The most awesome WeChat Moments

Chapter 16 Hua Tuo's Experience

Chapter 16 Hua Tuo's Experience
The person who was most shocked was Li Zixuan, because like Ji Yang, she was a student of Linhai Medical University, and she also graduated this year as an intern.

Li Zixuan's grades were among the best in school, but she only saw that Huang Xiaoxin's right leg and left arm were broken, and she didn't notice any other problems. She was curious about how Ji Yang found out.

"Not only is he good at fighting, but his physical fitness is also good. I didn't expect his medical skills to be so strong, but why haven't I heard of him in school before?"

Li Zixuan has heard of several talented people with good grades in the school, but she thinks there is no Ji Yang, but if Ji Yang is really so good, why is he not unknown in the school.

"Since you need surgery, don't waste time, arrange it quickly."

Huang Xiaoliang felt a little guilty for doubting Ji Yang before, but the most important thing right now is not to ask Ji Yang to apologize, but to operate on Huang Xiaoxin.

When Huang Xiaoliang yelled, Wang Tong was stunned. Although he said that he would have an operation soon, he didn't say anything later. Seeing that the other party was so excited, he didn't dare to say anything.

"Why are you still standing there, let you have a quick operation, if something happens to my sister, I will tear down your hospital."

Don't look at Huang Xiaoliang's easy-going appearance, but it's scary to really get angry. He is really angry now, especially when he sees Wang Tong's motionless appearance, and when he speaks, he kicks him. past.

With this kick, Wang Tong was also staggered and nearly fell to the ground.

I am the director of surgery of Linhai Hospital anyway, and it is not uncommon for rich and powerful people, but I have never been kicked like this before. Wang Tong blushed and shouted loudly: "This is Linhai Hospital, not your home, you Who do you think you are, you dare to kick me, don't you want someone to operate on her?"

Hearing Wang Tong's words, Huang Xiaoliang was happy instead, then his eyes narrowed, he grabbed Wang Tong's collar and shouted loudly.

"You don't have to worry about who I am, you just need to know that my father is Huang Tianxiong and he is my younger sister Huang Xiaoxin."

Being grabbed by the collar by Huang Xiaoliang, Wang Tong wanted to get angry at first, but when he heard Huang Tianxiong's name, his face instantly turned pale, his body shivered, and his whole body became tense.

Huang Tianxiong is the boss of Tianxiong Group in Linhai City. He is worth billions of dollars. He has a lot of ability in both black and white. He has a very strong background. Huang Tianxiong also donated many equipment in the hospital.

He never thought that the injured person turned out to be Huang Tianxiong's daughter. Wang Tong was frightened and sweated profusely on his forehead.

"It's like this. Although I am the director of surgery, Ms. Huang's injury is too serious. Only Dean Ji can do her injury in the whole hospital, but..."

The voice of Wang Tong who was caught by the collar became smaller and smaller, and in the end he couldn't hear what he was saying at all.

"But what, speak louder."

Huang Xiaoliang could barely hear what Wang Tong was saying, so he roared anxiously.

"But Dean Ji is attending a meeting in the capital. When Dean Ji comes back, Ms. Huang may have already..."

Wang Tong really didn't dare to say what he said later. It would take at least a few hours to fly back from the capital. By that time, Huang Xiaoxin would have died long ago.

Although Wang Tong didn't explain it, anyone could hear the meaning clearly.

At the same time, Huang Xiaoxin, who was lying on the stretcher, suddenly coughed violently, spit out big mouthfuls of blood foam, and the instrument inserted into her body sounded an alarm.

When the alarm sounded, everyone's expressions changed, and everyone knew what the alarm sounded meant.

"The cough has pulled the wound on the lungs, so I will send it to the operating room immediately, and I will perform the operation."

This is a human life. Although everyone suspected that Ji Yang was upset by him before, he couldn't let him watch Huang Xiaoxin die like this.

Ji Yang dared to say such a thing because he found a new helper.

When Wang Tong said that Dean Ji was not in Linhai and no one could perform the operation, Ji Yang had already taken out his mobile phone. Although he had learned some experience from Zhang Zhongjing before, it was obviously not enough to deal with the current situation. He had to find the other party again. help.

"Zhang Zhongjing, help me."

As soon as the WeChat message was sent, Zhang Zhongjing replied.

"What's the matter, say."

As soon as Ji Yang saw the reply, he told Zhang Zhongjing about Huang Xiaoxin's situation. After seeing what Ji Yang described, Zhang Zhongjing fell silent. Seeing that the other party hadn't spoken for a long time, Ji Yang was also anxious. Could it be that Zhang Zhongjing couldn't save him? Huang Xiaoxin?
And just when he thought Zhang Zhongjing had no choice, Zhang Zhongjing finally replied.

"Hua Tuo is better at this kind of knife than I am. He is right beside me. I will ask him to add you as a friend. You can chat with him."

As a medical student, Ji Yang knows Hua Tuo very well. Hua Tuo has comprehensive medical skills and is proficient in surgery, gynecology, pediatrics, acupuncture and moxibustion. He is especially good at surgery and is proficient in surgery. The Grandfather of Surgery".

In the Romance of the Three Kingdoms, Hua Tuo scraped Guan Yu's bones to cure poison. This story not only shows Guan Yu's bravery, but also shows Hua Tuo's medical skills.

If Hua Tuo really helped, Ji Yang would be more confident about this operation.

Soon Ji Yang became friends with Hua Tuo, and Ji Yang also told Hua Tuo what he had just said to Zhang Zhongjing, and the other party also spoke quickly, but Hua Tuo's words almost didn't make Ji Yang vomit blood.

"I have some experience with surgery. You can give it to you if you want it, but you have to exchange [-] merits with me."

There are only two months left before Tianlei's assessment. It takes [-] merits to deal with Tianlei. He doesn't even have [-] merits. Hua Tuo needs [-] to open his mouth. This Hua Tuo is much darker than Zhang Zhongjing. It's Ji Yang's life.

"Can you change it to another one? I'll provide you with a hundred recipes, do you think it will work?"

Ji Yang was very obedient this time, he had no choice but to bow his head under the eaves.

"I pay attention to health preservation, don't be greedy, and the recipes are useless, so I need [-] merits."

Hua Tuo refused so resolutely, Ji Yang had no other choice, and in the end he felt ruthless, and he also decided to fight.

"Ten thousand merits are fine, but I don't have that much in hand. I'll give you five hundred first, and I owe the rest to you later. Saving people is the most important thing."

If I have the ability to earn [-] merits in two months, I will not be short of Hua Tuo's [-] merits. After passing the Tianlei assessment, I will pay it off slowly.

If I don't have the ability to earn [-] merits in two months, I will be out of my wits, and I won't have to pay back the merits I owe Hua Tuo.

"make a deal."

Anyway, Hua Tuo is not in a hurry to get this [-] merits, and he is also a person with great medical ethics. As Ji Yang said, saving people is the most important thing now. Besides, he is just passing on his years of medical experience to the other party, and it is nothing to him. Influence.

The phone trembled violently, and the screen instantly lit up. Ji Yang also felt his head sink, and countless information poured into his mind.

After sorting out the information, Hua Tuo has a lot of experience in surgery in his experience, and he is more confident in performing surgery on Huang Xiaoxin.

It was because of this confidence that he dared to offer himself to operate on Huang Xiaoxin.

(End of this chapter)

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