The most awesome WeChat Moments

Chapter 1204 Accidentally set fire

Chapter 1204 Accidentally set fire (one more)
"Others only know that I used the Shennong Ding to refine hundreds of herbs in the past, so that the aura of countless medicines accumulated in the cauldron for thousands of years can be used to refine the unrivaled magic medicine that all the gods of the three worlds are sympathetic to. Your gossip stove is bad."

"But everyone doesn't know that after condensing the aura of countless medicines for thousands of years, the Shennong Ding also produced a special effect, that is, absorption."

"It can absorb zodiac energies such as wind, thunder, water and fire, but it can only absorb what the user can bear. This is also a defect."

"The energy absorbed by Shennong Ding can be released again, and it can also have unexpected effects when refining medicine."

"Anyway, the Shennong Ding is given to you, and I will also give you these pills. This will teach you how to use the medicinal power and various attribute energies accumulated in the Shennong Ding."

Shen Nong told Ji Yang the secret of Shen Nong Ding, and Ji Yang was shocked.

Shennong Ding has been in his hands for a long time, and he really hasn't discovered this secret.

If Shennong hadn't told him today, I'm afraid he would never have discovered it.

Being able to absorb attribute energy such as wind, thunder, water and fire made Ji Yang's eyes shine even more.

Just now Ji Yang was still thinking about the third-rank Tianlei assessment, and the third-rank Tianlei should be within Ji Yang's tolerance range, that is to say, he can use the Shennong Ding to absorb the third-rank Tianlei assessment.

Although absorption can't be regarded as directly resisting the sky thunder, it can also play a life-saving role when necessary.

And if you absorb the third-grade sky thunder yourself, you can release it later.

Just imagine, if you fight against others and release a third-grade sky thunder attack, how terrifying its power will be.

Ji Yang felt that it was too late for Shennong to tell himself this secret.

It was a good time to find Shennong by myself.

Fortunately, I didn't wait to be promoted to the rank of immortal before looking for Shennong, otherwise I missed the third-rank Tianlei, and he would definitely regret it.

After Shen Nong told Ji Yang the secret of Shen Nong Ding, a green light shot out from WeChat and directly entered Ji Yang's mind.

Countless information flooded into Ji Yang's mind...

This information includes a lot of pills. With these pills, Ji Yang can refine various pills with the Shennong Ding.

However, the materials recorded in the recipe are extraordinary, and it is not easy to refine them.

In addition to the dan formula, it is Shennong Ding's method of absorbing and extracting attributes such as wind, fire, thunder and lightning.

Only read the method once, and Ji Yang has already memorized it completely.

It's just two sentences with simple answers, and it can't be difficult.

After telling Ji Yang everything that should be said, Shen Nong did not forget to tell Ji Yang to make good use of the Shen Nong Cauldron, and then went to appreciate the plants that Ji Yang sent to him.

Shennong went to admire the plants, and Ji Yang also took out the Shennong tripod.

Looking at the Shennong Ding in front of him, Ji Yang felt a little excited.

Through his observation, Shennong Cauldron itself has accumulated a lot of wind, thunder, fire, water, etc. He was curious and eager to try.

Ji Yang walked out of the room with the Shennong Ding, and seeing that the surrounding area was relatively wide, he chanted a spell, pointed his finger forward, and said the word "fire".

"Swoosh... hoo..."

Following Ji Yang's words, a ball of flames flew out from the Shennong Cauldron.

The flames flew out, covering a larger area than Ji Yang thought, and the heat was even higher.

Although I don't know what this flame is, it is definitely not an ordinary flame, and its power is not inferior to Ji Yang's purple fire.

"Fuck, I'm playing too big."

The flame flew out and landed on the ground, and the raging fire ignited instantly.

Looking at the burning flame, Ji Yang's expression changed, and he let out a cry of surprise.

Although the field in front of me is empty, there are many trees and houses around. Once it burns, the consequences will be disastrous.

"It's on fire, run!"

"What's going on, why is there a fire, put out the fire, put out the fire."

"Ji Yang, what are you doing, you can't make this flame, right?"

"Yang'er, tell me how old you are, why are you still playing with fire? Hurry up and put out the fire, if you don't control the fire, something serious will happen..."

The flames ignited, attracting the attention of everyone in the resort.

Some people saw the flames ignited and began to flee around. The staff ran over with fire extinguishers and the like to put out the fire.

When Dongfang Mei, Fang Yu and Li Shang came, they looked at Ji Yang, who was standing beside the flame, who was a little stupefied, and suspected that the flame might have something to do with Ji Yang.

"It was an accident, a pure accident."

"I'll put out the fire... water..."

Looking at the rioting crowd around him, and listening to Dongfang Mei and others' somewhat reproachful words, Ji Yang smiled awkwardly.

A mantra was chanted in his mouth, releasing the water in the Shennong cauldron.

The water column shoots out from the Shennong Ding, like a high-pressure water gun, and covers a very wide area. Once shot out, it is like rain.

Whether they were fighting the fire or fleeing in all directions, they were very surprised to see Ji Yang spraying water with the Shennong Ding.

Because they were all wondering how Ji Yang sprayed water.

Simply put, most of the staff in the Dongfang Meihe Resort are ancient warriors, and they know that the water spraying of the Shennong Ding may be some kind of skill.

In order to avoid trouble, Dongfang Mei gestured with her eyes, and the people around understood and began to explain.

Their explanation is very simple, that is, Shennong Ding is a kind of fire extinguishing equipment.

It's just for aesthetics, so it's designed like this.

Although the people around were skeptical about this explanation, they didn't know how to refute it.

After all, they are ordinary people, and myths are myths after all. They would never have thought that this is the Shennong Ding, a magic weapon.

After the fire was extinguished, Ji Yang did not directly put away the Shennong Ding in order to agree with the explanations of the people around him.

Instead, the Shennong Ding was put away after the Shennong Ding was transported to the room.

When putting away the Shennong Ding, Ji Yang also explained the reason why he set the fire unintentionally.

Listening to Ji Yang's explanation, Dongfang Mei and the others couldn't laugh or cry.

Ji Yang usually behaved very maturely, how could he violate the childish nature today.

But after learning that the Shennong Ding has this ability, they are also very surprised, after all, no one has heard that the Shennong Ding has this ability before.

But he was surprised in his heart, but he didn't dare to let Ji Yang perform again, the fire just now was enough.

After some problems with Shennong were satisfactorily resolved, Ji Yang asked Dongfang Mei to arrange for someone to buy a few massage chairs.

Apart from giving one of these massage chairs to the land, Ji Yang plans to sell the rest on the WeChat store.

The previous figurines and plush toys Ji Yang have not been on the shelves yet, and now that there is a massage chair, Ji Yang is not in a hurry to put them on the shelves.

He planned to give the land massage chair first, and then hand over the customized suit to Monkey King. After he was promoted to the rank of third-rank immortal, he would put these new products on the WeChat store.

After three days of tormented waiting, it finally arrived...

(End of this chapter)

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