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Chapter 1219 Dare to find a woman and cut him off

Chapter 1219 Dare to Find a Woman and Cut Him Off (Part [-])

After Andrew arranged for Char to investigate Ji Yang, he did not forget to ask Char to be careful.

Now Char is investigating Ji Yang in the opponent's territory, and the action is very dangerous. It is important to investigate the real situation, but Andrew doesn't want anything to happen to Char.

After all, in addition to being the provincial attorney general of the Knights Templar, Char is also the prince of country Y.

If something happened to him because of the mission of the Holy See, Andrew would not be able to explain to the royal family of Country Y.

Charles is not a fool, he is naturally aware of the seriousness and danger of the problem, and he will keep the pope's reminder in mind.

"Don't worry, my lord, I will take care of my own safety."

"I'm the prince of country Y, I think even if Ji Yang finds me, he won't dare to do anything to me."

"Unless he wants to intensify the relationship between China and country Y, and let country Y put pressure on China."

Char's words came out, and Andrew and Jayton on the other end of the phone nodded.

The reason why Charle was sent to China as the provincial attorney general was actually because of Prince Charle's identity.

With this level of identity, people in Huaxia have to be somewhat concerned.

"Be careful yourself. As long as nothing happens in China, once you leave China, the Holy See will have a way to protect your safety."

"Jaydon, send some members of the Knights Templar to Huaxia to assist Charle."

"Follow His Excellency the Pope."

Andrew is still very careful in his actions, and he is quite considerate about things.

Although Char is confident that there will be no accidents in Huaxia, for his safety, it is better to deploy more manpower.

Regarding Pope Andrew's decision, as Charl's boss, Jayden, Grand Master of the Knights Templar, also felt it was necessary.

"Thank you, His Excellency Pope, I will not disappoint His Excellency the Pope and the head of the Grand Regiment."

Naturally, Charles would not refuse to have more members of the Knights Templar help him.

With these people following him, his own influence will also expand, and his status in the Holy See will also rise.

After the task was properly arranged, Charles asked people to investigate Ji Yang's whereabouts.

After learning that Ji Yang had flown back to Linhai, Char immediately arranged for someone to book a flight ticket, and he wanted to go to Linhai too.

He believes that only by following Ji Yang can he find out Ji Yang's identity faster...

Char still doesn't know that Ji Yang is from Linhai, otherwise he would be more excited, but he will find out about it soon after he arrives in Linhai.

After all, Ji Yang's reputation in Linhai is very big now.

When Char was about to go to Linhai, Ji Yang and others had already returned to Linhai.

Before Ji Yang returned to Linhai, he had already notified the three daughters of Mu Hong, so as soon as Ji Yang and others walked out of the airport, they saw the three daughters of Mu Hong waiting.

Seeing Ji Yang coming out, Mu Hong and the three daughters greeted him excitedly.

Although some people followed Ji Yang, the three daughters of Mu Hong didn't pay much attention.

They still don't know that the relationship between Ji Yang and Dongfang Mei has changed, and they don't know that Fang Yu and Li Shang are Ji Yang's parents.

If they knew this, maybe they would be much calmer.

At least when you meet your in-laws for the first time, you have to maintain your manners, right?

"You bad guy, you've been away for so long, are you looking for a woman outside behind your back?"

"Sister Zixuan, I think this guy is probably doing something bad outside, otherwise why didn't he call us?"

"Hmph, if he dares to find a woman outside, I'll cut him off."

The conversation between Li Zixuan and Huang Xiaoxin made Ji Yang feel a little unnatural.

Dongfang Mei's expression changed even more, because Ji Yang had indeed found a woman, and she was beside her.

When Fang Yu and Li Shang heard their conversation, they also felt it was funny, and kept their eyes on the three women.

Previously, they only heard that Ji Yang had three other women in Linhai, but they had never seen each other. This was the first time they met.

Although the conversation between Li Zixuan and Huang Xiaoxin didn't sound very good, the first impression was good.

Because although they spoke harshly, they seemed to love Ji Yang very much.

Mu Hong looked very calm, she looked at Dongfang Mei, Fang Yu and Li Shang with slightly wrong eyes.

It seems that Mu Hong is still smarter, and he is better at observing words and demeanor.

"Let's talk about some things when we go back. Let me introduce you first. These are my parents."

"Mom and Dad, this is Li Zixuan, Huang Xiaoxin, and Mu Hong. They are all your daughters-in-law."

Ji Yang is an orphan, his parents died 22 years ago, this matter is clear to Mu Hong and the three daughters.

Now that Ji Yang actually said that Fang Yu and Li Shang were his parents, the three daughters of Mu Hong were all stunned on the spot.

Li Zixuan and Huang Xiaoxin blushed even more when they thought of what they just said.

They were just joking just now, but it is really inappropriate to say this in front of Ji Yang's parents.

And this is the first meeting, they are afraid of leaving a bad impression on Ji Yang's parents.

He looked at Ji Yang with a slightly reproachful look in his eyes, meaning to ask Ji Yang why he didn't tell them earlier.

Ji Yang smiled badly, he did it on purpose.

Even if he didn't have a chance to say it just now, when he informed the three daughters of Mu Hong that he was going back to Linhai, he could have informed in advance.

"Hello uncle, hello auntie."

"Hello, I heard Yang'er talk about you earlier, we, Yang'er, can be taken care of by you, this kid is very lucky."

When the three daughters of Mu Hong greeted Li Shang and Fang Yu, there was some doubt in their eyes.

They wanted to know why the dead Li Shang and Fang Yu were alive.

But they definitely can't ask these words now, and it's impossible for Ji Yang to explain it now, and he has to wait until he goes back.

Just now, Li Zixuan and Huang Xiaoxin, who were afraid of leaving a bad impression on Fang Yu and Li Shang, felt less worried when they heard their words.

It seems that the two didn't mind what they just said.

"Yes, yes, my beauty is not shallow."

"Okay, let's go home first, and you can continue talking after we go back."

Ji Yang didn't say anything about Dongfang Mei here, he planned to wait until he got back.

He was afraid that now that he said it himself, it would be bad if the three daughters of Mu Hong acted too aggressively.

Mu Hong came to pick up Ji Yang in a commercial car, she felt that her choice was correct, if she came in a small car, these people really couldn't fit in.

Before returning to the villa, Hu Fei and others bid farewell and left.

Sitting in the car, Ji Yang's identity became the driver, and the three daughters of Mu Hong chatted with Fang Yu and Li Shang with some flattery.

No matter what status a woman is, if she wants family harmony, she should treat her parents-in-law the same way.

After returning to the villa, Ji Yang would seek revenge from the Xuanyuan family, and briefly told Mu Hong and the three daughters about Fang Yu and Li Shang's resurrection, and Mu Hong and the three daughters were relieved.

They felt sad for what happened to Fang Yu and Li Shang, and they were also happy for the reunion of Ji Yang's family.

After explaining Fang Yu and Li Shang's matter clearly, Dongfang Mei's matter cannot be avoided. After Fang Yu and Li Shang left with the excuse of being tired, Ji Yang explained his current relationship with Dongfang Mei. up.

After learning about the relationship between Ji Yang and Dongfang Mei, the three daughters of Mu Hong behaved a little strangely...

(End of this chapter)

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