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Chapter 1304 I am the judge of you

Chapter 1304 I am the judge of you (one more)
Having been with Ji Yang for so long, the Ryan brothers and sisters are already very familiar with Ji Yang's temper

They know Ji Yang well, and know that Ji Yang is not a person who talks freely.

Now that he is so confident, it means that he must have a way to deal with angels. At this time, the two also realized one thing. It is right for them to be afraid of angels, because angels are gods and subordinates of the Lord.

But they seem to have forgotten that Ji Yang is also a god.

But Angel is from the West, Ji Yang is from the East.

With Ji Yang as their support, the fear in the hearts of the Ryan brothers and sisters began to weaken, and the two uttered a scream, and rushed towards the remaining members of the Holy See around them.

The people around handed over to the Ryan brothers and sisters. Ji Yang looked at the golden light that had disappeared, put away the Tai'a sword, and then walked to the position where the golden light was shining.

The two four-winged angels came along the golden light, and their current position is where the golden light shines.

Ji Yang walked forward unhurriedly, he could feel the sacred aura around him becoming more and more intense.

When Ji Yang was looking for the angel, two four-winged angels were looking at Char and Bai Haoxuan with arrogance.

It was also the first time for Charles and Bai Haoxuan to see an angel. Under the gaze of the two angels, their breathing was a little abnormal.

Especially Bai Haoxuan, seeing that Char really summoned an angel, he felt as if his heart had been trampled by ten thousand mud (horses), and he really seemed to say to Char: "Nimei, this also?"

Although Char is better than Bai Haoxuan, he still looks a little nervous and not calm enough.

"We are four-winged angels under the archangel Raguel, who summoned us?"

A four-winged angel looked at Char and Bai Haoxuan, and said in an indifferent voice (in English).

"You two angels, I am Charle, the inspector general of the province of the Knights Templar of the Holy See in China, and I summoned you."

Not knowing whether it was because of excitement or fear, Charl's voice trembled a little.

Hearing what Char said, the expressions of the two angels were a little astonished.

"You said that you are the inspector general of the Huaxia province of the Knights Templar. The Huaxia you speak of is Huaxia, the mysterious country in the east?"

"Yes, Lord Can Angel, that is Huaxia, the mysterious country in the east."

"So, we are in Huaxia now? Not in Omi?"

"That's right, my lord, this is Huaxia's HB..."

Although Char answered the inquiries of the two angels patiently, he was somewhat anxious in his heart.

I came to them myself to help, not to ask them to ask questions.

Eastern Huaxia has always been shrouded in mystery in Omi and other countries. Anyone who has been to Huaxia is attracted by it.

However, some foreigners who have never been here have mixed opinions about Huaxia.

Some people who don't really understand Huaxia think that China is still a cowardly country that was slaughtered by others in the late Qing Dynasty. It is not ruled out that some people maliciously smear and slander it.

Looking at the appearance of the two capable angels, it is obvious that they are very curious about Huaxia.

Knowing that they appeared in Huaxia at this time, the two angels were a little excited.

"My lord Angel, today I summoned two lords because the Holy See in Huaxia was attacked by a demon, so I hope the two lords can catch this demon."

Char really didn't want to continue explaining his situation to the two angels.

In the battle over there, the casualties of members of the Holy See were very serious. Such casualties completely exceeded Charl's expectations.

Even if Ji Yang can be finally captured today, he is still a little nervous about how he will explain to the Pope later.

Now Ji Yang must be caught as soon as possible, so that the casualties will not continue to expand. For this, he directly labeled Ji Yang as a devil.

"A demon attacked the Holy See?"

"There's a strong smell of blood, and there are fluctuations in the evil breath. The devil is over there."

Hearing the word devil, the attitudes of the two capable angels immediately changed.

Previously, he was excited about coming to Huaxia, and even his perception was a little weaker. Only now did he notice the battle in the distance.

Although the western heavens can communicate with each other now, angels can't come to the mortal world casually.

Appearing in Huaxia, in normal times, is absolutely not allowed, because they are intruding into other people's territory.

It was purely an accident that they came to China. It was an accident made by Char. As for the consequences of this accident, neither Angel nor Char would have thought of it.

It was precisely because it was an accident that the two capable angels were so curious.

And angels and demons, like members of the Holy See and members of the Night Alliance, have hatred to the bone.

When the two sides meet, it must be a deadlock.

The appearance of the word "devil" reminded them that they were summoned to Huaxia, not for fun, but because the other party wanted something from them.

The two angels became even more angry when they learned that the devil had attacked the people of the Holy See.

Because the Holy See is the representative of the Lord in the mortal world, if the Holy See is attacked, it will hit the Lord in the face.

As the faithful subordinates of the Lord, the Lord is above all else in their hearts and is more important than all else.

"Birdman, am I the demon you are talking about?"

"Prince Char, we met so soon, I didn't expect that you could still call out two birdmen."

When Neng Angel shouted coldly and asked Char about Ji Yang.

Before Charle could speak, a disdainful sneer sounded from ten meters away.

The voice sounded a little abrupt, which surprised Charle and the two capable angels.

After Ji Yang glanced at him, Bai Haoxuan didn't speak knowingly, but there was an unconcealable smile on the corner of his mouth.

Angel is a birdman?Don't say it, it really looks like it.

"Devil, you are very powerful, no wonder you dare to attack the Holy See."

It's quite honest to be able to speak as an angel. Ji Yang is so close to them, but they didn't notice it. This is too abnormal.

With the abilities of the two powerful angels, it stands to reason that they should be able to feel Ji Yang even if they are tens of meters away, or even a hundred meters away.

If you can't feel it, it means that Ji Yang's strength is probably higher than his own.

Although I don't want to accept this answer, I can't escape it.

"Ji Yang, you dare to insult Mr. Neng Angel, you must be judged today."

Ji Yang is very strong, so strong that Charl knows in his heart that he cannot resist.

But if you can't do it yourself, it doesn't mean that others can't.

For example, the two capable angels in front of me, no matter how strong Ji Yang is, can he still beat them?
"Judgment? Judgment of your sister, the judgment is also my judgment of you."

"This is Huaxia, whether it is the Holy See or you two birdmen, you should stay in your own territory obediently."

"But you just want to come to China, and you always make troubles, so don't blame me for not giving you these "international friends" favor!"

Ji Yang is not an ordinary mortal, he is the only immortal in China's mortal world.

Angels represent the western heaven and are the gods of the west. When they come to China, this is an offense and breaks into other people's territory.

Immortals and ghosts from heaven and hell are not allowed to come to the mortal world casually, so let Ji Yang get rid of the alien angels...

(End of this chapter)

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