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Chapter 1327 A Vicious Plan

Chapter 1327 Vicious plan (one more)
Life is priceless, this statement is true.

It is also expected that the hostage who hijacked a plane made a deal with Huaxia.

It just needs a lot of weapons and 100 billion Huaxia coins, which is really not ordinary.

Just 100 billion Huaxia coins is an exaggeration. Although life is priceless, no one asks for it.

And for this matter, Huaxia must not compromise easily.

As a big country, facing the threat of robbers, while the big country arranges things properly, it must also save its own face.

How could Huaxia agree to such an exaggerated transaction.

Even if it was a small deal, it was impossible for Huaxia to let people like Suto go afterwards.

"I make a request, but I don't want to agree to it. What exactly does the US side want to do? Let's just talk about the key points."

Su Tuo's answer made Ji Yang and the others frown.

No wonder the other party made such an exaggerated request, so it turned out that they had the intention of Huaxia not agreeing.

With this kind of mind, it means that their next plan will be even more difficult.

"They want to arouse the dissatisfaction of the YN Huaxia people, and at the same time promote the evil deeds YN did to the Huaxia people back then, and intensify the relationship between YN and Huaxia, so that the two sides can tear each other apart. This is the best."

"Even if the two sides don't tear each other apart, the United States still wants to incite some people to repeat the evil deeds of the past."

"And the people we hijacked will also be transported back to the United States by them as experimental subjects to study the physical characteristics of Chinese people and create biochemical viruses specifically targeting Chinese people..."

Normally, Suto would not know such details.

At most, he knew a little bit about the small plans of the United States after the successful hijacking.

What kind of biochemical virus, he shouldn't know about these, because the bodies of oriental people are similar, and researching biochemical viruses on the bodies of Chinese people will definitely affect many people in YN.

He would know all this because Bin Luo leaked it when he was drunk once.

Suto still remembers Binluo's arrogant expression at that time. The tone of the world is what the country of the United States said. Although Suto was uncomfortable, he still had to go along with it...

When Suto was saying these words, he watched Ji Yang cautiously.

He was watching Ji Yang's reaction, he was afraid that his words would arouse the other party's anger and hurt himself.

When he found out that Ji Yang's expression was indeed wrong, his heart beat faster. He was afraid that Ji Yang would summon a few ghosts at this time and tear him alive.

"Sure enough, I have plans to do the evil deeds of the past again. Fortunately, this time it happened to you."

"Otherwise, if the hijacking is successful, we will be passive."

"The current Huaxia is not what it used to be. Once the evil deeds of the past occur, Huaxia will definitely make a big move. Maybe the third world war will start like this."

Peng Tianlong said in a gloomy voice.

This incident made him feel very lucky.

What happened back then was a big stone that weighed on Huaxia's heart, a wave of resentment.

Now Huaxia doesn't mention it, just because they don't want the world to be in turmoil. Once Huaxia makes a move, YN is definitely not an opponent, but many forces who are staring at Huaxia will definitely take the opportunity to attack.

At that time, countries with good relations with China will also take action.

Things are getting bigger and bigger, and the whole East will be in turmoil.

Then the Omi countries joined. Isn’t this a world war?
Just like World War I, this time the Great War is said to have been caused by a single bullet.

PS: On June 1914, 6, Crown Prince Ferdinand of the Austro-Hungarian Empire and his concubine visited Sarajevo, the capital of Bosnia, and was assassinated by Serbian youth Princip.

The anger of the Austro-Hungarian Empire was concentrated on Serbia. In this way, Princip's assassination detonated the European powder arsenal, and the First World War broke out immediately.

In the ensuing World War I, 1573 million people died. What was the cost of this gun?
A single bullet triggered the First World War, and Huaxia attacked YN. Is it strange that the Third World War broke out?

Huaxia is not afraid of trouble, but he doesn't like to make trouble either.

The flames of war ignited, and the unlucky ones in the end were ordinary people, so Huaxia would not trigger this war unless forced to do so.

And the United States probably thinks so too. It's not that they don't want to, but they don't dare to come forward in person.

Because triggering the third war will be devastating, and whoever triggers it will be a sinner.

If you want to but don't dare, then you need to find a scapegoat. Suto is not a scapegoat because he is not worthy.

However, the YN where he is located can be counted as one, and Huaxia's move is another.

It has to be said that the plan of the United States is vicious.

"Damn old Mi, shit..."

Peng Caixuan swears and kicks the table in front of him.

There was nothing but an ordinary solid wood table in front of him, and Peng Caixuan kicked the table angrily, breaking it into pieces.

On the other hand, Ji Yang seemed much calmer.

But the chill in his eyes showed that he was also very angry, but he was still relatively able to control himself.

In this aspect, Peng Caixuan still needs to learn from Ji Yang.

"I've said everything I need to say, can you let me go now?"

Suto looked at the broken table in front of him, swallowed, and asked softly.

Hearing his question, the three of Ji Yang looked at Su Tuo with eyes like idiots.

How does this guy's head grow, how can he ask such idiots.

"Are you pretending to be Xiang in your head, and you actually asked such a stupid question?"

"Do you still want to be released, dreaming?"

"It's good enough that you can die safely in prison. If you want to go back alive, do you still want to hijack the plane again?"

Ji Yang looked at him coldly, and said without the slightest emotion in his voice.

Hearing what Ji Yang said, Suto's whole face collapsed.

That's right, I was arrested, and I did that kind of thing before, it's no wonder the other party let me go.

"Come here, take him into custody, and hand it over to the people of Guoan to deal with it later."

What should be asked has been asked, and the answer is undoubtedly shocking.

This time things didn't get worse, which is really a blessing among luck.

Peng Tianlong asked Suto to be taken down, but Suto was relieved.

Although it is impossible for me to return to YN, I finally don't have to face Ji Yang anymore. Every second with Ji Yang is torture.

If you ask him to talk about his feelings, he will have a word to express it.

That is "life is better than death!"

As Suto was taken down, Ji Yang and the others hadn't calmed down for a while, and they were very angry when they thought of Mi Guo's vicious plan.

"You have to show Miguo a little bit of color, otherwise they won't stop."

"That's right, the United States should teach them a lesson. I want them to know that the United States is not that powerful. It is completely possible to destroy it."

Ji Yang narrowed his eyes and said, his voice was very firm, he already had some thoughts in his mind.

Let the United States be honest, then let him feel the crisis, let him realize that once the world is in turmoil, the United States will not be safe, so they will stop...

(End of this chapter)

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