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Chapter 1218 Going All Out to Track Down Ji Yang

Chapter 1218 Full Tracking of Ji Yang (Part [-])
"Great regiment leader, things in Huaxia are going well. I called you to report something to you. We found the treasured sword in the treasure house of the Holy See in Huaxia..."

Char didn't say any nonsense to Jayden, and directly told Jayton about the Shi family and Ji Yang's holding the sword of the Holy See.

When Jayden heard Char's report, he didn't speak for a long time.

But through the receiver, Char could hear Jayden's heavy breathing, and the other party seemed very excited at this time.

Jayden should not say that he was excited now, but that it would be more accurate to say that he was shocked.

The attack on Vatican City shocked all special departments around the world.

The Vatican City is the center of power of the Holy See. Ordinary people don't know the situation there, but the special departments of various countries do.

Anyone who dared to make trouble in Vatican City and was able to make such a big disturbance, everyone was curious about who did it, and launched an investigation.

The Holy See is investigating, and special departments in various countries are also investigating.

According to what happened in Vatican City that day, all investigators identified the Dark Night Alliance as their target.

It was also from that day on that the conflict between the Holy See and the Dark Night Alliance, which were originally incompatible, became more intense.

Almost every day, the bases of the Night Alliance are attacked by the Holy See, and the churches and assembly points of the Holy See are attacked by the Night Alliance.

It can be said that, except for the Xuanzu knowing the real situation and pretending to be the work of the Dark Night Alliance, no other country has doubted this result.

Now that he heard that Charles had discovered the sword in the Holy See's treasury in Huaxia, it was strange for Jayden to feel calm.

"Jayton, what's the matter? Could it be that Charle's affairs in China are not going well?"

Jiedon was praying with the Pope just now, and when he called Charle, he also called in front of the Pope.

Seeing that there was something wrong with the expression on Jayden's face, Pope Andrew asked in a dignified voice.

China has a large land, rich resources and many people, and the Holy See has always paid attention to China.

In recent years, China has developed rapidly in various fields, and it has become a proper first-class power.

Huaxia is now always promoting traditional culture, and local Taoism is increasingly recognized by Huaxia people, which has caused a lot of impact on the Holy See.

Sending Char to China this time, he shoulders a great responsibility.

Andrew is naturally very concerned about whether Charle's affairs in China are going well or not.

"My lord, although Charles encountered some obstacles in promoting the Holy See in China, it went smoothly."

"He called me today because he found something in Huaxia..."

Jayton told Andrew in detail what Charle had said to him.

When Andrew learned that there was something in the Vatican's treasure house in Huaxia, his face changed drastically, and a gloomy look appeared on his kind face, and he said in a cold voice.

"Turn the speakerphone on, I have something to ask Char."

"Okay His Excellency, Charles, His Excellency has something to ask you."

Jayden turned on the speakerphone and whispered into the phone.

When Charles heard that the Pope was going to talk to him, he was very excited.

Even though he is the Attorney General of the province, there are still very few opportunities to communicate with the Pope.

As a devout believer of the Holy See, it is his honor to be able to communicate with the Pope.

"Honorable Pope, I don't know what I can do for you."

"Char, let me ask you, you just mentioned a woman named Dongfang Mei, and you said she is a member of the Huaxia Guardian Alliance, so let me ask you, is this Ji Yang a member of the Guardian Alliance?"

The Holy See and the Night Alliance have been at odds during this period, but what makes Andrew a little strange is that in every confrontation, the Night Alliance has never seen anything in the Holy See's treasure house.

There are many treasures in the treasure house of the Holy See. Even if some things are not suitable for the Night Alliance, weapons such as swords can always be used, but I have never seen them use them.

Moreover, the Holy See once arrested several members of the Night Alliance and questioned them, but they never admitted that they stole the Holy See's treasury.

These Night Alliance people also said that the Holy See deliberately designed to frame the Night Alliance, the Vatican City was attacked, and the treasure house was stolen, all of which were planned by the Holy See.

These things have already made Andrew have some doubts about his previous judgment.

At that time, the Holy See believed that the Night Alliance stole the treasure house and attacked the Vatican City because the person who broke into the treasure house was a vampire, and the Night Alliance did attack the Vatican City that day.

At this time, when he heard that something from the Holy See's treasure house had appeared in China, Andrew felt something was wrong.

He thought he had entered a misunderstanding, and someone else had stolen the Vatican City's treasure house.

And Ji Yang, who was holding the holy sword in his hand, was probably the real murderer.

"My lord, Ji Yang's identity seems to be very mysterious. Even Shi Qiang doesn't know who he is."

"As for whether he is a member of the China Guardian Alliance, it is not yet clear."

The reason why Andrew asked Ji Yang if he was a guardian of the alliance was to understand Ji Yang's strength.

The people who stole the treasure house back then were very strong, even strong enough to kill angels.

Although Ji Yang slaughtered the whole family of the Shi family and was very powerful, this still does not prove that he has the strength to kill angels.

But if Ji Yang was a member of the Huaxia Guardian Alliance, it would be different.

Just hearing Char's answer, Andrew seemed a little disappointed, but it doesn't matter, if you don't know now, go check it out.

"Char, put down everything in your hands, and now I will give you a task."

"My lord, please tell me, I will do my best."

Hearing Andrew's dignified voice, Charl replied with a straight face, Andrew obviously had important things to do by himself.

"Do your best to trace Ji Yang's identity, and find out whether he was in Huaxia during the attack on Vatican City."

"I now suspect that it was he who attacked the Vatican City and stole the treasure house."

"Huaxia, the sleeping oriental dragon, is about to wake up..."

After Andrew handed over the task to Charle, he also said something that made both Charle and Jayden a little confused.

But this incomprehensible sentence is not the point. The point is that Andrew suspects that Ji Yang has stolen the treasure house.

This news is a bit shocking, and the task is also very heavy.

"Charles, you have heard the Pope's order."

"If you do well in this matter, I will make an exception and promote you to be the head of the army."

The head of the Knights Templar is the most powerful person under the Grand Master and the Chief Priest.

Compared with Char's current provincial attorney general, he is more than one level higher.

The reason why Jayden gave Char such a reward was because of the danger of the mission.

Just imagine, a person who can break into the Vatican City, steal the treasure house of the Holy See, and kill angels, what a terrifying existence.

Char is on the opponent's ground again. If he is found, the opponent will probably kill him.

Dangers and opportunities always coexist. As a pious believer, Charles would complete the task regardless of the consequences even if he was not rewarded, let alone now.

"My lord Pope, head of the Grand Regiment, I promise to find out about this matter."

Charle promises out loud...

(End of this chapter)

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