The most awesome WeChat Moments

Chapter 137 Detoxification of Gu Poison

Chapter 137 Detoxification of Gu Poison (Part [-])

In the early morning, there was already a long queue at the registration office of Linhai Hospital.

When Ji Yang brought Lan Xueyao to Linhai Hospital, seeing such a long queue, Ji Yang frowned, and finally he could only sigh, and walked directly to the inpatient department.

Although the living conditions are better now, more and more people are getting sick. A few decades ago, cancer was an unfamiliar word, but now many people die from cancer every day.

When Ji Yang and Lan Xueyao came to Li Fu's ward, Teng Qiong had already been waiting here, and when she saw Ji Yang appearing, she hurried up to greet him.

"Ji Yang, was there anything unusual in the villa last night, are you okay?"

"You said you have a way to save my old Li, is that true?"

Early this morning, Ji Yang called Teng Qiong, and he asked the other party to come here to wait for him, saying that he wanted to treat Li Fu.

When Teng Qiong received Ji Yang's call, she seemed very excited. She didn't even eat breakfast, so she rushed over.

Ji Yang didn't speak, he was just observing Teng Qiong, no matter how he saw him, he didn't look like a bad person, and when he saw him, the other party's concern came from the heart, not just pretending.

Ji Yang is now even more convinced that Wang Gui's claim that Li Fu and his wife used despicable means to rob his own business and also caused his father to commit suicide by jumping off a building is absolutely false.

It's just that it's not easy for him to ask at the moment, and it's better to talk about it after detoxifying Li Fu.

"I've solved the haunting problem in the villa, and I do have a way to treat Brother Li's illness."

Ji Yang nodded and said in a heavy voice.

Hearing Ji Yang say this in front of her face, Teng Qiong became even more excited.

It's just that when she saw Lan Xueyao next to Ji Yang, she was a little strange. Who is this girl who looks less than twenty in ethnic costumes?
Teng Qiong knew about the relationship between Ji Yang and Li Zixuan yesterday, but when Ji Yang brought a strange girl over, Teng Qiong always felt weird.

But she also knew that it was better not to ask about some things. If it really embarrassed everyone, it might affect Li Fu's treatment.

"Sister Teng, it's not convenient for you to watch the next treatment, just wait outside the door."

"Don't worry, Brother Li will wake up soon."

This Gu poison was cast by Lan Xueyao's natal Gu, and Lan Xueyao's natal Gu was used to detoxify the poison.

Lan Xueyao's natal Gu is a huge green glowing centipede, if Teng Qiong sees it, it won't scare him to death.

Although Teng Qiong wanted to follow in to see how Ji Yang treated him, but seeing Ji Yang's resolute expression, she nodded.

When Ji Yang and Lan Xueyao entered the ward, they immediately saw Li Fu lying on the hospital bed, with many infusion tubes inserted into his body, pale and emaciated, in a coma.

"Let's do it, let's see how you make people look like this."

Seeing Li Fu like this, the anger in his body is very low. With Li Fu like this, if he hadn't brought Lan Xueyao to detoxify him today, he would definitely burp in half a month.

"Hmph, the matter hasn't been clarified yet, maybe what Wang Gui said is true, then he has to blame himself."

Hearing Lan Xueyao's words, she was obviously still a little unconvinced, but she still came to Li Fu's side.

When Lan Xueyao put her hand on Li Fu's body, her natal Gu also crawled out from her sleeve.

Although it was not the first time to see this huge green centipede, Ji Yang still felt a little uncomfortable watching it crawl out of Lan Xueyao's sleeve.

You said that Lan Xueyao is also quite beautiful, and she looks quite obedient, who would have thought that she would carry such a big centipede on her body at all times.

If any pervert doesn't have eyes to tease Lan Xueyao, the final result will definitely be miserable.

The big centipede crawled out of Lan Xueyao's sleeve, and crawled directly to Li Fu's mouth, and then lightly bit Li Fu's mouth, a trace of blood flowed out from the wound.

I'm sorry, it's a good thing that Li Fu is in a coma. If he is awake now and knows that he has kissed a big centipede, how will he react?
As the blood flowed out, the big centipede's mouth was also clinging to the wound. Its body twisted and bulged, and in a blink of an eye it was even a few centimeters bigger than before.

The big centipede was passing through the wound, sucking the poison from Li Fu's body. After the big centipede sucked out the poison from Li Fu's body, it obediently crawled towards Lan Xueyao, and then disappeared into Lan Xueyao's sleeve.

"Lan Xueyao, I'm a little curious, where are you hiding such a big centipede?"

Lan Xueyao's sleeves were not loose, but after Ji Yang found that the big centipede had crawled into Lan Xueyao's sleeves, he couldn't see anything unusual.

"I want you to manage."

Lan Xueyao blushed, put her hands on her chest unnaturally, and said in shame and indignation.

Seeing Lan Xueyao's action, Ji Yang's face changed, I rubbed it, didn't I, did the big centipede enjoy it so much, it was actually in that position.

I didn't expect the big centipede to be hiding there before, Ji Yang was a little embarrassed, and finally asked with a dry laugh.

"How long will he wake up?"

"Hmph, I'll wake up soon, you can let Teng Qiong come in."

Lan Xueyao said with a cold snort.

It seems that the question I asked just now made Lan Xueyao a little unhappy, Ji Yang scratched his head in embarrassment, and went out to call Teng Qiong.

When Ji Yang and Teng Qiong entered the ward, Li Fu's eyelids moved, and he opened them quickly.

"Ghost, ghost, ghost, ghost!"

As soon as Li Fu woke up, he screamed in horror.

"Old Li is fine, really fine, the ghost has been caught."

It was like this every time Li Fu woke up, and every time he shouted a few words in horror, before Teng Qiong asked anything, the other party would fall into a coma again.

But this time Li Fu didn't. He saw the surrounding environment and the medical equipment, and he knew he was in the hospital.

When he saw that Teng Qiong was beside him, his face changed, and his voice was a little weak and excited: "Teng Qiong, there are really ghosts, there are really ghosts in the villa, we can't live in that villa, we can't live in it."

"Well, we can't stop, we can't stop."

"You have been lying in the hospital for a month, and it is thanks to Ji Yang that you can wake up this time."

When talking about Ji Yang, Teng Qiong also introduced Ji Yang to Li Fu, and she also told Li Fu that Ji Yang wanted to buy her own villa at a low price.

"Ji Yang, you are my savior, Li Fu, why sell this villa to you at such a low price, I will give it to you directly."

Li Fu said in a weak voice.

"I can't want this villa for nothing, as long as I sell it at a low price."

Just hearing Li Fu's words, Ji Yang directly refused. Although he is not very rich now, he will not take the other party's villa for nothing. The money must be given by himself, it's just a question of how much.

"Ahem, Ji Yang, shouldn't it be time for us to ask something serious?"

And when Ji Yang and Li Fu were talking about whether the villa was for sale or not, Lan Xueyao coughed twice and opened her mouth.

 Recommendations, collections, rewards, still awesome, Xie Ben continues to work hard to code...

(End of this chapter)

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