Chapter 9
"Sister, please forgive me, please forgive me, you are going to trample me to death."

The bald head rolled and begged for mercy.

"Call me Big Sister, I'm the youngest, if you call me Big Sister, I'll trample you to death, trample you to death."

Li Zixuan stomped hard while speaking.

"Oh, beauty, it's okay to be a beauty, if you step on me again, you will really step on me to death."

The bald head felt aggrieved, Li Zixuan didn't have the strength to resist in front of him before, she really didn't pull it as much as she wanted, and she could pull it as much as she wanted, but now she was stepped on like trash by the other party.

"Ahem, that Li Zixuan, you better not step on it, it will really kill someone."

Ji Yang really couldn't stand it any longer, he would have to pay legal responsibility for excessive self-defense, if Li Zixuan really trampled her bald head to death, today's incident would become a big deal.

"Hmph, I'll give you face, then I'll step on it one last time."

While speaking, Li Zixuan stepped on it again.

"Oh, my...broken..."

With this kick, the bald head's eyeballs almost fell out, and his face was so painful that it turned purple, and then his head turned and he didn't move.

Hou Senpang looked at the bald head who had fainted from the pain, and swallowed hard.

No matter how gentle and beautiful a woman looks, she can't be offended, but once she gets angry, it's really terrible.

"Do you want to call the police?"

Hou Senpang asked in a low voice.

"These guys are veterans. They ran away before the police came. Then we might be reprimanded for lying."

When Ji Yang was talking, he had already seen Wang Hu and others start to stand up, but these people were not stupid enough to make trouble for Ji Yang.

"Boy, just wait for me, today's business is not over, let's go."

Before Wang Hu and the others drove away, they did not forget to speak cruelly to Ji Yang.

"Your name is Ji Yang, are you also a student of Linhai Medical University? Thank you for saving me today."

Li Zixuan looked at Ji Yang and asked with a smile.

"Well, my name is Ji Yang, and his name is Hou Senpang. We are both students of Linhai Medical University. You are the beauty of our school. It is my honor to help you."

Listening to Ji Yang's words, Li Zixuan blushed slightly.

"You are injured, do you want to go to the hospital?"

Looking at Ji Yang's blood-stained clothes, Li Zixuan asked with some concern.

"It's okay, a small injury, no bone injury, just go back and get some medicine."

To put it bluntly, if his physique hadn't become stronger, these two cuts would be enough for him to bear. Although these two cuts are not fatal now, they are still quite painful.

It's just that Ji Yang doesn't want to go to the hospital, because it's too troublesome to go to the hospital and have to check things up.

Li Zixuan called home, and soon saw two black Mercedes driving towards her, a middle-aged man with an anxious expression and several people who looked like bodyguards came over at the same time.

After questioning Li Zixuan, the anxious middle-aged man learned that it was Ji Yang who saved Li Zixuan, and the other party also came to thank him.

Only then did Ji Yang realize that the person in front of him was Li Zixuan's father, named Li Xinghai.

Li Xinghai?
This name sounds familiar, isn't the boss of Linhai's largest pharmaceutical company, Xinghai Medicine, called Li Xinghai?

"Little brother, thank you for saving Zixuan, here is a check for 100 million, I hope you can accept it."

Li Xinghai took out a check from his pocket and handed it to Ji Yang.

100 million, Ji Yang has never seen so much money in his life. Even Hou Senpang, who is from a good family, is the boss with staring eyes. A rich person is a rich person, and he just took out 100 million.

Looking at the string of zeros on the check, Ji Yang swallowed his saliva. Although he wanted the money very much, he didn't take it.

"I appreciate Mr. Li's kindness. Zixuan and I are classmates, so it's only right to help her. I didn't think about repaying her when I helped her, so I can't ask for the money."

While refusing, Ji Yang cried out in pain, this is 100 million yuan, not 100 yuan.

With this 100 million, my life can undergo earth-shaking changes.

But a gentleman loves money, and he gets it in a proper way. Although Ji Yang likes money, he will not accept the 100 million.

He has his own backbone, and he believes that with his current WeChat function, one day he will reach the pinnacle of his life.

Among the people around him, Hou Senpang knew Ji Yang's life situation best. He didn't expect Ji Yang to reject Li Xinghai's 100 million so simply, and he admired Ji Yang even more in his heart.

Looking at Ji Yang's attire, Li Xinghai could tell that Ji Yang was not a rich man, so he felt a little uncomfortable when he rejected him so flatly.

"This kid won't accept the 100 million. Could it be that he has other plans?"

Li Xinghai is a bit jealous of a gentleman with a villain's heart.

"Since you don't want the 100 million, then if you need my help, just say, I can do it, and I will help."

Ji Yang shook his head: "Mr. Li, as I said, I didn't think about asking for any reward for helping Zixuan. I am injured, and I have to go back to heal my injuries. See you again, Li Zixuan."

After finishing speaking, Ji Yang turned and left without waiting for the other party to speak.

"Helping others is fun, without asking for anything in return, and rewarding five hundred merits."

The phone vibrated, seeing this message, Ji Yang was first taken aback, then elated.

It turns out that doing good deeds can gain merit, which is the same as in fairy tales. Aren’t those gods who help others gain merit, and then become gods.

"Hey, good people are rewarded. For the sake of merit, I will do more good deeds in the future. If I have nothing to do, I will help an old man cross the road, help elementary school students to learn something, and the merits will not come from a lot."

Hou Senpang also said goodbye to Li Xinghai and Li Zixuan apologetically, and then chased after Ji Yang.

"Am I really thinking too much? No, I still have to get someone to investigate this kid. If he really has any intentions, even if he saved Zixuan, I can't let him go."

Looking at the back of Ji Yang leaving, Li Xinghai frowned and thought.

After separating from Hou Senpang, Ji Yang went back to the rental house, looking at his rental house less than [-] square meters, Ji Yang also smiled bitterly.

"What are you pretending for? That's 100 million yuan. With this 100 million yuan, you can buy a house by yourself, and you don't have to work several jobs a day to make a living. This time it's considered big."

After taking off his clothes and looking at the two scars on his back through the mirror, he also hurriedly took out his mobile phone and sent Zhang Zhongjing a WeChat message.

"Zhang Zhongjing, do you have any good medicine for healing, stopping bleeding and promoting muscle growth, please give me some."

Zhang Zhongjing is a sage of medicine. Ji Yang dared to go home without going to the hospital because he thought of the other party. The knife wound could be minor or serious. When he got to the hospital, various examinations would be troublesome, so he might as well go to the other party directly.

"You can ask for medicine, but you can't give it away. You have to get something in exchange."

Zhang Zhongjing quickly replied.

"Change, how to change, do you want a recipe?"

There are as many recipes as you want, and it can be done in minutes.

"There's no need for the recipe. If I'm spoiled by you, there aren't that many cooks to cook for me. It's almost the assessment period. One hundred merits, you can change it if you don't want to change it..."

(End of this chapter)

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