The most awesome WeChat Moments

Chapter 1326 The plan after the successful hijacking

Chapter 1326 The plan after the successful hijacking (three more)
Interrogate together?
Hearing what Peng Tianlong said, Ji Yang was silent for a moment, then nodded, agreeing.

Because Ji Yang and Peng Caixuan had just returned to Huaxia, Peng Tianlong was not in a hurry to interrogate Su Tuo and Bin Luo immediately.

He asked people to take the two guys down, and then arranged for someone to prepare a meal. After everyone had a meal, the interrogation of the two began.

The interrogation room of the Xuan Group was inside the detention room, and the entire detention room had been destroyed before, so there were no prisoners in it at the time, otherwise it would have been more troublesome.

Now the detention room has been redesigned and built, and the entire detention room looks very tight, but Ji Yang can't tell what kind of material it is.

But it is definitely not an ordinary iron plate, after all, the people imprisoned by the Xuan Group are not ordinary characters.

If the opponent is strong, there are no ordinary iron plates, earth and rocks, and they can break through and run away in minutes.

"They are being held in these two rooms separately. Who do you want to interrogate first?"

Walking to the door of a row of interrogation rooms, Peng Tianlong pointed to two of them and said.

"Actually, interrogating everyone is the same. Once you drink the water of hypocrisy, he will even tell you what color underwear he was wearing a few days ago and when he last did business."

"Since you only ask about the hijacking, then ask Suto. This guy probably doesn't even need the water of hypocrisy, so he will open his mouth obediently."

"If you're interested in things other than hijacking, I'll give Caixuan some water of hypocrisy later, and you can just drink it for him."

When Ji Yang said this, Peng Tianlong's eyes lit up.

There are so many treasures in Ji Yang, and there is such a good thing.

Doesn't that mean that if you meet someone who is stubborn in the future, as long as you drink the water of hypocrisy, the other person will immediately become a good boy?

"Okay, then listen to your interrogation of Suto."

Although a little excited in his heart, Peng Tianlong still tried his best to keep calm.

Under Peng Tianlong's signal, the door of the interrogation room where Suto was located, a member of the Xuan Group, opened.

"Suto, we meet again."

As soon as the door opened, Ji Yang walked in with a smile, followed by Peng Tianlong and Peng Caixuan.

It was the three of them who interrogated Suto this time, and the others did not come.

It's just an interrogation, not a fight, so there's no need for such a big fight, right?

But just now Peng Tianlong also asked a member of the mysterious team to notify Fang Xiong, and he asked Fang Xiong to try to interrogate Bin Luo to see if he could get some valuable information.

Since the water of hypocrisy is a good thing, the better it is, the more sparing it should be, right?

"Ha ha……"

Seeing Ji Yang coming, Suto would think of what happened in his residence that night.

Hearing him say long time no see, Suto could only chuckle.

In fact, he really wanted to tell Ji Yang, I hope I will never meet you again.

"Suto, I think you know why we arrested you."

"Now tell me, what is the purpose of letting your subordinates come to China to hijack the plane?"

Peng Tianlong noticed the fear in Suto's eyes. Seeing this fear, Peng Tianlong also understood why Ji Yang wanted to interrogate Suto.

If others are afraid of you, then he will speak obediently.

Although I don't know why Suto is scared when he sees Ji Yang, but it's not important, just answer obediently.

"I've said everything I need to say. It was Colonel Binro who asked me to hijack the plane, and the US side instructed me to do it."

"You also know that although there are many warlords in YN, it is not easy to become a warlord. If you become a warlord, your life will be in danger at any time. My people are supported by the United States, otherwise I would not be where I am today."

"If I don't do what they ask, then I won't be able to live, so..."

Suto looked at Peng Tianlong bitterly, and said helplessly.

What he said, Peng Tianlong and others can understand, what he said is the truth.

If others have the ability to support you, then they have the ability to destroy you.

As for how to get rid of the opponent after being strong with the support of the opponent, this matter is absolutely impossible for Mi Guo.

He will support you in a controllable state, and once you have the desire to resist, he will immediately attack you.

Just like the countries supported by the United States, because they didn't listen to the words of the United States, the United States would find various excuses to beat them up.

Even if a country is like this, a small warlord of YN, if the United States still wants to crush you, it will crush you to death.

But although what he said was true, it was not what Peng Tianlong and others wanted to ask.

"Suto, do you want to die or live?"

When Suto was still telling his helplessness and how miserable he was, Ji Yang said in a cold voice.

"Ah? What? Want to live or die?"

Su Tuo was so afraid of Ji Yang that he was going to die now, and when Ji Yang spoke, he was instantly stunned.

Looking at Ji Yang with fear in his eyes, he asked in a daze, he still didn't understand what Ji Yang meant.

"Yes, I ask you whether you want to live or die. If you want to live, don't talk nonsense. Tell me, if you hijack the plane successfully, what are you going to do?"

Everyone knows about Suto and Miguo's nonsense.

Bin Luo has been arrested, and Suto is still talking about these things.

Seeing that he didn't understand what was going on, Ji Yang yelled in a cold voice.

With this shout, Suto's body trembled violently, his trousers were instantly wet, and a strange smell followed.

"Fuck, boss, how scared is this guy of you?"

"You just yelled, this guy actually scared (pissed)."

Peng Caixuan looked at Su Tuo with disgust, and looked at Ji Yang with strange eyes.

This result was completely beyond Ji Yang's expectation, how could he know that the other party was so afraid.

And Suto himself is very innocent, because he really couldn't control it, it was completely instinct, it was completely accidental.

Besides, what he said just now was also answering Peng Tianlong's words. He didn't ask himself what he planned to do after the hijacking.

But of course he didn't dare to say this, he was so scared (peeed) that it was uncomfortable to wear wet pants.

"Get him a new pair of pants, and change to another room for interrogation."

With this little episode, interrogation here is definitely inappropriate. The smell is really bad, and this interrogation room can only be used if it smells like today.

After changing Suto's clothes, Ji Yang and others saw him come to the new interrogation room, the next interrogation itself was easy.

Under Ji Yang's gaze, Su Tuo said with a frightened expression what they would do if the hijacking was successful.

"Colonel Binluo asked me to use these people as hostages to make a deal with Huaxia."

"Trade? Trade what?"

"Weapons and equipment, and 100 billion Huaxia coins!"

"Heh, the lion opened his mouth, but do you have the life to take the life flower, and you are so confident that Huaxia will agree?"

The hijacking is a major event, and it must be an international sensation.

There must be many people who pay attention to Huaxia's movements. If Huaxia does not handle it properly, it will definitely arouse international public opinion.

But if you want to threaten Huaxia, Huaxia will never compromise.

"The United States expects that Huaxia will not agree easily, and they hope that you will not agree, because they have more important plans..."

(End of this chapter)

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