The most awesome WeChat Moments

Chapter 1460 Ghost Gate Pass

Chapter 1460 Ghost Gate Pass (Second Update)

Chang'e knew that the relationship between Ji Yang and Zhu Bajie was good.

After knowing what happened to Ji Yang, Zhu Bajie would appear worried under normal circumstances.

But Zhu Bajie not only said that he knew the reason, but also smiled very sincerely, it seems that he is not pretending to deceive himself.

"You said you knew the reason? You already knew that something happened to Ji Yang? Why didn't anyone solve it?"

Zhu Bajie's words already revealed that he knew about Ji Yang's current situation.

But Zhu Bajie behaved so calmly, which made Chang'e very strange.

"It's not just me who knows, everyone in Lingxiao Temple knows."

"As for Ji Yang's situation, Fairy will take a look with me to find out."

Zhu Bajie smiled mysteriously, and as Chang'e became more and more puzzled, he brought her to a mysterious mirror.

At this time, Chang'e discovered that there was a Xuanguang mirror in the center of the immortals, which she hadn't found when she entered the Hall of Lingxiao.

When Chang'e saw the picture in the Xuanguang mirror, she opened her mouth slightly, pointed at the Xuanguang mirror and said in shock.

"Ji Yang."

The picture in the Xuanguang mirror shows Ji Yang.

However, the Ji Yang in the Xuanguang Mirror is not the Ji Yang lying in Dongfang's house with unknown life and death, but a somewhat illusory figure.

This is not the real Ji Yang, but Ji Yang's soul.

Ji Yang's soul has really left his body. Chang'e has not yet recognized where he is at this time.

I saw that the place where Ji Yang was at this time seemed very dark, the surrounding air was a bit cloudy, the road was uneven under his feet, and flames and gray-black smoke would emerge from some cracked ground fissures.

"This is Ji Yang's soul, where is he?"

Chang'e didn't recognize where Ji Yang was, although it looked familiar.

But I couldn't remember it all at once, so I could only ask Zhu Bajie beside him.


"What? You said that Ji Yang's soul went to the underworld. Could it be that he is already dead?"

Knowing that Ji Yang's soul was in the underworld, Chang'e's face changed and she exclaimed.

But not all immortals can jump out of the Three Realms and are not in the Five Elements.

After some immortals die, their souls will also go to the underworld.

Now that Ji Yang's soul has gone to the underworld, doesn't that mean he is dead?
"Chang'e, although Ji Yang's soul is in the underworld, it doesn't mean he is dead."

"Don't forget, Ji Yang shoulders the important task of opening the Three Realms, how could he die like this, as long as his soul is not scattered, then he will not die."

Chang'e's exclamation just now was a bit loud, which attracted the attention of all the gods around.

The Jade Emperor looked at Chang'e who was exclaiming, and said softly with a smile on his face.

As soon as the Jade Emperor said this, Chang'e just thought of a problem.

Yes, Ji Yang shouldered the important task of opening the Three Realms, how could he just die like this.

Although the Three Realms cannot communicate with each other now, the Jade Emperor is still the boss of the Three Realms. The King of Hades said that he wants people to die at the third watch, and he will never keep them until the fifth watch. This is useless.

As long as the Jade Emperor's decree continues, even if Ji Yang's life span is really over, he will have to be sent back to the mortal world.

(PS: Ji Yang has a special identity, and the law of the Three Realms restricts the Three Realms from being unable to interact, but ghosts with special missions can reach the mortal world, such as black and white impermanence. Although Ji Yang can't go to heaven and hell at will, he can borrow Some methods return to the mortal world, which will be explained later)
After thinking about this point, Chang'e breathed a sigh of relief.

Then he quickly took out his phone and sent a WeChat message to Ji Yang's phone.

Of course, Chang'e was not sending a WeChat message to Ji Yang, but a WeChat message to Mu Hong who was waiting.

"You don't have to worry, Ji Yang won't be in danger of his life. You just need to guard Ji Yang's body, and he will wake up naturally."

Chang'e doesn't know when Ji Yang's soul will return to the mortal world.

So she couldn't tell Mu Hong and others the exact time.

But this WeChat message she sent was enough to reassure Mu Hong and others.

The fact is also the same. Seeing Chang'e's WeChat, although the words are not clear, Mu Hong and others in the mortal world are completely relieved.

They believed that Chang'e would not fool them with this matter.

After the WeChat was sent, Chang'e did not leave.

Although Ji Yang's matter has been clarified for the time being, she still needs to see what exactly Ji Yang is going to do in the underworld. She will not leave until Ji Yang returns.

"Where am I? Little Dragon Girl? Chi You?"

At this time, Ji Yang, who was in the underworld, also looked around in a daze.

After Yin Hui's body exploded, he was stunned by the force of the explosion because of the excessive consumption of immortal energy in his body.

After waking up, he came here.

Here, Ji Yang felt a strong Yin Qi, which made him feel a little uncomfortable.

Ji Yang called Xiao Longnu and Chi You softly, but he didn't get any reply.

Feeling more and more strange, he wanted to take out the demon refining pot, but when his hand touched his body, Ji Yang's face changed drastically.

"What's going on here? Why am I a soul body?"

"Where's my Xuanyuan sword? Where are my demon pot and Kunlun mirror? Where am I?"

When Ji Yang touched his body, he realized that he was a soul body.

And all his artifacts have disappeared.

It can be said that he now has nothing but this soul.

"Little Bai, why are you here?"

Just when Ji Yang was in a daze, a familiar voice sounded behind him.

Ji Yang turned his head and looked back, he saw that Black and White Wuchang was walking towards him with several ghosts trapped in chains.

Black and white Wuchang looked at Ji Yang with puzzled eyes.

"I don't know either. I was fighting someone in the back mountain of Dongfang's house just now. The opponent died because of an uncontrollable explosion of true energy. The explosion stunned me. When I woke up, I found myself here."

"Where is this place?"

Black and white impermanence asked Ji Yang, but Ji Yang himself was still in a daze.

But looking at the appearance of black and white impermanence, it is obvious that he knows where this place is.

"Don't you see that door, isn't it written on the door plaque?"

Hearing Ji Yang's narration, although the black and white impermanence's eyes were relieved of doubt, they were slightly dignified.

Following the direction Hei Wuchang said, Ji Yang looked in that direction.

When he saw an ancient city wall with a huge gloomy door, his expression changed slightly.

When he saw the plaque above the gate, he was completely restless.

"Ghost Gate? Why did I come to Ghost Gate? Am I dead?"

The words on the plaque were bloody, and although the font was a bit weird, Ji Yang still recognized these words.

This is the gate to the underworld, the gate of hell.

"The two of us don't know about this. According to your status, you shouldn't come here."

"Besides, all ghosts must be brought here by ghost messengers. But you came here by yourself. We don't understand this. It seems that you have to ask the King of Hades."

Ji Yang's doubts, Black and White Impermanence have been on duty for so many years, and they don't know the situation, maybe only Hades knows.

(End of this chapter)

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