The most awesome WeChat Moments

Chapter 1459 Don’t Ask Jade Emperor, I’ll Tell You

Chapter 1459 Don’t Ask the Jade Emperor, I’ll Tell You (Part [-])
Ji Yang's mobile phone, which can communicate with heaven and earth, is mostly kept at Xiaolongnv's place.

And Xiaolongnu stayed in the world in the pot. When Xiaolongnv came out to save Ji Yang from the world in the pot, she put her mobile phone in the world in the pot.

If you want to get a mobile phone, you just need to ask for it from Hu Zhongxian.

After Hu Zhongxian handed over the mobile phone to Mu Hong, the four daughters of Mu Hong discussed who to contact.

It was a discussion between four people, but it was better to say that it was a three-person discussion, because Dongfang Mei didn't seem to know anyone very well, after all, she and Ji Yang had only a short time together.

And Mu Hong and the three daughters have been with Ji Yang for so long, and have seen several gods.

Usually when Xiaolongnv finds someone to chat with, they will also participate in it, but it seems that Chang'e is the most familiar word.

"Let's find Sister Chang'e."

After discussing with each other, the four girls decided to find Chang'e.

Click on Ji Yang's WeChat, find Chang'e from the address book, and Mu Hong quickly sent her a WeChat message.

"Sister Chang'e, I'm Mu Hong, I need you urgently."

Mu Hong sent the WeChat message, and within a few seconds, Chang'e replied to the WeChat message.

"Mu Hong, what do you want from me?"

In the Guanghan Palace, Chang'e leaned on the bed, her clothes were half undressed, her posture was charming, and she looked very attractive.

When she saw Ji Yang's wechat light up, she thought it was Ji Yang looking for her.

Chang'e frowned slightly when she saw that it was Mu Hong.

Under normal circumstances, except for Ji Yang who would contact her, Xiao Longnv mostly came to chat with her, and it was the first time that Mu Hong took the initiative to find her.

Moreover, the other party mentioned something urgent, which made Chang'e feel instinctively uncomfortable.

"Sister Chang'e, something happened to Ji Yang."

"What, something happened to Ji Yang? Tell me what's going on?"

When she heard that something happened to Ji Yang, Chang'e's expression changed, she stood up from the bed, the long gown she was wearing slipped off, and she didn't care about wearing only a white bellyband.

If someone broke in at this time, they would definitely be able to feast their eyes.

Ji Yang is the only immortal in the mortal world, and his cultivation has reached the rank of third-rank immortal. With such a cultivation, Mu Hong told Chang'e that something happened to Ji Yang, and she was shocked and worried.

The higher the cultivation level, the more serious the accident will be.

After the inquiry was issued, Chang'e paced back and forth in Guanghan Palace.

"It's like this..."

Mu Hong didn't keep her waiting for long, and told Chang'e what happened earlier.

After a brief explanation of the matter, she also told Chang'e about the current situation of Ji Yang and Xiaolongnu.

"No life characteristics, no soul fluctuations, just a physical body without a soul?"

After learning about Ji Yang's current situation, Chang'e frowned.

This situation obviously means that the person is dead.

But the little dragon girl who is a contract beast is still alive, which means that Ji Yang is not dead yet.

But people didn't die, so what happened to Ji Yang now?
With Chang'e's ability to understand, she couldn't figure out what was going on.

"Sister Chang'e, what's going on with Ji Yang and Xiaolongnv? Is there any way you can save them?"

When Chang'e's face was full of sadness, Mu Hong's side began to question.

Looking at Mu Hong's questioning, Chang'e could only sigh.

"Based on my understanding and what I have mastered, I don't know what's going on with their situation, let alone how to save them."

Seeing Chang'e's answer, the faces of the four daughters of Mu Hong were gloomy.

Even Chang'e doesn't know, is it true that Ji Yang and Xiaolongnu really want to go on like this forever?

Or is Ji Yang really dead?

"Impossible, absolutely impossible, Ji Yang is definitely not dead."

The idea of ​​Ji Yang's death appeared in his mind, and the four girls shook their heads decisively, throwing this idea away.

Then Mu Hong hurriedly sent another WeChat message to Chang'e.

"Sister Chang'e, there are so many gods in Heaven, there must be someone who knows what's going on, right?"

"Although there are many immortals who have chatted with Ji Yang, we are only familiar with you. Can you go and ask us? Please."

Although Chang'e has been a fairy for a long time.

But whether it is his own cultivation or what he knows, it is still relatively poor in the heaven.

So she doesn't understand the situation of Ji Yang and Xiaolongnu, it doesn't mean others don't know.

"Mu Hong, Ji Yang and I are friends, even if you don't tell me, I will definitely ask someone."

"Don't worry, I'll go to Lingxiao Hall and tell the Jade Emperor about Ji Yang's situation. Ji Yang is very important to the Three Realms. After the Jade Emperor knows about this matter, he will definitely find someone to solve it."

For Chang'e, Ji Yang might not be as simple as she said.

Although she never admits anything with her mouth, in her heart, Ji Yang is definitely not a simple friend.

Even she doesn't know about Ji Yang's situation now, and the worry in her heart is no less than that of Mu Hong and the others.

"You wait for me, I'll go to Lingxiao Palace right now, and I'll notify you after I figure out the reason."

"Okay, Sister Chang'e, I'll wait for you."

Chang'e agreed to go to Lingxiao Palace, and the four daughters of Mu Hong felt relieved.

Next, they just have to choose to wait.

After talking to Mu Hong here, Chang'e walked out of Guanghan Palace.

But just as she walked out of the house, she heard an exclamation.

"Sister, where are you going? Why don't you wear clothes?"


Chang'e walked out of the house and happened to meet the jade rabbit.

Yutu saw that Chang'e was about to walk out of Guanghan Palace wearing only a bellyband, and she was in a bad mood.

What is this for?Do you give benefits to the male immortals in heaven?

After Yutu reminded her, Chang'e realized the problem. She was so worried about Ji Yang that she forgot about the slipping of the clothes.

After quickly returning to the room and getting dressed, Chang'e told Yutu to take a good look at the Guanghan Palace and then took off into the sky and flew quickly towards the Lingxiao Palace.

"Fairy Chang'e is so anxious, is there something urgent?"

As soon as Chang'e came to Lingxiao Hall, she was stopped by the heavenly soldiers guarding outside the hall.

The Hall of Lingxiao is not entered casually, you have to be notified.

"I want to see the Jade Emperor and ask about Xiaobai in the mortal world."

"Xiaobai? Then you go in directly."

Hearing that Chang'e came because of Ji Yang's affairs, the heavenly soldiers guarding the Lingxiao Palace smiled and let Chang'e enter the Lingxiao Palace.

Chang'e walked towards the hall with a strange feeling in her heart. When she came to the Hall of Lingxiao, she saw that there were many immortals in the Hall of Lingxiao, and most of them were immortals with the rank of first-rank immortals.

"Fairy Chang'e, are you here to see my old pig?"

Fairy Chang'e walked into the hall, Zhu Bajie's eyes lit up, and he ran over with his big ears shaking, looking at Fairy Chang'e obsequiously.

"Zhu Bajie, I have urgent matters to find the Jade Emperor, but I have no time to waste time with you."

"Xiaobai had an accident in the mortal world, we must quickly find out the cause and solve it."

Chang'e looked at Zhu Bajie in front of her, frowned and said coldly.

Faced with Chang'e's tone, Zhu Bajie didn't care at all, anyway, he was used to it.

"Fairy Chang'e, if it's for Xiaobai, then you don't need to ask the Jade Emperor, I can tell you."

Zhu Bajie patted his stomach, smiled and said...

(End of this chapter)

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