The most awesome WeChat Moments

Chapter 1203 Shennong Cauldron Still Has Secrets

Chapter 1203 Shennong Cauldron Still Has Secrets (Third)

The Yellow Emperor gave Ji Yang the seeds of the fairy Zihucao, and then gave him the Dragon Chanting Sword Technique and Xuanyuan Sword Technique, and then ignored him.

At this time, Ji Yang was not in the mood to continue chatting with the Yellow Emperor, and all his thoughts were on the seeds of the fairy Zihucao.

However, before ending the chat with Huangdi, Ji Yang still thanked Huangdi and promised to find the Nuwa stone as soon as possible. Once the Nuwa stone arrived, he would lend it to Huangdi for use.

After Huang Di replied with a clasped fist gesture, he really ignored Ji Yang.

Looking at the fairy Zihu grass seeds in his hand, Ji Yang felt a little funny.

Just for this one seed, the two heavenly emperors have moved their hands.

But with the seeds, Ji Yang can't be promoted to the rank of immortal, he has to turn the seeds into immortal Zihu grass.

Immortal Zihu grass cannot be planted in the mortal world, it can only be planted in the heaven.

If Ji Yang wanted to plant the seeds of the fairy Zihucao, he had to seek help from the people in Heaven.

But Ji Yang doesn't need to worry, because both the mountain god and the land can help him.

"Mountain God, I have already got the seeds of the fairy Zihu grass, is it convenient for you to receive them now?"

Ji Yang approached Shanshen and asked if he could receive seeds now.

"What? You actually got the seeds of the fairy Zihu grass?"

"I can accept it now, but I'm a little curious. Emperor Shennong is very precious to the seeds of the fairy Zihu grass. How did you get it?"

The mountain god is chatting with the land at this time, and the content of the chat is whether Ji Yang can get the fairy Zihu grass seeds.

The mountain god was very surprised when he heard that Ji Yang actually got it, and the speed was faster than they expected.

After Ji Yang sent the celestial Zihucao seeds to the mountain god, he briefly talked about his search for Shennong, the request of the other party, and when the Yellow Emperor went to look for Shennong...

The Shanshen also saw the fight between Shennong and Huangdi in the circle of friends.

He didn't expect that the two heavenly emperors would fight because of the fairy Zihu grass seeds that Ji Yang asked for.

After understanding this, Shanshen felt as if he had suffered [-] points of critical damage.

These are two great heavenly emperors, Ji Yang actually tricked them both at the same time, the mountain god felt that he and Ji Yang should be careful with each other, and don't let himself be tricked one day.

"I gave the seeds of the fairy Zihu grass to the land. He is better at this than me."

"He asked me to tell you that the fairy Zihu grass will mature in three days, and you can just go to him when the time comes."

"Let me remind you, when you find him, remember to give him the massage chair."

"Don't worry, the massage chair will be given to him."

The mountain god gave the seeds of the fairy Zihu grass to the land and told Ji Yang about it.

Ji Yang really forgot about the massage chair last time he purchased it.

But this is simple, you can buy it anytime you want, a phone call can solve the problem, and there are still three days left.

When he thought that after three days, he would get the fairy-grade Zihucao, and he would be promoted to the third-rank immortal position, Ji Yang remembered the last Tianlei assessment.

Although he was promoted to the fourth-rank immortal position last time, he was subjected to an assessment that was almost at the level of third-rank Tianlei.

At that time, he was struck by the thunder and passed out, and finally Chi You helped him catch the rest of the thunder.

This time I have passed the third-grade Tianlei test properly, and its power is definitely stronger than last time.

Thinking of this, Ji Yang felt dizzy.

Although this time it can still be like last time, let Chi You help him carry the remaining thunder if he can't hold on.

But Tianlei's assessment, the assessment is still oneself, if only relying on external force, the meaning of that day's thunder assessment will also change.

The Tianlei assessment is a test, the more you endure, the more benefits you will get.

If possible, Ji Yang definitely wanted to catch all the thunder himself.

"Three days later, three days later?"

"I'll be able to pick up the suit in three days. When I give the suit to Monkey King, let's see if he can help me pass the third-grade Tianlei test."

While thinking about how he could hold the thunder by himself, Ji Yang suddenly thought of handing over the custom-made suit to Monkey King.

Sun Wukong knows a lot of spells, so it goes without saying.

Ask Sun Wukong, maybe you can really find a way to let yourself hold the third-grade sky thunder.

Thinking of this, Ji Yang began to look forward to three days later.

The three days should have passed quickly, but because of the anticipation in his heart, Ji Yang felt that it passed extremely slowly.

During these three days, not to mention that every minute and every second was a kind of suffering, but it was almost the same.

If it weren't for Dongfang Mei, Li Shang and Fang Yu seeing Ji Yang suffering, and dragging him around every day, Ji Yang would probably ask the land eight hundred times a day if the celestial purple hydrangea is ripe?

While wandering here and there, Ji Yang didn't forget about his business.

First of all, we need to get a few more plants for Shennong. It is still the uploaded flower shop, and let the proprietress help choose a few.

Counting the three he bought before, Ji Yang has prepared a total of ten plants for Shennong.

Giving so many plants to him should make him feel better, and he won't blame himself for cheating him before.

After preparing these plants, Ji Yang went to Shennong.

When he first contacted Shennong, Shennong inevitably lost his temper with him and blamed Ji Yang for cheating him.

When Shennong lost his temper, Ji Yang didn't say a word. Seeing that he had lost his temper, Ji Yang directly sent three kinds of plants to him.

As soon as he saw the plants, Shennong immediately asked Ji Yang what these plants were called and why he had never seen them before.

After Ji Yang answered them one by one, Shen Nong seemed very happy to learn that these were from places other than China.

It is the first time for Shennong to plant foreign plants.

When Shennong was excited, Ji Yang also sent him the remaining plants.

Seeing that Ji Yang still had plants for him, Shen Nong was surprised.

He only wanted three plants, but Ji Yang actually gave him ten.

"What do you mean, boy, are you apologizing to me?"

After Shen Nong got the extra plants, he asked Ji Yang.

"Well, if you don't accept it, you can return these plants to me."

"What are you paying for? These are mine once they are in my hands. Seeing as you are quite sensible, I don't blame you for what happened this time."

"But if you still trick me next time, then I won't be polite."

Seeing Shennong's words, Ji Yang smiled triumphantly through the phone.

Even if he cheated Shennong again, he was not afraid that Shennong would be unkind to him, at worst, he would just smash some plants for him.

"By the way, you got the Shennong Ding, right? I will also tell you a secret about the Shennong Ding today."

"Secret? What secret? Tell me quickly."

The Shennong Ding was originally owned by Shennong, and he is definitely the person who knows the Shennong Ding best in the entire Three Realms.

When he heard that Shennong was going to tell him the secret about Shennongding, Ji Yang couldn't hide his joy, and sent a WeChat to urge him.

Seeing Ji Yang's urging, Shen Nong knew that Ji Yang was in a hurry, so he didn't betray Ji Yang, and directly told the secret of Shen Nong Ding...

(End of this chapter)

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