him turn pale from fright. It turned out to be the famous Zhong Kui.

Looking at the appearance of the other party, it is the same as described in the fairy tales. This appearance, coupled with Black and White Impermanence's awe-inspiring attitude towards him, is it not Zhong Kui who is it!
"Why didn't I recognize it just now?"

Ji Yang thought to himself, and he walked towards Guan Yu's position.

Seeing Ji Yang, Zhong Kui stared, this stare almost made Ji Yang pee in fright.

It's not because Ji Yang is timid, Zhong Kui's stare is too scary.

Black and White Wuchang and Ji Yang were acquaintances, they were obviously taken aback when they saw Ji Yang here, and after a brief greeting, they introduced Ji Yang to Zhong Kui.

"So you are Xiaobai."

Zhong Kui has heard the name Xiaobai a lot recently in the underworld, and the first time he met him was Ji Yang, who seemed very curious.

Ji Yang felt uncomfortable being watched by Zhong Kui, and greeted Zhong Kui with a faint smile, but his smile at this time felt uglier than crying.

Guan Yu saw that everyone knew each other, and it was time for him to return to the Heavenly Court, so he asked.

"Zhong Kui, you are right to take care of the ghosts who escaped from the underworld, but this Lu Bu has done a lot of evil in the mortal world, sucking blood from people, and even stealing the horse mounds of Chituma."

"If you don't give me a reasonable reason today, don't blame me for not giving you face, I will kill him with my own hands."

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(End of this chapter)

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