The most awesome WeChat Moments

Chapter 136 I sold you and counted the money for others

Chapter 136 I sold you and counted the money for others (Part [-])
"Do you have the nerve to say the word polite to me? Have you been polite to me just now?"

Hearing Ji Yang's words, Lan Xueyao shouted angrily, and whipped the whip at Ji Yang again.

Ji Yang first hurt his natal Gu, and just now he beheaded a lot of her poisons, if this is still polite, what else would he want to do if you are not polite.

The more Lan Xueyao thought about it, the angrier she became, the whip in her hand crackled.

When Ji Yang saw Lan Xueyao's posture, if he was not serious, she would really think that he was playing house with her, playing around, right?

The mantra in her mouth was whispered, Lan Xueyao was a Gu Master after all, although she didn't know what Ji Yang was chanting, she knew that Ji Yang was chanting a mantra.

As soon as she heard Ji Yang chanting the mantra, Lan Xueyao's attacks became more violent.

What makes Lan Xueyao depressed is that although her attacks are fierce, Ji Yang can always dodge them very well, and they are not even affected, and the spells in her mouth do not stop at all.

"I let you fight for so long, you've had enough of it, now it's my turn."

After Ji Yang finished reciting the spell, his eyes turned cold, and he rushed towards Lan Xueyao at the fastest speed.

When Lan Xueyao was attacking before, Ji Yang had been dodging. At this time, she suddenly launched an active attack. Lan Xueyao didn't react for a while. She only saw a black shadow rushing towards her, and then found that her wrist was held Living.

"It's so cold!"

As soon as her wrist was held by Ji Yang, Lan Xueyao's body shivered, she felt a chill flow down her wrist to her whole body, and for a moment she felt her whole body was stiff.

And at the same time that this feeling appeared, Ji Yang's other hand had already snatched the whip from his hand, and at the same time looked at Lan Xueyao with an evil smile.

Her whip was taken away by the other party, and this smile appeared on Ji Yang's face again, Lan Xueyao felt bad in her heart, but now her body was stiff and her movements were slow, it was too late to react.

"What do you want... ah..."


When Lan Xueyao was speaking, Ji Yang actually used the whip in his hand to slap Lan Xueyao's buttocks. Although he controlled the strength of this blow, it still hurt Lan Xueyao.

"I let you whip me, I let you whip me, you whip me again!"

"Clap clap clap..."

"Ah ah ah..."

Ji Yang kept whipping the whip towards Lan Xueyao's ass, he found that Lan Xueyao looked very thin, but she was still quite fleshy, the whip landed on the opponent's ass, and the opponent's ass was still trembling.

After hearing Lan Xueyao's cries of pain, Ji Yang's previous depression was relieved a lot, and he felt particularly relieved.

Ji Yang even felt that the more he played, the more addicted he became.

"Wooooow, you bully people, bully people!"

"You are a big man, bullying me a girl, are you still a man, woo woo woo..."

Just after Ji Yang didn't know how many times he hit Lan Xueyao's buttocks with a whip, Lan Xueyao actually cried, crying and talking about Ji Yang in a crying voice.

Is this Lan Xueyao considered a woman?
Will a woman keep these poisonous snakes, poisonous scorpions, and poisonous spiders as pets like her?

Ji Yang thought of this in his heart, but seeing that he had almost finished the fight, the anger in his heart also subsided. As a big man, beating the opponent like this was a bit too much, so he stopped.

"Hmph, if you still dare to beat me with a whip in the future, if you beat me again, I will blow your ass open."

Ji Yang looked at Lan Xueyao and said threateningly.

Hearing what Ji Yang said, Lan Xueyao touched her butt unconsciously, and hurriedly distanced herself from Ji Yang.

She now feels that Ji Yang is extremely dangerous, and she must not approach him.

After what happened just now, Lan Xueyao knew that she was definitely not Ji Yang's opponent, so she whistled, and all the poison quickly retreated and disappeared.

Even the natal Gu on her body didn't know where it went.

The atmosphere that followed seemed a bit awkward, but this awkwardness was quickly broken by Ji Yang's next words.

"Tell me, why did you murder Li Fu and Teng Qiong? Did they offend you?"

"The number of Gu Masters should not be many now. Gu Masters are not as evil as the rumors say, but there are more kind ones. I don't think you look like an evil person. What's going on?"

Hearing Ji Yang's question, Lan Xueyao snorted coldly at first, but she also opened her mouth.

"They didn't offend me, I just used people's money to eliminate disasters for others."

Taking people's money to eliminate disasters for others, so someone hired Lan Xueyao to deal with Li Fu and Teng Qiong.

Then Ji Yang continued to ask, Lan Xueyao knew that she was not Ji Yang's opponent, so she also told Ji Yang the whole story.

It turned out that Lan Xueyao was a Gu master in a small village in Miaojiang. Once a villager in the same village introduced Lan Xueyao to a man named Wang Gui.

After meeting Lan Xueyao, Wang Gui promised to help them rebuild their village, and also promised to give Lan Xueyao 500 million, but he needed Lan Xueyao to deal with Li Fu and Teng Qiong.

Although Lan Xueyao is a Gu master, she is also a human being, she needs to live, and raising Gu and poisons is not a small expense, and helping the other party can bring a better life for the villagers. Hearing this, Lan Xueyao Already heartbroken.

But as Ji Yang said, she is not an evil person. Although she was tempted, she didn't immediately agree to Wang Gui. She needed a reasonable reason.

Wang Gui also told Lan Xueyao his reasons. He said that he and Li Fu were both in the clothing business, but Li Fu used despicable means to steal his business, and even caused his father to jump to his death. It was not until these days that Lan Xueyao agreed to Wang Gui's request.

Later Wang Gui brought Lan Xueyao here, and Lan Xueyao used natal Gu to make trouble in Li Fu's villa, creating panic, and even used natal Gu to create illusions for Li Fu, making him think that he had run into a ghost poisoned him.

Ji Yang now understands that this Wang Gui must be Li Fu's business competitor, because the business is not as good as Li Fu and his wife, so he hired Gu masters to harm him.

As for the reasons Wang Gui said, Ji Yang was still somewhat skeptical.

Although Ji Yang has never met Li Fu and only met Teng Qiong once, but judging from Teng Qiong's face, he is definitely not the kind of person who would force people to jump off a building, so Ji Yang guessed that most of what Wang Gui said was false of.

"Have you confirmed whether what Wang Gui said is true?"

Ji Yang's eyes narrowed and he asked Lan Xueyao softly.

Lan Xueyao lowered her head when asked, and shook her head.


It was the first time she left Miaojiang, and she was not familiar with Linhai, who would she go to ask, besides, Wang Gui didn't give her time to ask, so he brought her here directly.

"Stupid, you are so stupid, even if Wang Gui sells you, you still count the money for others."

"I will help you determine this matter. If it is true what Wang Gui said, I will not let Li Fu and his wife go."

"You tell me the way to detoxify the poison first. This Li Fu has been lying in the hospital for a month. If this continues, he will definitely be tortured to death by the poison."

Hearing Ji Yang's words, Lan Xueyao nodded and told Ji Yang the method to detoxify Gu.

 Xie Ben stayed up all night to code words, everyone supports me a lot, and I recommend giving a reward...

(End of this chapter)

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