The most awesome WeChat Moments

Chapter 1369 Arranged to Return

Chapter 1369 Arranged to Return (Third)
"Puff, puff, puff..."

A dozen or so figures jumped out of the plane, and they didn't have anything like a parachute on their backs.

Below the plane was a sea area, and these people jumped directly into the sea.

As they plunged into the sea, the plane continued to fly forward.

"Everyone gathers."

The leader of the dozen or so figures that jumped down was Hamer.

The people who jumped down with him were all members of the sea eagle hiding in the visiting group.

"Hammer, everyone is here, we can go ashore."

Including Hammer and Jie Li, a total of twelve people jumped off the plane.

These twelve people plus Gore's eight people make exactly 20 people.

After the assembly of the staff, Jie Li said to Hamer with a solemn expression.

It is quite risky for twenty people to attack the people of the Xuan group, and it is completely close to death.

"Wait a minute, there is a long distance from here to the shore, and it would take too much time to swim there."

"No swimming? Then how do we go ashore?"

Jie Li suggested that she could swim to the shore, but Hamer rejected it.

Hammer's words made everyone around him stunned.

When they were dazed, they saw the sea water churning, and then saw more than a dozen small submersibles emerge from the sea.

"Vice Captain, we're here."

"Grimm? Why are you here?"

Several small submersibles emerged from the sea, and the cover of one submersible was opened, revealing a somewhat rough face.

Seeing this person, Jie Li was very surprised.

The opponent is a member of Sea Eagle Eagle Claw, named Grimm, who is also an A-level ability user.

"Of course it was arranged by me. Do you really think that we can catch the Xuanzu with only a few of us?"

"I won't let my subordinates die like this for nothing."

It's just that this matter is very secret, even Jie Li doesn't know about it.

Even being concealed from herself, Jie Li felt a little unhappy in her heart. Her relationship with Hamer was so close that he was still guarding against herself.

"Everyone enter the submersible, hurry up!"

This kind of submersible can take two people, and there are exactly twelve submersibles that emerge from the sea, which is also calculated by Hammer.

With these people from Grimm, the number of Sea Eagle members has reached 32.

Although the number is still small, it must be more powerful than twenty people.

After Hammer got on Grim's submersible, he contacted Gore and asked about his current situation.

"Vice Captain, we have been following Peng Caixuan."

"We may have been discovered because Peng Caixuan's car has been driving us around."

After all, Gore is the old man of Haidiao. Peng Caixuan and Peng Tianlong's cars always circled around a certain area, and he felt something was wrong.

"Let's find out if you find it, anyway, we will meet later."

"Follow well, we'll be there soon."

"Yes, vice-captain, no, their car accelerated."

"Follow up, don't get lost, turn on your locator, and I will find you according to the locator."

Gore saw Peng Caixuan's car speeding up, and the car stopped circling the original route, and shouted loudly to Hammer.

Hammer was very calm, he hung up the phone after decisively arranging what to do for Gore, and then urged Grimm to speed up.

Peng Caixuan's car suddenly accelerated, which was also the decision after discussion between Peng Caixuan and Peng Tianlong.

Now the location of the car is still in Kyoto, and there is a lot of traffic around it. It is not suitable to do it later, and it is easy to cause panic (Xieben is also very helpless. Large-scale battles are not allowed in Kyoto, and must be replaced. place, this is the regulation, it was blocked last time because of this).

"The car drove to the neighboring provinces, and after driving with them for so long, it's almost the same."

While Peng Tianlong ordered Peng Caixuan to drive to the neighboring province, he notified the rest of the Xuan group.

All the people who were originally in circles in Kyoto moved to neighboring provinces.

Although they all went to neighboring provinces, the provinces chosen by everyone were different.

Peng Caixuan went all the way, and Gore's car followed him all the way.

"Grandpa, don't they just arrange people with one car to deal with us?"

"Are they too confident? Or too arrogant?"

Along the way, Peng Caixuan found that there was only one car following him, and he felt speechless.

Regardless of his own strength, Peng Tianlong is the leader of the mysterious group, and there will be no more than six people in a car. If such a small number of people deal with them, it would be death.

"This is not the country of the United States. How many people do you think they can arrange?"

"However, don't be careless. Maybe they still have reinforcements. Let's talk when they arrive first."

Peng Tianlong's words still make some sense. After all, it is not Haidiao's own territory. They also came here secretly, so it is impossible to get many people out.

When Peng Caixuan heard what Peng Tianlong said, he stopped talking and just drove with peace of mind.

It's just that when the eyes occasionally look at Gore's car through the rearview mirror, there will be a cruel smile on his face.

At this moment in the headquarters of Xuanzu, Ji Yang looked at a huge screen in front of him, watching the several red dots on it moving towards the neighboring provinces of Kyoto.

These red dots are the locations of the members of the mysterious group.

"Going to the neighboring province, it seems that we are ready to do something."

Although Ji Yang was not at the scene, he was able to guess the purpose of everyone moving to the neighboring province.

"Brother Peng, are you sure who is being followed?"

Ji Yang stared at the screen, and at the same time dialed the mobile phone of Demon King Peng.

"It's just two groups of people. The people being followed are Cai Xuan and Team Leader Peng, and Yan Jiao."

"Oh, Caixuan and Yanjiao? It seems that they are running after the people who participated in the US operation last time."

Peng Caixuan and Yanjiao are the two people who are still alive during the mission of arresting Wen Ze in the United States.

Only the two of them were followed (Peng Caixuan and Peng Tianlong were together), and the purpose of the sea eagle was already obvious.

"It shouldn't be a big problem for Cai Xuan and Team Leader Peng to be together, and Yanjiao's cultivation is not weak, but after all, it's not as good as Cai Xuan and Team Leader Peng. Yanjiao, please keep an eye on her."

"Don't worry, I'll keep an eye on this side myself, there won't be any problem."

Demon King Peng personally took action to protect Yanjiao, Yanjiao's safety was definitely not a problem.

Hearing what King Peng said, Ji Yang was no longer worried.

When Ji Yang was talking with Peng Demon King, Peng Caixuan's car had already entered, and at the same time, several cars also entered the territory at the same time.

The people in the car were Hammer, Jieli and others.

Hamer's goal is Kyoto, so it is natural to choose the sea area closest to Kyoto.

Coincidentally, Peng Caixuan's car also entered...

(End of this chapter)

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