The most awesome WeChat Moments

Chapter 12 Linhai Hospital

Chapter 12 Linhai Hospital
The confrontation between Du Kang and Yidi was naturally invisible to Ji Yang, who had just arrived at Linhai Medical University at this time.

"Ji Yang, good news, very good news."

As soon as Ji Yang walked into the school gate, he saw a lump of fat rushing towards him. This lump of fat was exactly Hou Senpang.

When Hou Senpang ran, the fat all over his body trembled. Ji Yang even felt that he saw the fat flying all over the sky. He believed that if Hou Senpang ran like this for two hours every day, a lot of fat would definitely be thrown off his body.


Seeing that Hou Senpang was about to bump into him, Ji Yang hurriedly took half a step back, reaching out his hand to stop Hou Senpang's forward body.

Hou Senpang looked at Ji Yang with a sad face, like an angry little daughter-in-law. Seeing his sad eyes, Ji Yang almost didn't spit out.

"Don't look at me so disgustingly. If you have any good news, tell me quickly. You won't be peeking at another girl's little girl again, right?"

Ji Yang said with a smirk.

"Tch, you look down on my fat man too much. If I was so excited because I saw a girl's little inner, I would have been so excited to death."

"The good news I'm telling you is about you, do you want to hear it?"

When Hou Senpang mentioned the girl Xiao Nei Nei, his expression was really obscene, like a standard brother pig.

Ji Yang really knew Hou Senpang very well. He remembered the first time this kid accidentally saw his sister Xiao Nei Nei, Hou Senpang was so excited that he was sent to the hospital because he burst out laughing.

"Don't talk nonsense, talk quickly if you have something to say, and fart quickly if you have something to say, class will start right away, don't waste time."

If I don't do it right, there are only two months left, and if I can't bear the thunder, I will be out of my wits. He is extremely depressed, and he is really in no mood to talk to Hou Senpang.

Hou Senfat also felt that Ji Yang's tone was a bit strange, so he didn't talk nonsense, and said directly: "Your boy was a blockbuster in Miejue Shitai's class last time, and Miejue Shitai recommended you to Linhai Hospital. The boy can go to the interview in the afternoon."

When Hou Senpang spoke, he also looked envious.

Linhai Hospital is the best hospital in Linhai, No. [-] in the whole province, and very famous in the country. It is the wish of every medical student in Linhai to be a doctor in Linhai Hospital.

After Ji Yang heard Hou Senpang's words, his face immediately changed from cloudy to sunny. He had always wanted to enter Linhai Hospital for an internship, but he heard that the requirements for entering Linhai Hospital were very high.

Those who can go for an internship are either because they are exceptionally good, or they have to rely on money. The former Ji Yang has nothing to do with these two. I didn’t expect that I could go to Linhai Hospital for an internship after memorizing a piece of "Pingmai Fa" Interviewed.

This is really good news, and the haze in my heart disappeared instantly.

"Fatty, don't joke about this with my brother, you know how powerful my brother is."

Ji Yang waved his fist in front of Hou Senpang with a threatening face.

The last time Hou Senpang had seen how powerful Ji Yang was, he swallowed hard when he saw Ji Yang punching in front of him.

"Fuck, I know you kid has always wanted to go to Linhai Hospital, am I going to joke with you about this kind of thing?"

"The whole class knows about this. I don't know how many people died of envy, especially the aggrieved faces of Zhang Lili and Yang Wei after knowing that you are going to Linhai Hospital for an interview. The expressions are really wonderful."

When Hou Senpang said the word wonderful, he twisted his body twice. Seeing his movement, this scene full of disobedience made Ji Yang stand upright with goosebumps all over his body.

Ji Yang still had some doubts in his heart, but when he walked into the classroom and the students around him congratulated him with envy, Ji Yang finally believed that what Hou Senpang said earlier was true.

"There's nothing to be proud of. Isn't it just going to Linhai Hospital for an interview? With his bad grades, he's a failure."

Seeing Ji Yang's proud face, Zhang Lili said in a cold voice with some displeasure.

"Lili, you are right. Don't look at Miejue Shitai recommending him. My dad has a friend who is the director of Linhai Hospital. If I say hello then, it will be useless if he goes."

The last time I lost someone in Mijue Shitai's class, but Ji Yang became a master, which made Yang Wei very depressed, and Yang Wei also held a grudge against this matter.

Thinking of the "Pingmai Method" that he stayed up all night and copied twenty times, Yang Wei felt even more painful.

Zhang Lili and Yang Wei spoke in a low voice, but Ji Yang still heard it. His grades were indeed not very good before, but now it is different.

Zhang Zhongjing's "Treatise on Febrile and Miscellaneous Diseases" has been printed in his mind, and he will learn from Zhang Zhongjing later. He believes that with these, he will be able to pass the interview at Linhai Hospital.

"But this Yang Wei wants to find someone to fuck me, which is a bit troublesome."

Ji Yang's heart is still quite big, and he didn't worry about it for too long. The so-called boat will be straight when it reaches the bridge, and he can adapt to the situation. What's more, the person interviewing him may not be someone Yang Wei knows.

Time passed quickly, and the morning was over in a blink of an eye, during which Miejue Shitai also chatted with Ji Yang for a while.

While chatting, Miejue Shitai asked Ji Yang a few more questions, all of which were in "Treatise on Febrile Diseases", and Ji Yang solved them one by one.

Miejue Shitai was quite satisfied with Ji Yang, and gave Ji Yang her letter of introduction. Miejue Shitai asked Ji Yang to go directly to Liu Tianjing, the vice president of Linhai Hospital.

Yang Wei also wanted to find someone Yin Jiyang, and now Ji Yang went directly to see the vice president of Linhai Hospital, this Yin man's plan decisively failed.

Linhai Hospital is the best hospital in Linhai. The hospital is well equipped and well planned.

After Ji Yang came to Linhai Hospital, he took the letter of introduction from Miejue Shitai and prepared to go directly to the vice president's office to find Liu Tianjing.

"Ji Yang, you are here. Teacher Su talked with me on the phone before and introduced you. I didn't expect that you not only memorized Chapter 1 "Pingmai Fa" of "Treatise on Febrile and Miscellaneous Diseases", but also very good at other aspects. That's right, Teacher Su really has vision, so you can come over for an internship next Monday."

Liu Tianjing is around sixty years old, with gray hair, always smiling when talking, and looks easy to get along with.

After Ji Yang met Liu Tianjing, Liu Tianjing also simply asked Ji Yang a few questions, and with the help of "Treatise on Febrile Diseases and Miscellaneous Diseases", Ji Yang also answered fluently.

Liu Tianjing was also very satisfied with Ji Yang.

"Thank you Dean Liu, I will definitely not let you down."

Ji Yang was very excited. Unexpectedly, the "Treatise on Febrile and Miscellaneous Diseases" he exchanged for two recipes not only made him a hero who saved the whole class, but also became his passport to enter Linhai Hospital. This time he really It is a big profit.

Today is Friday, and there are still two and a half days until next Monday. Before the official internship at Linhai Hospital, Ji Yang is also planning to reward himself first.

When Ji Yang came to the city center, he wanted to ask Hou Senpang to come out to be corrupt, but just as he took out his phone and was about to call Hou Senpang, he saw a domineering black Hummer parked in front of him .

The car blocked Ji Yang's way impartially, Ji Yang frowned and was about to get angry when he saw the window rolled down.

(End of this chapter)

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