Chapter 14
"Let's camp here tonight. It's dangerous to go further inside. You can move around freely, but try not to move alone."

The crowd walked for about two hours on the mountain road, and the girls were exhausted and out of breath, but Ji Yang found that Mu Hong's physique was very good, and even Tian Tao and Huang Xiaoliang couldn't take it anymore, but Mu Hong only slightly Just a little blushing.

Huang Xiaoliang was the oldest among them, and everyone listened to him very much.

"Aren't you tired?"

Seeing that Ji Yang had walked the mountain road for two hours without even breaking a drop of sweat, Mu Hong was also curious and asked.

"It's just a two-hour mountain road, it's not a big deal at all, and I'm not tired."

Ji Yang is pretending, Chi Guoguo is pretending, if it is not because of the medicine dregs of Taishang Laojun, you boy will be exhausted into a dead dog in 10 minutes, let alone two hours.

Mu Hong obviously didn't like Ji Yang's tone, she frowned slightly, and ignored him with a cold snort.

The other party ignored him, and Ji Yang was too lazy to put his face on his cold butt, so he should go and help set up the tent.

"What's wrong with you? Did someone offend you?"

Li Zixuan found that Mu Hong's expression was a little strange, so she asked.

"A stinky man who doesn't know good or bad."

While talking, Mu Hong also glared at Ji Yang who was setting up the tent.

Because of family reasons, Mu Hong's physical fitness is very good, but even if she walked down the mountain road for two hours, she still felt a little tired, but Ji Yang actually looked like nothing happened, and she only asked him because she was curious.

But Ji Yang's expression and tone gave her a feeling of being a villain, too arrogant and crazy, and she didn't like Ji Yang's attitude very much.

"Hey, even a man can make you angry. This isn't the Mu Hong I know. Don't you have a crush on him?"

Mu Hong is the coldest one in their circle. Many people call her Bingshan Beauty. Ji Yang and Mu Hong are just meeting each other for the first time. It is so strange that Mu Hong would be angry because of Ji Yang.

"Little girl, you want to be beaten, right? He deserves it."

People who pursue Mu Hong have never stopped, but it is not so simple to want to be Mu Hong's man, and it is even more impossible to make her fall in love with a man, let alone Ji Yang who met for the first time.

"It's you, you won't be ready to give him your body just because he saved the beauty with a hero?"

Mu Hong asked softly with a faint smile.

Although Mu Hong is very indifferent to others, when she is in front of Li Zixuan, she has many little girlish gestures, just like her smile now, it is difficult for others to see.

"Smelly Mu Hong, I'm ignoring you, I'm looking for Sister Zhang Yan."

Li Zixuan's face turned red when Mu Hong said it, she glanced at Ji Yang, and trotted to chase after sister Zhang Yan.

As Li Zixuan left, the smile on Mu Hong's face disappeared instantly, and the people followed.

"Puff puff!"

Huang Xiaoliang and Tian Tao stood aside with a hammer in their hands, watching Ji Yang insert the stake into the soil like a toothpick into tofu, they were both dumbfounded.

"I didn't believe Zixuan said that you hit more than a dozen by yourself, but now I really believe it."

Huang Xiaoliang gave Ji Yang a thumbs up and praised.

The soil here is very hard. It was difficult for Huang Xiaoliang and Tian Tao to drive the stakes deep with a hammer just now, but Ji Yang didn't use any tools, just relying on his hands, one by one, and dozens of stakes in a blink of an eye. They were all inserted into the soil.

The wooden stakes were done, and Ji Yang handed over the rest of the work to Tian Tao, who took out his mobile phone to play WeChat by himself.

"Sister Mu Hong, look at the sky is very cloudy, will it rain?"

The girls turned around and came back, Huang Xiaoxin looked at the gloomy sky and asked worriedly.

"Yeah, I look like it's going to rain too."

Li Zixuan also nodded and said.

"Zixuan, don't worry, I called my friend from the Meteorological Bureau before I came here. It's been sunny for two days here, and it won't rain. It's getting dark."

The tent had already been set up, and Tian Tao heard the conversation of Li Zixuan and his daughters, and said as if asking for credit.

Looking at the time, it was indeed dark time, and Tian Tao said that he had asked his friends at the Meteorological Bureau, and no one was worried about the rain.

"Nima, it's really going to rain."

Ji Yang saw Lei Gong in the circle of friends: "Could it be that I came to Donghai to drink with the old dragon king Ao Guang, and suddenly received an order to let us go to Linhai tonight to end the heavy rain, what a disappointment..."

Hearing Lei Gong's words, not only will it rain tonight, but it will also rain heavily. Being in the mountains, if it really rains heavily, it's not a joke.

The campsite they chose was at the foot of a hillside. If there was a landslide or mudslide due to too much rain, everyone would have to finish playing tonight.

"It is indeed raining tonight, and it is a heavy rainstorm. Let's hurry down the mountain."

Ji Yang kindly reminded him.

"Ji Yang, don't be alarmist. My friend from the Meteorological Bureau has already told me that there will be no rain tonight. It is getting dark. I think you are too timid to live in the mountains."

Tian Tao immediately refuted upon hearing Ji Yang's words.

Ji Yang really wants to ask Tian Tao, is it your friends from the Meteorological Bureau who know when it will rain, or the Dragon King and Lei Gong who are in charge of spreading clouds and rain know better when it will rain.

"Boom boom boom!"

Just as Tian Tao finished speaking, there was a sudden roar in the sky.

Hearing this roar, everyone's hearts trembled.

"Your house is full of sparks and lightning all the way in the dark, right? Let me tell you that there will be heavy rain tonight. Whoever thinks it will last forever can stay here. If you don't want to die, come down the mountain with me immediately."

With a sneer, he can't talk about the Dragon King and Lei Gong. He thought of this suitable reason at first, but he didn't expect God to help him in this way. Lei Sheng didn't need any redundant explanations.

Ji Yang turned and went down the mountain, Li Zixuan and Mu Hong followed without hesitation, the rest of them looked at each other and followed, they would not joke about their own lives.

As for the tents that have been pitched, they don't care if they lose them.

The rain came faster than Ji Yang expected, and it was heavy. It started raining after Ji Yang and others walked halfway, and now it was dark again. Although there was a flashlight, it was still difficult to go down the mountain.

"It's raining a lot."

Li Zixuan and Huang Xiaoxin supported each other, their hair was wet from the rain and stuck tightly to their faces.

Fortunately, everyone had prepared a complete set of things, and they also had raincoats, but even if they wore raincoats, they were of little use in such a strong rainstorm.

"It's raining too much. It's best to find a cave. Let's take shelter from the rain first."

Mu Hong looked at the pale faces of Li Zixuan and Huang Xiaoxin, her brows were tightly knit together.

"Well, I think sister Mu Hong is right, we should find a place to shelter from the rain first."

Zhang Yan pulled her younger sister Zhang Ge and nodded in agreement. The mountain road was rough and difficult, and it was even more slippery after the rain. After walking for so long to go down the mountain quickly, the Zhang family sisters couldn't bear it anymore.

"I don't have time to find the cave. It's raining too much. Everyone should go down the mountain immediately to be safe."

Ji Yang shook his head and expressed his objection.

"You are not tired, we are still tired, do you see if there is a cave there, everyone go to shelter from the rain."

The person who was most dissatisfied with Ji Yang was Tian Tao. He couldn't bear to go down the mountain in the face of heavy rain. When he scanned the surroundings with his flashlight, he also found a cave on the hillside not far away, and he became excited instantly.

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(End of this chapter)

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