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Chapter 1538 Nuwa People

Chapter 1538 Nuwa people (second update)
When Xiao Longnu shot just now, Yun Tian's heart was not seriously hurt, and the wound was not deep.

Yun Tianxin had already stopped the bleeding from the wound with her true qi, but now the wound ruptured on its own, no matter how she tried to control it, she couldn't control the blood flowing out.

The point is, not only can't stop the bleeding, but also the pain in the body.

She felt a strange force entering her body along the wound. This force entered her body, impacting her blood vessels and meridians, and also impacting her soul.

If you want to talk about how Yun Tianxin feels now, it's the same as what she said just now, she feels like she's going to explode.

"What's going on, why did the Nuwa stone suddenly burst out with such a strong force."

"Isn't this half a Nuwa stone? Why do I feel that its power is almost stronger than Xuanyuan Sword?"

Ji Yang releases immortal energy to suppress Nuwa Stone, but he finds that he can't control Nuwa Stone more and more.

Even if he is not in good condition now, he will not be so bad, and besides, he still holds the Xuanyuan Sword in his hand.

"Look, Senior Sister Tianxin's blood is shining."

"Yes, and it's five-color light. Could it be that Senior Sister Tianxin has practiced some advanced spells that even changed the color of the blood."

"Cultivate your size, I think Junior Sister Tianxin is poisoned, Junior Sister, Senior Brother will help you suck out the poisonous blood with your mouth..."

Ji Yang's forehead was sweating, and when he was suppressing Nuwa Stone with all his strength, there were bursts of exclamations in his ears.

There were some words in the exclamation, Ji Yang felt goosebumps all over his body when he heard it, why did he still have the urge to vomit.

This is not just a matter of the content of other people's words, the key point is the tone, which sounds too (cheap).

PS: Yun Tianxin is the goddess of many male disciples in Tianxinmen

Hearing that Yun Tianxin's wound was bursting and bleeding, Ji Yang didn't pay much attention.

He only thought it was because the Nuwa Stone radiated too much power, which affected Yun Tianxin's wound healing, causing the wound to crack and bleed.

But now someone said that Yun Tianxin's blood emitted five colors of light, Ji Yang's eyes froze, and he looked at Yun Tianxin's location.

Ji Yang saw that Yun Tianxin was covering her wound with her hands, but the blood was still flowing from her fingers. The color of the blood was not ordinary red, but a mixture of several colors.

The blood flowed out, but it didn't drop to the ground drop by drop, but disappeared strangely after it flowed out between the fingers, as if it had merged with the air.

It was not the first time that Yun Tianxin was injured and bled. Before, the bleeding was no different from that of ordinary people. It was all red, but it was the first time that colorful blood flowed out.

"What's going on, is your attack poisonous?"

Yun Yun looked at the blood flowing from Yun Tianxin and Yun Tianxin's painful expression, she was a little flustered.

When people panic, they tend to get confused. When the disciples around said poisoning, she even thought of poisoning.

"If I kill her, I'll kill her right away. Do I need to use poison?"

Looking at Yun Yun who was looking at her, Xiao Longnv said coldly.

With Xiao Longnu's cultivation, it was too easy to kill Yun Tianxin.

Hearing Xiao Longnv's answer, Yun Yun was slightly taken aback, with a slightly embarrassed expression on her face.

This is what cares about.

It wasn't because of the poison, why did Yun Tianxin's blood turn into this color, and why all the blood that flowed out disappeared.

Ji Yang's eyes were on Yun Tianxin, but he didn't let up in suppressing Nuwashi's immortal energy.

When he felt an external force spin into the Nuwa stone along with the Nuwa stone, Ji Yang's eyes were startled.

He vaguely seemed to see a drop of blood entering the Nuwa stone along the air.

This discovery made Ji Yang's heart tremble, and he began to stare at the air flow around the Nuwa stone.

"Blood really entered the Nuwa Stone, and the color of the blood is the same as Yun Tianxin's."

"No way, isn't my luck a little bit better? Could it be that she is from the Nuwa tribe?"

Under Ji Yang's careful observation, he was sure that a drop of blood had entered the Nuwa stone.

The blood drop is so small that even Ji Yang wouldn't be able to spot it if he didn't observe carefully.

As the blood drops entered the Nuwa stone, the reaction of the Nuwa stone became more intense, which was completely affected by the stimulation of the blood drop.

Feeling such a change in Nuwa Stone, Ji Yang thought of what Fuxi had said to him before.

"Through the Nuwa stone, even half of it, once you get close to a member of the Nuwa tribe, you will feel it. It may take the initiative to lead you to find it, or the other party may take the initiative to find you."

Thinking of these words, Ji Yang couldn't help but start to guess.

The daughters of Fuxi and Nuwa passed away for a thousand years, and the millennium continued, and the Nuwa people and the non-Nuwa people combined to give birth to offspring.

Passed down from generation to generation, the blood power of the Nuwa clan became thinner.

Because the blood power is thin, it is more difficult for Nuwa Stone to sense it.

Usually because of the seal, induction is even more difficult.

Now that the seal was broken, Yun Tianxin was injured again, her blood flowed out and melted into the air, which was sensed by Nuwa Stone.

Yuntianxin's blood stimulated the power of Nuwa Stone, and Nuwa Stone used this power to stimulate Yuntianxin's blood power of Nuwa clan, so the current scene appeared.

"Yun Tianxin is the granddaughter of the previous sect master, and Yun Yun, the current sect master, is Yun Tianxin's aunt."

"This Yuntianmen is likely to be hereditary. Only people from Yuntianxin's lineage can be the sect masters. Yuntianmen was founded by Nuwa's daughter. People from this lineage are probably the descendants of Nuwa's daughter."

"If this is the case, then Yun Tianxin is a descendant of the Nuwa clan."

Although the people of Yuntianmen didn't know that the stone in the seal was Nuwa stone, many things were not recorded in the ancient books of Yuntianmen.

But in some respects, Yuntianmen was actually well prepared.

Just like the hereditary sect master, isn't it just to prevent certain things from happening.


"Fuck, I can't control it."

Ji Yang really wants to say something now, there really seems to be only one, and that is...

But he didn't have time to say these words, because he really couldn't suppress Nu Washi now.

Stimulated by Yuntian's heart and blood, the power of the Nuwa stone became stronger and stronger, and a powerful force gushed out from the Nuwa stone. Ji Yang felt that the immortal energy he had output was rebounded by this force.

"Uh... ah... poof..."

"Ji Yang..."

The immortal energy rebounded, and the immortal energy in Ji Yang's body became unstable. His body was directly lifted up by this force, and a mouthful of blood spurted out.

Seeing that Ji Yang was hit, Xiao Longnv quickly rushed towards Ji Yang and took Ji Yang into her arms.

"How are you?"

"It's okay, but I'm afraid I won't be able to get the Nuwa stone today."

"We have five artifacts. Could it be that we can't suppress half of the Nuwa stone? Why can't we get it?"

"Yun Tianxin should be a descendant of the Nuwa clan. The people of the Nuwa clan seem to be able to amplify the power of the Nuwa stone because she stimulated the Nuwa stone."

Ji Yang said that he couldn't get the Nuwa stone, but Xiao Longnv was still not convinced.

After learning that Yun Tianxin is from the Nuwa tribe, Xiao Longnv looked at Yun Tianxin in astonishment.

She saw that Nuwa Stone was flying towards Yun Tianxin quickly...

(End of this chapter)

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