The most awesome WeChat Moments

Chapter 1539 Is Yu Not A General

Chapter 1539 Is Yu Not A General (Third Watch)
The Nuwa Stone flew towards Yun Tianxin, the closer the Nu Wa Stone was to Yun Tianxin, the faster Yun Tianxin felt the blood in his body flow out.

Yun Tianxin felt as if a water pipe had been inserted into his body, and the blood in his body was crazily sucked away.

The blood was drained, and a strange force appeared in the body.

When the Nuwa stone reached the top of Yun Tianxin's head, everyone could see that the blood from Yun Tianxin was being absorbed by the Nuwa stone.

Earlier, when Ji Yang discovered it, a small drop of blood entered the Nüwa Stone.

Now the blood has entered the Nvwa stone, and it has become a line.


With the rapid flow of blood, Yun Tianxin's consciousness has begun to blur.

Yun Yun, who was standing by the side, saw Yun Tianxin's body shaking and was about to fall, so she quickly reached out to help Yun Tianxin.

But before her hand touched Yun Tianxin, she saw the Nuwa stone turning rapidly, and a beam of five-color light shot out towards Yun Yun.

Seeing the light coming, Yun Yun had no way to help Yun Tianxin, she could only dodge quickly to prevent being hit by the light.


Yun Yun avoided the light, the light hit the ground, and a small hole one meter square was punched out on the ground.

Seeing this small hole, Yun Yun let out a breath.

Fortunately, I dodged quickly, otherwise, if I was hit, I would definitely feel uncomfortable.


And Yun Tianxin, who was about to fall just now, didn't fall, but it didn't look right either.

The Nuwa stone no longer absorbs blood, but shone with five-color light to envelop Yun Tianxin in it.

The body was wrapped in five-color light, and Yun Tian let out a cry of pain in his heart. His eyes, which were originally black and white, now shone with strange five-color light.

With the strange light flickering in his eyes, Yun Tianxin's aura also changed.

Her breath is like a rocket rising into the sky, constantly growing.

"Everyone back, back!"

Yun Tianxin's breath soared, and the energy around Yun Tianxin's body roared, and these energy were like knives.

Yun Yun was the closest to Yun Tianxin, her whistling energy swept over her body, the clothes on her body were cut several times, and even the skin inside the clothes was cut in several places.

Yun Yun didn't know why Yun Tianxin became like this, but she knew that Yun Tianxin was very dangerous now.

The sudden emergence of a powerful force, the point is that it cannot be controlled, can it not be dangerous?
Yun Yun was worried about Yun Tianxin, but the power emanating from Yun Tianxin now made her feel powerless to fight.

She decisively gave the order to retreat, and the Yuntianmen disciples quickly retreated.

The current positions of Ji Yang and Xiao Longnu are still far away from Yun Tianxin, although they can feel the strong power emanating from Yun Tianxin, but the influence is not great.

"It looks like she's in pain, we have to help her."

"Her self-cultivation is no more than a heavenly level, and the power of the Nuwa stone is forced into her body, and she will definitely not be able to hold it."

Ji Yang looked at Yun Tianxin and said in a solemn voice.

The power of Nuwashi has exploded, and it is very difficult to suppress it.

It's not that Ji Yang never thought about doing another Seal Breaking Formation. Although there is no need to break the seal now, if the Breaking Seal Formation can be used, it should be able to suppress the power of Nuwa Stone.

It's just that after using the Unsealed Formation just now, the energy in the body of myself and Xiaolongnu and others is relatively large.

It is not easy for them to use it again.

And now Chi You went after Chi You's Tomahawk, and when he chased him, he even took away the Kunlun Mirror.

So now it is impossible to use the Breaking Formation.

But even if he couldn't use the Breaking Formation, Ji Yang still felt that he should suppress the power of Nuwa Stone, and he couldn't let him look at Yun Tianxin because the force of Nuwa Stone entering his body was too strong, so he could blow himself up.

"Little Dragon Girl, General, Immortal in the Pot, unleash the power of the artifact and help me suppress the Nuwa Stone."

Even without the Kunlun Mirror, Ji Yang still has four artifacts.

Even if you can't use the Unseal Formation and release the power of the four artifacts, it's impossible to suppress even half of the nuwa stone.

Even if Yun Tianxin stimulated the power of Nuwa Stone, making the power emitted by Nuwa Stone exceed normal, four to half, wouldn't they still have an advantage?

Ji Yang really didn't believe in this evil.

"Uh... I can't control it... ah..."

However, just when Ji Yang was about to fight and let Xiao Longnv and others assist him.

Just when Jiangchen was about to inject corpse energy into Fuxiqin and release the power of Fuxiqin, he suddenly cried out in pain.

"General, what's wrong with you? What's going on?"

"The release of such a strong corpse gas, such a strong fluctuation of corpse poison, what are you going to do, quickly control it."

The general screamed, Ji Yang looked at the general.

The fuxiqin in Jiangchen's hands had fallen to the ground, and he was pressing his head with both hands, with a ferocious expression on his face, looking very painful.

Rich dark red corpse aura floated out from his body, the corpse aura was very strong, and the fluctuation of corpse poison in the corpse aura was very obvious.

If such a strong corpse poison spreads, the surrounding people, except Ji Yang, Xiaolongnv and Yun Yun, will be poisoned to death.

Even if Ji Yang and the others survived, they would still be very dangerous after being contaminated with these corpse poisons.

"Ju's soul... ah..."

Ji Yang asked, Jiang Chen looked at Ji Yang, gritted his teeth and spoke reluctantly.

It's just that before he finished what he wanted to say, he couldn't bear the pain and cried out in pain.

Following the cry of pain, he knelt directly on the ground, and at this time the general was on all fours.

His back was arched, his limbs were bent, his face was twisted, his whole face felt deformed, and the corners of his mouth grinned to a very exaggerated degree.

Although the general is the king of zombies, he has the appearance of a human.

But now the general looks like a wild beast, not a person anymore.

"Not good, the general's consciousness has been suppressed by Yan, now he is Yan!"

It's not enough to transform the subject into a wild beast, but the corpse aura wafting from his body has also condensed into an appearance that looks like a dog, not a dog, or a horse, not a horse.

This appearance is exactly what Ji looks like.

Adding to what the general said before, Ji Yang guessed what was going on.

"This zombie turned out to be the general of the Corpse King!"

Ji Yang has never revealed the identity of the general.

It wasn't until he called out the name of the general that Yun Yun knew the identity of the general.

After learning the identity of the general, Yun Yun was both lucky and shocked. She was glad that she didn't fight Ji Yang to death at the beginning, otherwise one general would be enough to make Yuntianmen's corpses litter the field.

What was shocking was that although she felt the general's terror, she really didn't expect that the other party was the corpse king's general.

"Nuwa, I'm going to tear you apart today."

The general's body was controlled by Yan, who looked at Yun Tianxin's position, spoke human words, and then rushed towards Yun Tianxin.

It's not surprising that Yu can speak human language, but the strange thing is that Yu's name is Yun Tianxin Nuwa.

How is this going?Could it be that the power of the Nuwa stone comes from Nuwa, and because of the breath of the Nuwa stone, is it called Yun Tianxin Nuwa?
Ji Yang didn't understand the reason, but he knew that he had to stop Jie now...

 Some book friends asked Xieben when it will be updated. Xieben is not writing books full-time but also working, so the manuscripts in hand are limited, but three days before the National Day, there will be updates every day
(End of this chapter)

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