The most awesome WeChat Moments

Chapter 1303 Can Summon Angels

Chapter 1303 Can Summon Angels (Third)
The tears of the Lord, the efficacy of the medicine has been consumed seven or eighty-eight.

Although the female head of the house doesn't feel any pain now, her injuries are still there, and a lot of blood is bleeding.

This made the female head of the house look a little weak.

In addition, her own cultivation is not as good as Peng Caixuan's. Seeing Peng Caixuan's Five Elements Fan hitting her head, the female head of house could only grit her teeth and barely block it with her sword.

But just as her sword touched Peng Caixuan's fan, a vine spread out from the fan and entangled her sword.

The sword was entangled, and the eyes of the female housekeeper changed, and a sense of crisis came to her heart.

The vines entangled the opponent's sword, Peng Caixuan pulled the five elements fan, and pulled the opponent's sword out of his hand.

The five-element fan carried the opponent's sword, Peng Caixuan swung the five-element fan, the vines let go, and the sword flew towards the female housekeeper.


The female housekeeper watched her sword magnify in her eyes, and then felt a pain in her head, and a stream of heat flowed down her forehead.

The sword pierced her head, and blood mixed with brains flowed out.

The head was shot through by the sword, and the female housekeeper was out of breath before her eyes were closed, and she died with regret.

Her death declared the failure of protecting the Holy See today.

Her death meant that the Holy See in Kyoto was over, and the foundation laid by the Holy See in Kyoto for hundreds of years was gone on this day.

If I lose the Holy See, even if I go to heaven, I guess the Lord will not forgive me.

With reluctance and reluctance in her heart, the female head of housekeeping was already dead and could not die anymore.

With the death of the female head of the interior, the surrounding battles were coming to an end.

At this time, there are less than ten people in the Holy See who can still stand.

These few people didn't have the courage to fight anymore, they started to retreat, and began to retreat towards the Holy See.

"Let them go!"

"Go back and tell the Pope, if the Dark Night Alliance dares to come here to attack the Holy See today, then don't be afraid of his revenge, and declare war on the Dark Night Alliance if you have the guts."

"In addition, you tell him that the Dark Night Alliance will not let go of any members of the Holy See who dare to appear in Kyoto in the future. If this place continues to be controlled by you, then we will attack again."

It doesn't matter whether the remaining members of the Holy See are killed or not.

With the few of them left, it is impossible to maintain the power of the Holy See in China.

And since he admitted that he is a member of the Dark Night Alliance, there must be no one to go back and spread the word, otherwise his impersonation would be meaningless.

"Night Alliance, the Holy See will not let you demons go, just wait."

Obviously, everyone was scared to pee, and they didn't even have the courage to continue fighting.

Now that Peng Caixuan let them go, everyone should run as soon as they are about to receive an amnesty.

But when they were running, these guys didn't forget to pretend to be aggressive.

Listening to their threats, but one by one secretly hated their own two-legged, fast-running figure, Peng Caixuan, Peng Mowang and others couldn't stop sneering.

If he was really a member of the Dark Night Alliance, even if he was going to let them go, he would definitely kill them when he saw them pretending to be aggressive just now.

"If the boss is here, he will definitely call them stupid!"

There was already a river of blood flowing around, but Peng Caixuan still looked at Demon King Peng with a smile on his face.

Hearing what he said, Demon King Peng nodded noncommittally.

Although the Holy See in Kyoto was taken down today, the Xuanzu's people and monsters also lost a lot.

At the outskirts, because the people of the Holy See were weak, less than ten people died.

But when it comes to the interior, facing the elites of the Holy See, the loss will be great, and only half of them can stand intact now.

The others are either dead or injured.

Although the loss on my own side is not small, the cost of pulling out the Holy See in Kyoto at the cost of dozens of casualties is still worth it.

Those who were killed or injured were not killed or injured in vain.

"As for the aftermath, you can arrange someone. I'm planning to go to the northern suburbs of HB to find Ji Yang. He hasn't called. I guess he hasn't finished yet."

The Demon King Peng came to help today, and now that the matter is over, he let the little demon under him leave first.

As for how to deal with these corpses in the future, he won't care about it, let the Xuan team worry about it.

He believed that Xuanzu must have made plans.

"To see the boss? Wait for me, I'll contact my grandpa first, and then I'll go with you."

To see what's going on with Ji Yang, Peng Caixuan also really wants to go there.

Hearing that Demon King Peng was going, he hurriedly called Peng Tianlong.

Knowing that Peng Caixuan's mission was completed, Peng Tianlong was so excited that he patted the table.

The Holy See in Kyoto is the headquarters of the Holy See in China. Now that it has been pulled out here, the Holy See organizations in other places will definitely be affected.

After so many years, the thorn in the Holy See has finally been pulled out.

Knowing that Peng Caixuan lied that he was a member of the Dark Night Alliance, Peng Tianlong also felt that he was doing the right thing.

It is only natural that the Night Alliance attacked the Holy See.

"I have already thought about the aftermath. You first ask the people guarding there to stay still. The surrounding area is still closed. You must not let anyone in."

"You're going to HB, then you can go, and you don't care about things here."

Knowing that Peng Caixuan was going to find Ji Yang, Peng Tianlong did not stop him.

Anyway, the work here has been completed, and the aftermath can be arranged for others to do it.

After the conversation with Peng Tianlong was over, Peng Caixuan and the Peng Demon King soared into the sky, and when they reached the sky, the Peng Demon King directly became what it really was.

Peng Caixuan's speed was much worse than that of Peng Demon King, so Peng Caixuan grabbed Peng Caixuan with his claws, and then flew straight up in the direction of HB.

When Peng Mowang and Peng Caixuan rushed to HB, the battle in the northern suburbs was also coming to an end.

The scene here is as tragic as that of the Holy See.

The ground was full of corpses, and blood pooled into a small river, flowing towards the side of the road.


When a golden light descended from the sky and the surrounding sacred aura surged, Ji Yang pulled Tai'a Sword from a member of the Holy See and said in a cold voice.

Ryan and Reese felt this sacred breath, and their bodies trembled involuntarily.

Such a strong sacred aura made them very uncomfortable.

The male chief of the interior and the guards had already been dealt with by Ryan and Ruisi. The two looked at the golden light with ugly faces. When they saw two people with two pairs of wings on their backs descending from the sky, they were instantly dumbfounded. up.

"Master, this is an angel, it is an angel."

"Master, run, my brother and I stop the angel, you run."

Ryan and Reese were shocked and terrified when they saw the angel.

But they didn't choose to run by themselves, but let Ji Yang run.

Although they knew that Ji Yang was powerful, they had to worry about Ji Yang's safety because of their natural fear of angels.

This servant was faithful enough.

"It's just angels, there's nothing to be afraid of, just deal with these people, and leave the angels to me."

Before the surrounding atmosphere changed, Ji Yang suspected that the angel might be coming, and now the angel really came.

I really didn't expect that China's Holy See could even summon angels...

(End of this chapter)

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