The most awesome WeChat Moments

Chapter 11 Dionysus Du Kang's troubles

Chapter 11 Dionysus Du Kang's troubles

Merit, merit, merit.

Merits are so easy to make, [-] merits in two months, this is Ji Yang's life.

Doing good deeds can gain merit. Thinking of this, Ji Yang also ran to the main road. Looking at the vehicles coming and going, Ji Yang noticed an elementary school student standing on a zebra crossing without traffic lights, waiting to cross the road, with an anxious and frightened expression. .

"Little friend, I will take you across the road."

Helping elementary school students cross the road is a good deed.

"Thank you uncle."

The elementary school student said gratefully.

"Ding dong, it's fun to help others, and your merits will be increased by 1."

Damn, I only give a little merit for helping elementary school students cross the road. This is the flower of the motherland and the hope of the future. I have to give fifty if not one hundred.

If you have [-] merits, you have to help [-]. This is the rhythm of playing yourself to death.

"Uncle, uncle, why did you drag me here, my school is on the other side."

It took half an hour for Ji Yang to help ten elementary school students cross the road, but this time it was a waste of help. After apologizing to the elementary school students, he was sent back to the other side of the road. Ji Yang was also depressed.

It's definitely not going to work like this, let's see if there is anyone in the circle of friends who needs help.

When he opened WeChat Moments, the first one caught Ji Yang's eyes.

Dukang, the God of Dionysus: "At a gathering in the heavenly court, the Jade Emperor said that I was tired of drinking the old wine. Let me brew some new ones for a taste. For thousands of years, I have brewed everything I can think of. Now let me brew new ones. This is amazing. What can I do?"

Du Kang?

Anyone who has some cultural knowledge or knowledge of the history of wine will be familiar with Du Kang. He is known as the "ancestor of wine making" in China, and he was called the God of Dionysus by later generations.

Du Kang's position in the Immortal World does not seem to be high, and Ji Yang couldn't find him in the phone address book, so he had to add him as a friend through Moments.

Du Kang also quickly agreed.

"Dude, I hear you're bothered about brewing?"

Ji Yang also didn't greet the other party politely, and asked directly.

"Yeah, your name is Xiaobai? Why haven't I heard of you before? If you ask me this, do you have a good opinion?"

Du Kang's reply speed is also very fast.

"The underworld has never eaten such dishes as pineapple sweet and sour pork and pot-packed pork. Huaxia has never been short of white wine and fruit wine. With Du Kang's wine making skills, these wines must not be difficult for him. So what would you recommend for him?"

After adding Dukang as a friend, Ji Yang realized that he hadn't paid attention for a moment. While thinking about it, Ji Yang saw someone drinking beer through the window of a restaurant, and his eyes lit up.

"Yeah, brewing beer."

Beer is an exotic wine that was only introduced to China at the beginning of the [-]th century. In Heaven, where the laws of the Three Realms have been in check and balance for thousands of years, no gods have ever seen beer.

"You can brew beer for everyone to drink."

At this time, Ji Yang had already returned to his residence.

"Beer? What kind of wine is beer? I know daughter red, bamboo leaf green, wine, monkey wine, but what kind of wine is this beer?"

Sure enough, Tianting had never seen beer before, so Ji Yang's suggestion was right.

After briefly introducing the beer, Ji Yang also found a half-year-old bottle of beer in the rented house, poured the wine into a cup, and took a photo and sent it to Du Kang.

However, when Ji Yang was waiting for Du Kang to scream excitedly, Du Kang returned an angry expression.

"Xiaobai, it's a shame that I still treat you as a friend. You are hurting me. What kind of beer are you here? It's just horse urine."

Du Kang's words also made Ji Yang confused. It's terrible to be uneducated. Although the color of beer is indeed similar to horse urine, you don't need such a big reaction.

"The color of this beer is a bit weird, but it's definitely not horse urine. Wait a minute, I'll send you the brewing process and introduction of the beer."

While talking, Ji Yang also turned on the computer, found a bunch of information on beer and sent it to Du Kang.

After a long time, Du Kang also spoke, this time Du Kang was also full of apology.

"I'm really sorry. I misunderstood you. After all, it was the first time I saw beer. My reaction was a little excited. Du Kang apologized here."

Apologizing is useless, why don't you give yourself something practical, what I lack most now is merit.

Of course, Ji Yang can only think about these words in his heart, but he can't really send them to the other party.

"It's okay. It's understandable that you can't accept something new when you see it for the first time. I also gave you the brewing and introduction of this beer. Do you think you can brew it?"

After all, beer is different from the wine brewed by Du Kang in the past, Ji Yang still has some doubts about whether the other party can brew beer.

It would be great if he opened his own WeChat store, so that he can trade with Du Kang through the WeChat store, and Du Kang can also taste the taste of beer.

"I, Du Kang, are known as the God of Dionysus. I have the confidence to brew this beer."

Du Kang was full of confidence, and Ji Yang felt relieved when he saw what he said, and at the same time offered some advice to the other party.

"The beer tastes better when it's chilled. If you pair it with chicken feet, duck necks, peanuts and melon seeds, I'm sure the Jade Emperor will praise you."

"Okay, thank you this time, I will thank you well after the party."

Ji Yang was waiting for his words. What he lacks most now is merit. He hoped that Du Kang could give him more merit in return.

Above the heaven, an old man in a gray brocade robe was looking at his phone intently.

"Du Kang, the Jade Emperor asked you to brew new wine, but you are here looking at your phone. I checked your Moments and saw that you are very confused. Do you need my help?"

The speaker was an old woman in a long brown dress. When the old woman spoke, she also had a weird smile on her face.

"Yidi, don't think that I don't know what you're up to. In the past, you and I took turns to be in charge of the wine used by the immortals in the Heavenly Court."

"But since the last Pantao meeting, the wine you brewed gave all the immortals a headache for a long time, and even the Xiaotian dog fell asleep for two days. No one in the entire heaven dared to drink the wine you brewed. This time you want to take the opportunity to redeem own status, but I will not give you this opportunity."

This old lady is Yidi, the God of Dionysus, who is as famous as Du Kang, and she owns the invention right of Huaxia's "Quyao Wine Brewing Technique".

In Heaven, both Du Kang and Yidi can only be regarded as low-level gods, because they are both good at brewing wine, and their relationship is not harmonious.

There are not a few low-level gods like the two, and they are constantly fighting with each other in order to gain the approval of their superiors.

Although it is said that gods have no desires and desires, how can it be so simple, if they really have no desires and desires, then what is it to pursue the way of heaven and become a high-level god?
"Hmph, Du Kang, don't be complacent. You don't have to provoke me with that year's Peach Fair. It was an accident. It was Xiantong who misplaced the ingredients, not my fault."

"I've been researching new wine for so many years, and now it's brewed. If you can't come up with a wine that satisfies everyone at the party, I will help you out, hahahaha..."

Yi Di laughed wildly, then turned around and left.

Yidi's words also made Du Kang's heart sink, the party day is not far away, fortunately Ji Yang helped him today, otherwise he would be really miserable when the party day comes.

"Yidi, just wait for me. When it's the day of the party, see if I don't surprise your jaw."

Du Kang thought to himself, and then began to prepare for brewing beer.

(End of this chapter)

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