The most awesome WeChat Moments

Chapter 115 Wait for me to finish the last thing

Chapter 115 When I Finish the Last Thing (Part [-])
Zhong Kui had already expected Black and White Wuchang's reaction after seeing the Heimong sword.

Since Zhong Kui decided to send the Heimang Sword to Ji Yang, he naturally wanted to tell Ji Yang the origin of the Heimang Sword.

"This sword is called the Black Mang Sword. The body of this sword is the backbone of a thousand-year-old black python monster that Ou Yezi killed with me, and it took several years to smelt it together with the ore unique to the underworld."

Hearing Zhong Kui's introduction of the Black Mang Sword, Ji Yang's eyes began to lighten up.

No wonder this sword doesn't look like metal, it's made from the spine of a thousand-year-old black python monster, and it took Ou Yezi several years to smelt it.

Not to mention how terrifying a goblin who has practiced for thousands of years is, using its spine to create a sword body is enough, let alone Ou Yezi.

Ou Yezi can be said to be the originator of China's sword-making. Every sword he forges is enough to make people scratch their heads.

Among the top ten famous swords in China, half are from the hands of Ou Yezi, and his sword of benevolence, Zhanlu, ranks second among the top ten famous swords. The one in front of Zhanlu is the legendary magic weapon, the sword of the holy way, Xuanyuan sword. .

Legend has it that the Xuanyuan Sword was cast by the Yellow Emperor from the copper of the gods Caishou mountain. After all, Ou Yezi is a mortal. As far as the swords made by mortals are concerned, Zhanlu is definitely the first.

"Master Zhong, do you really want to give this black sword to Xiaobai?"

Hei Wuchang was astonished in his heart, but he still asked in disbelief.

This black-glowed sword is indeed not as famous as the ghost-slaying sword in Zhong Kui's hands, and it is not as good as the ghost-slaying sword, but in the underworld, there are many people who want to get this black-glowed sword.

Even Yan Luo Tianzi Bao, one of the ten kings of hell, once asked Zhong Kui for it. At that time, Yan Luo Tianzi Bao even wanted to exchange 20 merits with Zhong Kui, but Zhong Kui refused.

Faced with 20 merits, Zhong Kui would not exchange them, but at this time he wanted to give them to Ji Yang for free. No wonder Hei Wuchang couldn't believe it.

"Well, I've decided, I'll give this black sword to Xiaobai."

"I know what you're thinking. Give the sword to someone who is destined. Today Xiaobai asked me, and he helped the underworld again. This sword is also the most suitable for him in my hand."

"Xiaobai, this black sword will be yours from now on."

Zhong Kui said with a firm voice.

While handing the Heimang Sword to Ji Yang, Zhong Kui also asked Ji Yang to recognize the master with a drop of blood. When Ji Yang dripped a drop of blood on the body of the Heimangjian, the Heimangjian flickered with a black light, and then disappeared gone.

Your uncle, what's going on?

When Ji Yang saw that the Heimang sword was gone, he was stunned for a moment. Looking around anxiously, he found that the Heimang sword was really gone.

After looking for the black sword, Ji Yang looked at Zhong Kui, thinking in his heart that Zhong Kui would not go back on his word, and took the black sword back.

Seeing Ji Yang looking at him strangely, Zhong Kui frowned, glared at Ji Yang, and said unhappily, "Xiaobai, what do you mean, do you think I took back the black sword? ?”

"Although this black-glowed sword is precious, I, Zhong Kui, keep my promises. What I say definitely counts."

Zhong Kui glared at Ji Yang, and Ji Yang's heart trembled. This Zhong Kui was indeed an expert in catching ghosts and subduing demons. He stared at him with horror. The ghost probably knelt down instantly when he saw him like this.

But the Heimang sword really disappeared, and this Heimang sword was given to him by Zhong Kui, so I can't blame myself for suspecting that Zhong Kui took the sword back.

Ji Yang was depressed, but he didn't know how to speak.

Seeing Ji Yang's expression, Zhong Kui snorted coldly and continued.

"The Heimang Sword has recognized its owner, and it has already merged with you. You only need to recite the Heimang Sword silently in your heart, and it will appear naturally."

After all, Ji Yang had no experience before, how could he understand that the magic weapon of the gods has such benefits.

But this is better for Ji Yang. In today's society, if Ji Yang runs around with a sword on his back every day, others won't treat him as crazy.

According to what Zhong Kui said, when Ji Yang recited the Heimang Sword silently in his heart, he felt his soul tremble, and the Heimang Sword appeared in his hand.

"Okay, now that the Heimang Sword has been given to you, Black and White Wuchang and I will take Lu Bu back to the Underworld."

My task tonight is to bring Lv Bu back to the underworld. Now that Lv Bu has been captured, I should be grateful, and Zhong Kui is ready to leave with Impermanence in Black and White.

When he heard that Zhong Kui and Black and White Wuchang were going to leave, Ji Yang told them not to leave.

He still had something to ask the other party, and when Zhong Kui heard what Ji Yang wanted to ask, he told Ji Yang directly, and then Zhong Kui and Black and White Wuchang locked Lu Bu with the ecstasy chain and disappeared without a trace.

After Zhong Kui and Black and White Impermanence disappeared, Ji Yang took the Black Mang Sword back into his body again.

"Wang Ji, Quan Chang, you have watched such a good show for so long, shouldn't it be time for you to come out?"

On the hill 200 meters away, everything that happened just now was seen by Wang Ji and Quan Chang.

Hearing Ji Yang calling him at this time, the two of them hurried over at a trot.

"Ji Shao."

As soon as they came to Ji Yang, Wang Ji and Quan Chang said with unnatural expressions,
What they saw tonight greatly shocked Wang Ji and Quan Chang's minds.

They didn't expect that the heaven and the underworld in the myths and legends really existed, and Guan Shengdijun, Zhong Kui and Black and White Impermanence also really existed.

What surprised them even more was that Ji Yang knew these gods and ghosts very well.

Seeing Ji Yang now, both of them felt a little nervous.
Even Quan Chang, who had always had a dislike for Ji Yang, did not even dare to breathe when he saw Ji Yang, for fear of offending Ji Yang, who would call Black and White Wuchang to take his soul away.

"Why are you so nervous? I don't eat meat, so you won't tell what you saw tonight?"

Ji Yang asked, blinking his eyes with a smile on his face. At normal times, ordinary people cannot see ghosts, but at certain special moments, people can see ghosts and gods.

Just like the battle between Lu Bu and Guan Yu just now, when Zhong Kui and Bai Wuchang did not hide their real bodies, mortals could see them.

"No, no, no, I definitely won't say it."

How dare Wang Ji and Quan Chang say what happened tonight, even if they tell, who would believe it.

If one fails, they may be sent to a mental hospital as a psychopath.

Hearing the two people's answer, Ji Yang felt very satisfied. Now that it was almost dawn, the dozens of mummified corpses around him had to be disposed of. If someone found out, it would be a disaster.

Fortunately, this is a suburb that is not much better than the place where the birds don’t shit. There are very few people who come here. Ji Yang and the three spent a few hours to restore Chituma’s horse mound. Tian Haisheng The mummy of the others was also disposed of.

"Ji Shao, everything is settled now, can we go back?"

Everything was settled, Wang Ji wiped the sweat from his forehead, and said to Ji Yang with a smile.

Ji Yang looked at the smiling Wang Ji and smiled strangely. Seeing Ji Yang's smile, both Wang Ji and Quan Chang gave a thump in their hearts.

"It's not really done until I finish the last thing."

While speaking, Ji Yang stretched out his hands quickly. Before Wang Ji and Quan Chang could react, Ji Yang's fingers had already pressed the two eyebrows, and he was chanting a spell.

As Ji Yang recited the incantation, Wang Ji and Quan Chang's minds buzzed, and then they fell to the ground with their eyes darkened.

 The second update, bookmark, recommend, tip over quickly, let us kill our opponents together
(End of this chapter)

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