The most awesome WeChat Moments

Chapter 1575 Departure YB

Chapter 1575 Departure YB (two more)
Lin Hongda was actually placed under house arrest, which no one expected.

Ji Yang was not familiar with Huatian Sect, nor was he familiar with Li Hongda, but Dongfang Mei told him that Lin Hongda had a high prestige in the Sect, and such things would happen before he arrived first.

And Yun Tianxin was more surprised than Ji Yang, because she knew the situation of Huatian Sect very well.

In her impression, in the entire Huatian Sect, Lin Hongda's words were the same as the ancient edicts, absolutely saying the same thing.

Everyone in Huatian Sect will obey the orders issued by Lin Hongda.

Now Lin Liping actually said that Lin Hongda was under house arrest, which made Yun Tianxin stunned for a while before he realized it.

"Although the elders in the church usually obey their father's orders, they have cultivated their own power in secret. It was only after this incident that my father knew about it."

"Two-thirds of the believers have been directly or indirectly controlled by the elders, and my father suspects that the elders in the church have actually colluded with the Tiandao Sect of H country long ago, and they are just waiting for this. It's just a day."

As Lin Liping said, she clenched her fists tightly, looking quite angry.

Whoever it is, can't be calm at this time.

"The matter is so serious, why did you hesitate to say it just now?"

"Even if you don't say it now, if we really come to YB with you, this matter will still be known. I wonder if you are stupid?"

Although Yun Tianxin was angry, there was heartache in his eyes.

When he opened his mouth to scold, Yun Tianxin hugged Lin Liping in his arms, and lying in Yun Tianxin's arms, Lin Liping began to cry.

In the past few days, she has actually been under a lot of pressure.

"Sister, I'm sorry, I've been lying to you all this time."

"I was able to escape from the Huatian Sect, thanks to the help of two believers who were loyal to my father, but after sending me out of YB, they were also fooled in order to stop my captors."

"This kind of thing happened to Huatianjiao, and my father aged a lot overnight. He told me again and again that this matter is a family matter. After I leave Huatianjiao, I can protect myself. I don't need to find someone to save him. Don't tell others about it. Huatianjiao, that's why I haven't said anything about it."

Lin Liping returned to Yuntianmen, and after seeing Yunyun and Yuntianxin, she actually thought about telling them about Huatianjiao.

But thinking of what Lin Hongda said, she finally held back.

After all, Huatianjiao and Tiandaojiao belong to the same sect, aren't they the same family, so even just now, she was still struggling.

After returning to Yuntianmen, Lin Liping was worried about Lin Hongda, so she didn't spend the whole night in Yuntianmen, so she left Yuntianmen.

She wanted to sneak back to YB, sneak into Huatian Jiao, and check on Lin Hongda's situation.

But now the entire headquarters of Huatianjiao is completely controlled by the elders of Huatianjiao. The headquarters is full of elders of Huatianjiao, and Lin Liping can't get in at all.

Later, when she learned that there was an abnormality in the Changbai Mountain Tianchi, she was worried that something would happen to Yuntianmen, so she ran back.

Unexpectedly, her whereabouts were discovered, and she was chased all the way here.

But at the beginning, she only thought that these people belonged to the elders of Huatianjiao, but she didn't expect that they were from H country Cui Youyang.

After explaining the whole story and the whole process in detail, Lin Liping felt a little relaxed.

These things have been in my heart for several days, and I am really uncomfortable.

But after hearing her words, Ji Yang frowned more and more, he found that the situation of this matter was a bit too complicated.

According to Lin Liping, Cui Youtian should be the one who colluded with the elders of Yuntianmen.

The person who arrested Lin Liping, even if he was from Country H, should be from Cui Youtian, but how could he be from Cui Youyang?

Could it be that the person just now lied?
But judging from the young man's appearance just now, he should not be lying, what he said is true.

In this way, there are now two possibilities.

One is that it was not Cui Youtian, but Cui Youyang, that the elders of Huatian Sect colluded with.

There is another possibility, that is, Cui Youtian is indeed the one who colluded with the elders of Huatianjiao, but Cui Youyang's people have also quietly infiltrated YB.

And by coincidence, Lin Liping's whereabouts were discovered.

Both guesses are very likely.

"If I knew it earlier, I would have given them more breath!"

Guessing is guessing after all, and it is best to get an accurate answer.

But the dozen or so people who arrested Lin Liping just now were all dead at this moment, and none of them were alive, so who should Ji Yang ask?

"Ji Yang, something like this happened to Huatianjiao, and Li Ping's father was placed under house arrest. I want to tell Master about this, and then go back to Huatianjiao with her."

"What you want, can we find it later?"

The matter of Nuwashi and Lin Liping is not a trivial matter.

But now it seems that Lin Liping's matter is more urgent, so she looks at Ji Yang with some embarrassment, and apologizes for asking Ji Yang.

"There's no need to inform your master, Yuntianmen still has a lot of mess to deal with, so don't tell her."

"Just leave this matter to me to solve. No matter which faction Huatianjiao belonged to before, but now, Huatianjiao belongs to Huaxia, and YB also belongs to Huaxia."

"The Tiandao Sect wants to get involved with the Huatian Sect and the YB, how can I not care about it, it must be punished if it is not my race!"

Ji Yang looked at Yun Tianxin seriously, with a bit of murderous intent in his voice.

When Ji Yang met Cui Youtian and Li Zhi, Ji Yang didn't catch a cold.

At that time, he thought about whether these guys would make troubles, and now they really started to make troubles.

Since they dare to do things in China, Ji Yang doesn't care about messing with them.

Lin Liping was still not clear about Ji Yang's strength. She was still very skeptical when she heard that Ji Yang planned to solve the Huatian Sect's affairs without notifying Yun Yun and the others.

But Yun Tianxin at the side gave Lin Liping a reassuring look.

Ji Yang's strength is so strong, Yun Tian's heart is too clear.

If Ji Yang and the generals make a move, it will be more terrifying than using the current power of Yuntianmen.

Regarding Ji Yang's decision, neither the general nor Dongfang Mei has any meaning.

After deciding to solve the problem of Huatian Sect first, and then go to Miaojiang to find the Nuwa stone, Ji Yang and others quickly walked down to Changbai Mountain.

People like Ji Yang are not ordinary people.

Even Huang Xiaoxin, Li Zixuan and Mu Hong are people who have eaten flat peaches.

Although they haven't practiced too many immortal arts and Taoism, their physical fitness is not comparable to that of ordinary people. Even those Olympic champions in long-distance running events will definitely not be able to compete with them in terms of physical fitness.

So Ji Yang and others went down the mountain very fast, which is comparable to going up and down the mountain in a straight line by cable car.

"Miss, Young Master Ji, it's great to see you go down the mountain safely."

Ji Yang and others quickly descended the mountain and saw several cars parked at the foot of the mountain.

While they were going down the mountain, they had already contacted the Dongfang family to send a car here.

Seeing Ji Yang and others coming down the mountain, the person who drove the car greeted them excitedly.

After Ji Yang and the others briefly said a few words to him, they got into two cars and drove to YB...

(End of this chapter)

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