Chapter 10

One hundred merits and one medicine, this is too dark.

Counting what the horse noodles gave me, plus what I earned tonight, and spending a few days chatting, I only have more than 900 merits left in my hands.

But if you don't trade with the other party, relying on mortal medicine alone, you don't know how long it will take for the knife wound on your back to heal.

In the end, he gritted his teeth and sent a message to Zhang Zhongjing.

"One hundred is too much, [-]% off, [-] merits, in exchange for medicine."

After 1 minute passed, Ji Yang did not see Zhang Zhongjing speak, and thought that the other party refused.

"This guy is really dark, is he short of twenty merits? For my own speedy recovery, I can only endure it."

Ji Yang was a little depressed, and he was ready to agree to give Zhang Zhongjing a hundred merits.

But just when he was about to exchange one hundred merits for medicine, he saw Zhang Zhongjing speak.

"Seeing that you're new here, you don't have much merit in your hands. Eighty is eighty. A fly is still meat when it's small. Click on my profile picture, enter my micro store, and trade by yourself."

Uh, sentimental WeChat also has a transaction function.

Clicking on Zhang Zhongjing's avatar, Ji Yang saw a store similar to an online store, no, it should be called a micro store here.

There is only one medicine in Zhang Zhongjing's store, which is a elixir called first-level healing medicine. The price is [-] merits, and it seems that this is it.

Click on the first-level healing medicine, WeChat pops up a dialog box asking whether to trade, Ji Yang chooses yes, and a gray pill the size of a thumb arrives in Ji Yang's hands.

"If you have anything to do, keep in touch."

Zhang Zhongjing in the underworld gave a sly smile. This medicine can be used for five merits in the underworld, but it costs eighty merits to sell it to Ji Yang. He feels that he has made a lot of money.

"Doctor Zhang, are you really okay?"

Ma Mian looked at Ji Yang who spent [-] merits to buy the elixir with less than [-] merits in the underworld, and asked cautiously.

"Master Hei Wuchang said last time that now the mortal world is not only concerned about cheap goods, but good goods are not cheap. If I tell him the five merits, he will think I gave him mud balls. This is all mortal world's own hype. Don’t blame me for the price.”

"Contact you, black-hearted guy."

Ji Yang cursed secretly in his heart.

Although the heart ached from the Eighty Merits, Ji Yang felt his body warm after taking the pill, and the knife wound on his back was slightly itchy, and he could even clearly feel the granulation growing.

"If I push this medicine to the market, I won't be able to make a lot of money. I can also open a micro-store to sell mortal things to earn merits from the underworld and heaven."

Through today's transaction with Zhang Zhongjing, Ji Yang also discovered business opportunities, one is to make some good things from heaven and places and sell them in the mortal world to earn money.

There is also the ability to trade mortal things with heaven and hell to earn merit.

"Good idea, just do it."

The idea is good, the reality is cruel.

Ji Yang was stunned. When he was opening a WeChat store, WeChat even reminded him that his level was insufficient and he needed to upgrade to open a WeChat store.

"Does WeChat also have levels? Why didn't I know before."

Clicking on his own information, Ji Yang found that there is actually a level under his name, I am Xiaobai, and his current level is...

"What do you mean by not entering the stream?"

What's the matter that my level is actually not in the mainstream?

Ji Yang likes to watch Journey to the West very much.

I remember that in Journey to the West, when Sun Wukong first came to heaven to be Bi Mawen, when he asked himself what official title Bi Mawen was and how high it was, the other party’s answer was that it was not big or not. wait.

"Sun Wukong is always able to become the Monkey King from nowhere, and defeat the Buddha. I can do it one day."

Ji Yang is ambitious, but he doesn't know if there is a good opportunity for him to go to the West to learn Buddhist scriptures.

"I don't know how to upgrade this thing, I have to ask."

Asking who is the most suitable, of course he gave his mobile phone to Taibai Jinxing.

Since I chatted with the other party last time, I haven't chatted with Taibai Jinxing, and I haven't seen his dynamics in Moments, so I don't know if he is there.

"Old man, are you here?"

Ji Yang's tone is completely like that of Monkey King.

"Xiaobai, what are you looking for from me?"

Taibai Jinxing really exists.

"Old man, I want to open a micro-store, but I found that my level is not enough. I checked it just now, and my level turned out to be low. How do I upgrade this thing? How many levels can I open a micro-store?"

As soon as Ji Yang sent out the words, Taibai Jinxing also responded quickly.

"You are quite business-minded. You have only played WeChat for a few days and thought of opening a WeChat store. However, you haven't held a position in the Heavenly Court of the Underworld, so you can only be regarded as a newcomer. You can open a store when you have a fairy job."

"You are now in the assessment period. After the Tianlei assessment period, you will be promoted to rank nine, and then you will be able to open a micro-store."

"It takes [-] merits to reach the ninth rank before entering the stream. When your merits reach [-], the sky thunder will appear. If you withstand the sky thunder, you will successfully pass the assessment."

Tianlei, isn't that often mentioned in comprehension novels?

When the cultivation base reaches a certain level, one has to accept the thunder, and one can become a god if one can withstand the thunder.

This day the thunder is so powerful that it might kill you.

"I said, old man, are you joking, Tianlei, can I withstand it with my small body? If I can't resist Tianlei, will I be finished?"

Ji Yang asked with some fear, this is not a joke, people will die.

"Well, almost, don't worry, today's thunder is not as terrible as you think, so I won't tell you, Erlang God asked me to go out for a dog walk, and I have time to chat."

Taibai Jinxing ignored Ji Yang after finishing speaking.

No matter how Ji Yang called, Taibai Jinxing remained silent.

Ji Yang now has a feeling that he has been cheated.

"I have less than [-] merits now, and [-] merits are still early. Didn't Taibai Jinxing say that the sky thunder will appear only after [-] merits? If I don't reach [-] merits, I will be fine."

Ji Yang felt that he was too smart. As long as he had less than [-] merits, the sky thunder would not appear. Isn’t it impossible to open a store if he is not in the stream? Life is more important than not being able to open a micro-store.

But Ji Yang was too happy, Taibai Jinxing, who ignored him for a long time, seemed to guess what he was thinking, and even called him back.

"Boy, are you thinking that as long as you don't reach 100 merits, you will be fine? You are so naive. The sky thunder will appear at a fixed time every [-] years. At that time, all the ghosts and gods of the heavens and the earth will have to endure it." Sky Thunder Examination."

"Your luck is good, there are still two months before the 100-year Tianlei assessment, you should cherish the little time you have left."

"Don't try to lose your phone, you have been chosen by God, if you lose your phone, thunder will appear immediately."

At the end of Taibai Jinxing's words, she even made a treacherous smile.

Seeing such words, Ji Yang was stunned. He was still lucky, but now it seems that it is over.

"Taibai Jinxing, you are ruthless, don't let me see you again..."

(End of this chapter)

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