The most awesome WeChat Moments

Chapter 1370 None of you are going to leave

Chapter 1370 None of you want to leave (one more)
"I didn't expect Peng Caixuan to come to TJ. We are so lucky."

Hamer sat in the car, looking at the location of the Gore locator, with an unconcealable smile on his face.

Originally, he was worried that the distance between himself and Peng Caixuan was too far, and he would not be able to arrive as soon as possible to help Gore.

Now when he saw Gore's location, he knew that Peng Caixuan had also arrived at TJ.

"He's also at TJ, which is great."

"As long as we catch Peng Caixuan and bring him back to America, then our mission this time will be complete."

When she heard that Peng Caixuan was also at TJ, Jieli was also very excited.

No one wants to die, and so does Jieli. It is the safest way to complete the task and leave Huaxia as soon as possible.

"Speed ​​up and make sure that Peng Caixuan and Gore arrive before they make a move, otherwise Gore will be in trouble."

Hai Ying had already lost enough people during this time, and as Hai Ying's vice-captain, Hammer didn't want to see any more people die.

Especially the old man like Gore Zhonghaiying, an experienced old sea eagle member, needs a lot of time to cultivate.

The Sea Eagle member in charge of driving heard Hammer's words and drove much faster.

For them, traffic rules and traffic lights are just decorations.

Anyway, they are not worried about being fined. They are here for revenge. Today is the day of revenge, and there is nothing to hide.

Peng Caixuan chose TJ, I really don't know if his luck is too good or too bad.

But he attracted Hammer and others on his side, and Yanjiao on the other side was naturally relaxed.

Since Hamer happened to meet Peng Caixuan in TJ, he originally planned to send people to find Yanjiao, but he suppressed it.

He decided that the most important thing is to catch Peng Caixuan first. Compared to Peng Caixuan, Yanjiao is actually nothing.

"Gore, I have already entered TJ, as long as there is another half hour, I can meet you."

"Really? That's great."

"Vice captain, Peng Tianlong and Peng Caixuan are together."

"Peng Tianlong is here too? This is really an unexpected harvest, so let's kill him, the leader of the mysterious group, today."

"The Xuan team killed my eagle beak, and I will take the life of their leader of the Xuan team. This is not too much. Keep an eye on them. We will be there soon, and speed up..."

Knowing that Peng Caixuan and Peng Tianlong were together, although Hamer was a little surprised, he was also very excited.

If you can take the opportunity to kill Peng Tianlong, this trip to China will be worthwhile.

In HB territory, Yanjiao and two female members of the Mysterious Group came here by car.

"Miss, it is now confirmed that there is only one car following us."

"Is there only one? Then we don't need to waste time with him."

Yanjiao also found out that she was being followed, but she was not sure how many people were following her.

Now that Yanjiao has entered HB, and she is sure that there is only one car following her, she feels that there is no need for her to continue acting.

Sweeping her eyes around, Yanjiao asked the member of the Nuxuan team who was driving to drive the car into a small road.

In the car responsible for following Yanjiao, there are also four Sea Eagle members at this time.

Pease, who can control bugs, is also sitting in the car, and he is the temporary commander of the four.

"It is estimated that we have been discovered. They have entered the path now, and they are probably preparing to attack us."

The Sea Eagle member who was driving turned the car into the alley and said softly.

Although Pease's strength is not high, he is very smart. He thinks what his companion said makes sense.

"Team leader, we may have been discovered, can we do it now?"

Pease contacted Gore to ask if he could do it.

Instead of answering him right away, Gore contacted Hamer.

Only when Hamer gave the order to do it, he dared to let Pease do it. Otherwise, because Pease's action affected the arrest of Peng Caixuan, Gore couldn't bear the responsibility.

"The people in the Xuan group are really smart. Now that they've been discovered, they probably won't do anything if they don't."

"Tell them not to fight with each other. If they find that they are invincible, they should retreat immediately. Their task now is to ensure their own safety."

Plans never change fast.

The original plan was to capture Peng Caixuan and Yanjiao alive to avenge the dead members of Yingzui.

But now the development of things is different from what was expected, so we can't follow the original plan.

After Hamer told Gore about his thoughts, Gore passed on the words to Pease.

"Team leader, we will definitely capture that woman alive."

"Peace, don't fight recklessly, withdraw if you are defeated, saving your lives is more important."

Pease's answer caused Gore to frown.

Hammer meant to let them focus on saving their lives, but Pease meant to complete the task at any cost.

These are two very different ways of doing things, and the results will vary greatly.

But after Gore yelled this, he didn't hear Pease's reply, but heard a rumble coming from the phone.

Hearing this sound, Gore's heart tightened. He knew that Pease must have been attacked.

If Gore was beside Pease at this time, he would have seen Yanjiao's car hit the front of Pease.

The quality of Yanjiao's car seems to be better than that of Pease's. The front of Pease's car has been smashed, but Yanjiao's car doesn't seem to have any serious problems.

The collision forced the opponent's car to a stop, Yanjiao and the two female members of the Xuan group had already jumped out of the car.

Although the two members of the mysterious group following Yanjiao's cultivation base are not too high, they still have the cultivation base of the mysterious rank.

When the three got out of the car, they rushed up to the car where Pease was with their weapons in hand.


"These bugs are weird, be careful."

When Yanjiao and the others arrived at Pease's car, they saw countless small bugs flying out of the car.

Seeing these bugs, Yanjiao frowned and reminded her.

The current Yanjiao can be considered to be rich in actual combat experience, so many bugs flew out of the car suddenly, it seemed abnormal at first glance.

The two female members of the Xuan Group who were following Yanjiao heard Yanjiao's words and retreated quickly.

When they retreated, they saw that Yanjiao's mouth opened, and a ball of flame spit out from her mouth.

The flames spit out the burning bugs in front of them, and these bugs burned to ashes in an instant.


At the same time that Yanjiao burned the bugs to death, the door of Pease's car was slammed open, and a black man with a sturdy figure like an iron tower jumped out of the car.

His fist, which was the size of Yanjiao's head, hit Yanjiao directly.


Faced with this punch, Yanjiao didn't give in at all, she thrust out the spear in her hand, directly pierced the opponent's fist, and then penetrated into the opponent's body.

This black man who looked like an iron tower stopped his forward body and looked at Yanjiao in disbelief.

After all, he was a B-level supernatural being, but he was pierced through the heart by Yanjiao's spear after just meeting him. He was very unwilling, but he was already dead.

"Pease, go!"

"Go? None of you want to go!"

The black man died, and two more people rushed out of the car to attack Yanjiao, and at the same time shouted at Pease in the car.

Yanjiao withdrew her spear, and said in a cold voice...

(End of this chapter)

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