The most awesome WeChat Moments

Chapter 15 Huang Xiaoxin is Seriously Injured

Chapter 15 Huang Xiaoxin is Seriously Injured

If there is a cave to shelter from the rain, it is not impossible. With Ji Yang's eyesight, he also saw the cave, but it seems that the entrance of the cave is not big, and it is not clear whether the cave can accommodate so many people.

More importantly, the hillside is very steep, and it is not easy to reach the cave under such heavy rain conditions. If the cave is buried by a landslide, it will be a dead end.

"The hillside is too steep, and the soil has already rolled down. There is a possibility of a landslide at any time. You'd better not go there."

Ji Yang kindly reminded.

"Anyway, I can't walk anymore, I'm going to take shelter from the rain."

Tian Tao would not accept Ji Yang's love, he had already walked towards the cave while he was talking, Tian Tao was brought by Zhang's sisters, seeing Tian Tao going to the cave to shelter from the rain, the two daughters gritted their teeth and followed.

The rest of the people were all looking at Ji Yang. Before Tian Tao said that there was no rain today, Ji Yang reminded everyone that it would rain, and it was he who suggested going down the mountain immediately. Everyone could not help but regard him as the backbone.

"Don't look at me, I'm definitely going down the mountain, I don't care what you choose, I don't recommend going anyway."

Ji Yang said with firm eyes.

"Ji Yang, this road is too slippery, and I can't walk anymore. Now that it's dark, I also want to..."

Li Zixuan really wanted to go down the mountain with Ji Yang, but her body couldn't hold it anymore, the road was really too difficult.

"I said I won't force you. If you can't walk, I can support you. If you can't, I can carry you. You'd better choose quickly, time waits for no one."

Changing from the laziness and stubbornness of the past, Ji Yang now looks completely different from before, with a serious expression that makes it difficult to refute.

"I'm really sorry, I can't walk anymore, you guys go down the mountain, I'm going to take shelter from the rain."

Huang Xiaoxin smiled apologetically, and followed the Zhang sisters closely.

"I'm sorry, but if Xiaoxin doesn't leave, I can only go with her. Be careful."

Huang Xiaoxin didn't go down the mountain, and Huang Xiaoliang, as an older brother, could only accompany Huang Xiaoxin.

In the end, only Ji Yang, Li Zixuan and Mu Hong were left, and the three still decided to go down the mountain.

However, just when the three of Ji Yang were about to continue down the mountain, a strange sound suddenly sounded, followed by several anxious cries.

"No, something happened to them."

With a loud cry, Ji Yang quickly ran towards the hillside.

The most feared thing still happened. The hillside really landslide, and Huang Xiaoxin was buried in the mud washed down by the heavy rain.

"Xiaoxin, Xiaoxin, you have nothing to do."

Huang Xiaoliang shouted with a pale face, and quickly dug the dirt with both hands to find Huang Xiaoxin, but no matter how hard he dug, he couldn't find Huang Xiaoxin
"Get out of the way, let me do it."

Time was running out, and Ji Yang didn't have time to think too much. As soon as he took off his clothes, he rushed into the slipping mud. Through his perception ability far surpassing that of ordinary people, he also found the place where Huang Xiaoxin was buried.

Fortunately, the soil buried on Huang Xiaoxin's body was not too thick. Ji Yang quickly dug Huang Xiaoxin out, and immediately caught Huang Xiaoxin's pulse with his hand. Ji Yang's heart sank, and then he checked other parts of her body. There was a bad sound in the secret channel.

"The impact of the landslide was too great, and Huang Xiaoxin's physical fitness is very average. Now her right leg and left arm are broken, her internal organs are displaced, and three ribs are broken. One of them has entered the lobe of the lung. She must be treated immediately."

Ji Yang said in a cold voice with a solemn expression.

"You think it's X-ray or CT or even MRI, you just take the pulse casually, and you will know such details after a simple check. You really think of yourself as a fairy."

Tian Tao said casually, but as soon as the words came out of his mouth, he realized that he had said the wrong thing.

"Tian Tao, shut up for me."

Huang Xiaoliang has always cared for his younger sister, Huang Xiaoxin. Although he also had some doubts about Ji Yang's words, no matter what, now that Huang Xiaoxin is in a coma, it is certain that she must be sent to the hospital immediately.

"Don't waste any more time, I'm carrying Huang Xiaoxin on my back, everyone go down the mountain quickly."

After Ji Yang finished speaking, he also ran down the mountain first. With his eyesight, he could see the mountain road clearly even in the dark.

"Damn it, is this kid a human being? He's carrying someone on his back, and he's still running so fast on a rainy mountain road that's so slippery."

Huang Xiaoliang looked at Ji Yang running down the mountain like a gust of wind, worried that Ji Yang would fall while carrying Huang Xiaoxin on his back, and was also shocked by the speed at which he went down the mountain.

Mu Hong and Li Zixuan also stared in surprise, their speed was second to none.

After such a thing happened, Tian Tao and the Zhang sisters didn't dare to think about going into the cave to hide from the rain. Besides, the cave on the hillside had already been covered by the falling mud, so why did they hide?

I don't know if it was because everyone went down the mountain much faster in order to send Huang Xiaoxin to the hospital quickly, and no one shouted that they were tired.

Sitting in the car parked at the foot of the mountain, Huang Xiaoliang hurriedly called the leader of Linhai Hospital, and at the same time ordered the ambulance to rush to this side. Mu Hong also drove the car very fast, and the Hummer in the heavy rain was like a black lightning bolt speeding towards Linhai Hospital .

Ji Yang and others met the ambulance at the highway exit. Ji Yang and Huang Xiaoliang carefully put Huang Xiaoxin into the ambulance. When the ambulance arrived at the gate of the hospital, there were already doctors waiting there.

"Why is it so serious, send it to the intensive care unit for examination."

Wang Tong, director of surgery at Linshan Hospital, received a call from the hospital saying that there was an important patient to be sent to the hospital and asked him to treat him personally, but he did not tell him who the patient was, but told him to be careful.

"There is no need for an examination. I already know her condition. Her right leg and left arm are fractured, her internal organs are displaced, and three ribs are broken, one of which is inserted into a lung lobe. She must be treated immediately."

It will take a lot of time after some inspections. Now that Huang Xiaoxin's condition is not good, immediate surgery is the best choice.

"Who are you? You talk nonsense without being checked. The patient's condition is critical. Don't waste your time. Send it for an examination as soon as possible, or you will be responsible for the accident."

Wang Tong was not on duty today. After work, he also brought a new nurse to contact him. The two of them were about to have zero-distance contact, but they were called by a phone call from the hospital. There was already resentment in their hearts. , Hearing Ji Yang's words, he also shouted in a cold voice unceremoniously.

"That Ji Yang, I know you are worried about Xiaoxin, but you should listen to the doctor and check first."

Huang Xiaoliang was grateful to Ji Yang in his heart, but he still couldn't do it if he believed in Ji Yang so much. He could only rest assured after a formal inspection.

"what ever!"

If you don't even believe yourself, then you don't care, Ji Yang smiled coldly and found a place to sit down.

The test results came out soon, and Wang Tong was taken aback when he saw the test results, and looked at Ji Yang who was resting by the side with a strange expression.

"How's the test result, how is my sister?"

Seeing Wang Tong standing there dumbfounded and not speaking, Huang Xiaoliang also got a little angry.

"The right leg and left arm were fractured, the internal organs were displaced, three ribs were broken, and one of them was pierced into the lobe of the lung. The condition is very serious."

Wang Tong smiled bitterly. What he said was exactly the same as what Ji Yang had said before. Everyone was taken aback and looked at Ji Yang in shock.

(End of this chapter)

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