The most awesome WeChat Moments

Chapter 114 Black Glow Sword

Chapter 114 Black Sword (Part [-])
As soon as Guan Yu finished speaking, his illusory body disappeared in an instant. After one hour, Guan Yu could no longer stay in the mortal world.

Guan Yu suddenly disappeared, Zhong Kui and Black and White Wuchang were all taken aback.

"Guan Sheng Di Jun, Guan Sheng Di Jun, Di Jun..."

Seeing Guan Yu disappear, Zhong Kui instinctively shouted, his shout was destined not to be answered, Guan Yu was not here to answer him.

Even if Guan Yu, who returned to the Heavenly Court, heard Zhong Kui calling him, he didn't have the energy to speak, because Guan Yu fainted as soon as he returned to the Heavenly Court.

Going to the mortal world through the phantom life talisman hurt Guan Yu, and then fought with Lu Bu. He was already very tired, and with the side effects of the phantom life talisman, it was difficult for him to return to the heaven without being unconscious.

Watching Guan Yu disappear, and hearing the last sentence of "Thank you Xiaobai" when the other party left, Ji Yang was so excited.

This Guan Yu is worthy of both loyalty and righteousness, and he is really particular about it. This Lu Bu is very important to the underworld to save face. Guan Yu agreed with Zhong Kui to take Lu Bu back. Zhong Kui must thank Guan Yu.

Guan Yu definitely knew in his heart that Zhong Kui would thank him, even if he couldn't stay in the mortal world, Zhong Kui could go to heaven to thank him.

But Guan Yu's last words were undoubtedly telling Zhong Kui that Ji Yang was credited with capturing Lu Bu, so just give him something to thank.

Thinking of Zhong Kui's next thank you, it is strange that Ji Yang is not excited.

"Pass, really. Tonight I have limited strength. If it weren't for Guan Erye's last knife-dragging and chopping off Lu Bu's hands, Lu Bu wouldn't be able to catch him at all."

"This credit is obviously from Guan Erye, but now it's cheap for me. It's cool, thank you Guan Erye."

Thinking in Ji Yang's mind, his eyes were also looking at Zhong Kui who was still calling for Guan Yu.

"Ahem, Second Master Guan has already returned to the Heavenly Court. It's useless for you to call me that."

When Ji Yang opened his mouth, Zhong Kui finally stopped calling. At the same time, he also remembered one thing, that is how Guan Yu came to the mortal world. Guan Yu should not have appeared in the mortal world under the barrier of the law of the Three Realms.

When Zhong Kui and Black and White Wuchang arrived, Guan Yu was with Ji Yang. Just now Guan Yu asked Zhong Kui to thank Ji Yang again. Zhong Kui guessed that Ji Yang should know the reason for Guan Yu's appearance, so he asked tentatively.

Ji Yang didn't hide it, anyway, there was nothing to hide about it, so he told Guan Yu to come to the mortal world through the Illusory Destiny Talisman, and how he and Guan Yu captured Lu Bu.

Hearing Ji Yang's narration, Zhong Kui and Black and White Wuchang also nodded, as if they understood what was going on.

"Guan Shengdijun's words are true. You really deserved the credit for catching Lu Bu. Since he also told me to thank you, then you can tell me how you want me to thank you?"

Zhong Kui looked at Ji Yang and said loudly.

How to thank himself, Ji Yang began to think.

This Zhong Kui is one of the well-known gods, and it seems that his status is not low. He must have a lot of good things about him.

Ji Yang swept Zhong Kui twice, and when he saw the sword in Zhong Kui's hand, his eyes lit up.

Seeing Ji Yang staring at his ghost-slaying sword, Zhong Kui was obviously angry. This ghost-slaying sword is his weapon for slaying ghosts and subduing demons. It is his magic weapon. Ji Yang dared to spy on his ghost-slaying sword. very unhappy.

"Xiaobai, although Lu Bu is an important prisoner in the underworld, you deserve credit for capturing him, but don't be greedy, I can't give you the ghost sword."

Ji Yang was stunned for a moment, and asked himself if he wanted your ghost-slaying sword.

Zhong Kui and Ghost Slaying Sword are standard equipment, Ji Yang will be so stupid, no matter how much credit he has, he will not be so stupid as to do such a thing.

"You misunderstood, this ghost-slaying sword is your weapon, if a gentleman doesn't win people's love, why would I want your ghost-slaying sword."

"I wanted to ask if you would give me a magical weapon similar to the Ghost Slaying Sword. I learned Taoism from Zhang Tianshi, but I didn't have a good weapon. I almost suffered a disadvantage from Lu Bu today because of this."

What Ji Yang said was the truth.

When I saw Guan Yu fighting Lu Bu just now, although the two were brave, after using the Qinglong Yanyue Saber and Fang Tian's Halberd respectively, their combat effectiveness soared in a straight line. At that time, Ji Yang realized the importance of having a handy weapon .

The reason why he saw Zhong Kui's ghost-slaying sword lighted up just now was not to spy on the other party's ghost-slaying sword, he just wanted to ask the other party for a similar magical weapon.

Hearing Ji Yang's explanation, Zhong Kui felt a little embarrassed, it turned out that he had misunderstood the other party, and he judged the belly of a gentleman with the heart of a villain.

But this ghost-slaying sword is extraordinary, there is no Zhong Kui who wants to be of the same level, even if the whole hell can't find a second one.

Even if there was, given Ji Yang's undisciplined state, he wouldn't be able to use it if he was given one, but would be injured by magic weapons instead.

It's just that Ji Yang has already spoken, and he misunderstood the other party just now, Zhong Kui decided to find him a magic weapon suitable for Ji Yang.

Hei Wuchang turned his head and looked at Zhong Kui. Hei Wuchang also understood Zhong Kui's meaning, but they didn't have it in their hands, so they could only shake their heads.

There is no black and white impermanence, Zhong Kui frowned. Although he is well-known and his status is not low, he usually catches ghosts everywhere, and the number of magic weapons in his hand is pitifully small except for his own use.

"I'm busy with errands every day, so I don't have time to refine the magic weapon. What should I give Xiaobai?"

Zhong Kui felt that it was much more difficult to thank others at critical moments and to give them something than to catch ghosts and subdue demons.

After thinking about it in his mind, his eyes suddenly lit up, he slapped his thigh, and shouted: "Yes!"

Zhong Kui suddenly called out this voice, which shocked Ji Yang and Black and White Wuchang.

"Damn it, why are you making a surprise attack? Can't you say hello before you speak?"

Zhong Kui saw that Ji Yang and Black and White Wuchang's expressions were not right, and he knew that he had frightened them by his sudden words just now.

"Hey, I was excited for a while, and I couldn't control my emotions."

"Xiaobai, I don't have a magic weapon at the level of the Ghost Slayer Sword, but the sword I want to give you is not as good as the Ghost Slayer Sword, but it is very suitable for you."

"What is it, show me quickly."

Hearing that Zhong Kui had a suitable sword to give him, Ji Yang asked impatiently.

Although Zhong Kui said that this sword is not as good as the Slaying Ghost Sword, but what Zhong Kui gave is the same, and it is also called a magic weapon.

Seeing Ji Yang's eagerness, Zhong Kui didn't continue to whet Ji Yang's appetite. With a flick of his arm, the Ghost Slaying Sword disappeared, and then he squeezed his palm, and there was an extra one meter long in his empty hand, about two fingers long. A wide, pitch-black sword.

As soon as the sword appeared, Ji Yang felt that there was an aura on the sword that made his breath tight.

The boss stared at the black and white impermanence eyes, looked at the long sword in Zhong Kui's hand with a look of shock and exclaimed: "Heimang sword!"

Black and white Wuchang knew this sword, and was so surprised that Ji Yang knew without guessing that this black sword was not simple.

 PK is still going on, everyone recommends, rewards, collects and hopes to continue to work hard, the promotion depends on everyone

(End of this chapter)

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