The most awesome WeChat Moments

Chapter 1576 I will take you to see your father tonight

Chapter 1576 I will take you to see your father tonight (three more)

From BS to YB, the journey is not too far, but it is not close either.

Ji Yang and the others drove a total of two cars. The speed was not so fast, but it was not slow. It took them about four hours to reach YB.

Although YB is not among the five major autonomous regions in China, it is a city-level autonomous region.

YB has also been developed into a tourist city because of folk customs.

After entering YB, Ji Yang felt the customs of ethnic minorities here. He saw a lot of people wearing folk costumes walking around on the road. This kind of costume is the same as the national costume of CX in country H.

This kind of clothing is rarely seen in other places in China.

Entering YB also entered the sphere of influence of Huatian Sect.

Although the people walking around seemed to be ordinary people, among these people, Ji Yang clearly felt that some people's eyes were not right.

When they saw their car passing by, their eyes were visibly vigilant.

This kind of look should not appear on the face of ordinary people.

"It's getting dark now, call Yun Tianxin and tell her that we should find a place to stay first."

I come to YB for business, not for tourism.

But it's time to rest, and it's still necessary for Ji Yang to do something blatantly.

Ji Yang asked Mu Hong, who was in the co-pilot position, to call Yun Tianxin, and Mu Hong picked up Ji Yang's cell phone and called.

After telling the other party to find a place to live, Yun Tianxin asked Ji Yang to drive with her and let her choose the place.

After all, Ji Yang came to YB for the first time, and he is not familiar with it.

It couldn't be more suitable for Yun Tianxin to arrange a place to live.

Driving all the way with Yuntianxin, the places we pass are becoming more and more prosperous, and this place is no different from other urban areas.

Yun Tianxin finally parked his car at the entrance of an ordinary-looking hotel, and Ji Yang's car also stopped.

"Let's just rest here, this hotel is not the best in YB, but it suits us best."

When saying the words that are most suitable for us, Yun Tianxin deliberately bit the words very hard.

Ji Yang could tell that Yun Tianxin meant something.

What she meant was to live here so that it would be convenient for them to do things.

"Why is it just you and the general? Lin...why didn't your junior sister get out of the car?"

Ji Yang and Mu Hong's four daughters share a car (Little Dragon Girl and Xiao Guai are in the pot world), Yun Tianxin shares a car with Jiang Chen and Lin Liping.

But at this time, only Yun Tianxin and the general got out of the car, but Lin Liping was nowhere to be seen.

Ji Yang felt that Lin Liping was still in the car, so he asked Yun Tianxin, but when he called out Lin Liping's name, he stopped and changed another name.

This is the territory of Huatian Sect. As the daughter of the leader of Huatian Sect and the saint of Huatian Sect, I believe many people know her name.

Once her name is said, it may attract some people's attention.

For example, some people who seem to walk by at random around them obviously have the feeling of listening to them when they walk by them.

"What do you say?"

Yun Tianxin smiled and blinked at Ji Yang.

Ji Yang suddenly realized that he was so careful when he said Lin Liping's name, if Lin Liping appeared, people who had not yet been taught by Huatian would know that she had returned to YB.

"I forgot something in your car, I'll go up and get it."

Knowing the reason why Lin Liping didn't get out of the car, Ji Yang smiled mysteriously and got into Yun Tianxin's car directly.

After a few seconds, Ji Yang came down and walked towards the hotel.

Ji Yang got on the train, but he didn't see anything he brought down, and there was no Ji Yang's stuff in his own car?

Yun Tianxin was a little strange, not knowing what the hell Ji Yang was doing.

But when Yun Tianxin looked at her car again, she found that there was no one in the car.

"What about people?"

"It's on Ji Yang."

Lin Liping was no longer in the car, Yun Tianxin was shocked.

Dongfang Mei at the side smiled at her, and walked into the hotel with the others.

This hotel looks ordinary from the outside, but the inside is not bad, and there are many types of rooms, and there are rooms that can accommodate several members of the family at the same time.

This can be regarded as a characteristic of tourist cities. After all, many of the people who come to travel are family-based. Such rooms are convenient for family tourists to live in.

Finally, Ji Yang and others opened a three-bedroom supporting family room that can accommodate ten people.

"Dongfang Mei said that my junior sister is on your body? Where is she?"

After entering the room, Yun Tianxin, who was puzzled for a long time, asked Ji Yang.

It's unlikely that a large living person was brought on Ji Yang's body, right?

"Little Dragon Girl, bring Lin Liping and Xiaoguai out."

"Don't forget, I have a demon refining pot on me, and my demon refining pot can hold people."

Before Ji Yang got into Yun Tianxin's car, he took Lin Liping into the world in the pot.

As long as Lin Liping is in the world in the pot, she can be brought in without anyone noticing.

Seeing the little dragon girl, Lin Liping and Xiao Guai who appeared out of thin air, Yun Tianxin smiled awkwardly.

She really forgot about Ji Yang's demon refining pot just now.

"We have arrived in YB now, you said just now that this place is the most suitable, why did you say that?"

After the person was released, Ji Yang looked at Yun Tianxin who was stroking Xiaoguai and asked softly.

When Yun Tianxin heard Ji Yang's question, he smiled mysteriously and did not speak, but patted Xiao Guai on the head and walked towards the window.

Lin Liping also followed Yun Tianxin to the window.

After walking to the window, Yun Tianxin and Lin Liping both looked out the window.

Looking at the two of them, Ji Yang felt that Lin Liping's expression was a bit heavy, Ji Yang frowned and walked towards the window.

"Did you see the tallest building? That's the headquarters of Huatianjiao."

When Ji Yang came, Lin Liping pointed to the tallest building nearby, about [-] to [-] stories high, and said in a concentrated voice.

The building Lin Liping mentioned was only two streets away from the hotel where Ji Yang and others lived.

"I see, this is indeed a very suitable place for us to live."

After knowing the location of the headquarters of Huatianjiao, Ji Yang also understood the reason why he chose to live here.

It is easy to be found if it is too close to the headquarters of Huatianjiao, and it is inconvenient to handle affairs if it is too far away.

Now this distance is a very suitable distance.

There are three rooms, one for Ji Yang and Mu Hong's four daughters, one for the general alone, and the remaining one belongs to Yun Tianxin and Lin Liping.

After the room was allocated, the sky had completely darkened.

Tonight's night, there are a little stars in the night sky, and the moon is also very big.

This kind of night is not suitable for the phrase "the dark moon and the high wind kill the night".

"Is your father there?"

"Well, my father was under house arrest at the headquarters of Huatianjiao. No one can replace my father's position in the church. They dare not kill him, so they can only put him under house arrest in the headquarters."

"In that case, I'll take you to see your father tonight."

Ji Yang stood at the window, looking at the headquarters of Huatianjiao, and casually said to Lin Liping beside him...

(End of this chapter)

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